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Huttball Traps


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Can we PLEASE do something about the traps in Huttball. Tired of seeing people just stand in them (either because they were pulled/pushed/etc or they just moved themselves). Just got out of a Huttball where a Juggy on three separate occasions and a Mercenary (Arsenal) where pulled into the acid by me and just stood there taking NO damage. Hell the Juggy was actually gaining life at one point. I know there was an Operative healer there, but come on! The traps are supposed to be a TRAP. Hence they KILL you. Do something. I'm not asking for instant death; but if you get stunned in a trap for 4 seconds you should damn well DIE (regardless of healers). People run or tumble through the acid and fire with no ill effects. Stand in either to gain healing points or because it doesn't really matter. If you want more Huttball, fine; but let's make the map actually mean something.
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Its fine the way it is. what people lack is the experience, skill, and situation awareness to do the following....

- Find healers

-Burn down healers and force them to heal them-self rather than ball carrier

-Burn down ball carrier even through guard since from guard damage tank should drop anyway

-Save CC's for when ball carrier is over fire pit. Just use slows

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The acid pit is more designed to slow the enemy, than kill them.


The fire pit is for killing.


Learn your environment.



There is a certain enjoyment of pulling someone from the pit into the fire when they dont see it coming.

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There is a certain enjoyment of pulling someone from the pit into the fire when they dont see it coming.


So much this.


I've had matches with only about 30k scoreboard damage but 10+ firepull kills, between enemy ballcarriers and fire-peeling for our ballcarrier, because I spent literally the entire match positioning for firepulls/stunning. When those pulls are close enough to their endzone I get some free scores out of it too.


Those are by far the most satisfying matches, far better than derping after numbers :D

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Fine then. I'll go with the difference is traps. Then make the acid ACTUALLY slow all the enemies. Personally I would like to see both add an uncleanseable DOT. Longer you stay = higher the DOT = more damage and/or slower you get. Right now there are only a few classes that the traps actually matter to. Scoundrel/Operative/Sniper/Slinger = Roll through any with minimal, if any effect. Sage/Sorcerer = Barrier. Sage/Sorcerer/Assassin/Shadow = Force Speed. Trooper/Bounty Hunter = Hydraulic Overide/Hold the Line (but these only allow you to move a bit faster through).


Acid should remove any "movement enhancement" automatically. You want to roll; fine but you're stopping that roll at the edge. Force Speed; fine but you're going back to regular speed at the edge. Etc. I'm not the best at PVP, but I'm pretty damn good. I try to know my surroundings, but I still learn new stuff sometimes. I just don't think a healer should be able to heal you through a trap AND damage from a player. I don't think a healer should be able to stand in the trap and heal through it. I don't think you should be able to negate what the trap is supposed to do with "movement enhancing abilities". (Oh and for the guy who said I should time my stuns; I stunned the Juggy IN the acid -should have been fire I learned- so it isn't like I throw stuns out everywhere)

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Fine then. I'll go with the difference is traps. Then make the acid ACTUALLY slow all the enemies. Personally I would like to see both add an uncleanseable DOT. Longer you stay = higher the DOT = more damage and/or slower you get. Right now there are only a few classes that the traps actually matter to. Scoundrel/Operative/Sniper/Slinger = Roll through any with minimal, if any effect. Sage/Sorcerer = Barrier. Sage/Sorcerer/Assassin/Shadow = Force Speed. Trooper/Bounty Hunter = Hydraulic Overide/Hold the Line (but these only allow you to move a bit faster through).


Acid should remove any "movement enhancement" automatically. You want to roll; fine but you're stopping that roll at the edge. Force Speed; fine but you're going back to regular speed at the edge. Etc. I'm not the best at PVP, but I'm pretty damn good. I try to know my surroundings, but I still learn new stuff sometimes. I just don't think a healer should be able to heal you through a trap AND damage from a player. I don't think a healer should be able to stand in the trap and heal through it. I don't think you should be able to negate what the trap is supposed to do with "movement enhancing abilities". (Oh and for the guy who said I should time my stuns; I stunned the Juggy IN the acid -should have been fire I learned- so it isn't like I throw stuns out everywhere)


Wow you're uptight and angry.


The traps are fine, actually perfect, as they are.

There's a slow-dot one where people get cced in, and a near-instakill trap except for some skills players can use on some classes to survive but thta hneeds quick reaction.


Huttball is the only perfect thing in this game the way it is, and what you think is not what everybody thinks. It's probably what nearly nobody thinks.

Edited by Aerilas
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What is really sad and disappointing about the traps in Huttball is when..



First, you see an enemy sage/Sorc just standing in the acid healing himself to pad his heal stats. Doing nothing else.


Second, he is pretty much making the fight a 7v8 for his team. I let him be. Sucks for that guys team.


THIRD, a minute later i run by and he is still there but 2 of my team mates go out of their way to run over and stand in the acid next to him trying to kill him. Literally making the 8v7 we had going for us a 6v7 for their team. A very sad day for intelligence as a whole.



The enemy team scored twice in this time and we ended up loosing the WZ.

Edited by KillaDeuce
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It's called a Acid Pit and a Fire Trap. Acid is a hazard, as quoted by Baron Deathmark "Watch those hazards Frog Dogs!" and "Oh! Oldest Hazard in the book Rotworms!"


Your point about making abilities negligible in the Acid, is pure hilarity. That no class should be able to leave the Acid ASAP? That's just ignorance.

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The acid? OP is laughable. The acid is just some extra DPS.


The fire needs to be absolute instagib save for UR, end of story. I've seen juggs with immortal up take 3k ticks and just sit there with their operative healer.


The difficulty of CCing in the firepit needs to be taken into account when modifying its damage, regardless of what is "realistic"

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