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Will game world get better anytime soon?


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I read this line, and it was obvious you are trolling. 0/10, at least make it so your audience gets passed your first sentence.


The game basically remained the same in the most important aspects as it were 2 years ago:


- game world has not become living, more immersive, versatile. there were planets with quests and silent bystander-npcs as it is now.

- pvp is the same as it was there. ilum removed. instanced warzones is what we had and have now

- class story has not changed AT ALL, neither expanded nor become more detailed.


All they've done is added bunch of new daily areas and ops to extend the life of not-living core of the game. Nothing major but Dread masters happened to the world since then. Cartel market update and new daily area - that's pretty much summs up all the 'big' updates we had

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  • music: as others have suggested, turn down other sound effects and turn up the music. You'll hear it.
  • weather/day-night cycles: as someone else stated, if it adds to lag and latency I don't want it. Furthermore if all "bad weather" and nighttime do is make things harder to see and therefore interact with, I don't want that either. Or if it changes the areas (i.e. a Tattooine dust storm causes NPCs to seek shelter) making questing more difficult, I don't want it.
  • fleet: no one is forcing you to stand around on the fleet. If you are queued for something that you know will take a while (i.e. queuing for an FP as DPS), then leave the fleet and go do something. That is what daily areas are for :p.
  • Cross-server queues: I'm assuming you play as DPS characters and are therefore hoping for shorter queue times. Cross-server queues will only exacerbate the issue. What will solve this issue is incentives to play (and queue) as tank and/or healer. Blizzard did exactly that in WoW to great success: DPS queue times were cut in half because more players queued as tanks and healers for the "goody bag" (just the chance to get something rare was incentive enough).
  • Skill animations: as others have said, some animations have been changed. But based on your post probably not the ones you "care about." All I can say is, someday maybe...
  • New QoL features: they are being developed and deployed on a regular basis. Again just not the ones you specified. Chances are saved specs will happen someday. Just do not be surprised when they cost CCs :p.


- music is still rare to start

- latency has nothing to do with it, client renders what he wants. lag same no, it's different light to render, the same operation is has to do rendering a day. As I remember tatooine has 2 suns and never has 'a night', but other planets could and should. if it's inconvinient for you to exist in the world with sunset I'm sorry, but sun doesn't care :D

- fleet forces you to be there for any major OP, after a while geared character has no motive to que up more than 3 times a week. other times he wants to do OPs. Global chat would be solution, but I've seen it suugested and seen no reaction. Prolly bioware beleives that silent chat somewhere on Quesh for players is far more better than global.

- Any increase in queued ppl will reduce que time. No bags needed.

- They could've added skins to skill animation. I hate sages coz they throw garbage, I can't play it coz of that. If I could choose how my Telekinetic throw would look, I'd be so happy.

Edited by pchayka
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2 years passed and mostly nothing changes in game world. Developers kill off old daily content to replace it with the new one. Will the game world become any different and better anytime soon?


The game basically remained the same in the most important aspects as it were 2 years ago:


- game world has not become living, more immersive, versatile. there were planets with quests and silent bystander-npcs as it is now.

- pvp is the same as it was there. ilum removed. instanced warzones is what we had and have now

- class story has not changed AT ALL, neither expanded nor become more detailed.


All they've done is added bunch of new daily areas and ops to extend the life of not-living core of the game. Nothing major but Dread masters happened to the world since then. Cartel market update and new daily area - that's pretty much summs up all the 'big' updates we had.


Even immersion which is easy to add has not been seen:


- music allover the game is mostly non-existent. I enter cantina I hear nothing. I actually have to play youtube star wars music for background. my settings for music is fine. see: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=524723

- weather doesn't change anywhere, it's just sickening, world doesn't feel alive in any way.

- Fleets get so boring watching them. As scoundrel u get to discover outlaw trade hub etc, where underworld stuff goes on market etc. We see "Underworld..." items sold on OFFICIAL IMPERIAL MARKET. *** with that?

- Cross-server PvE ques. Only chinese **** games still don't have it. Why wouldn't you do it already.

- No changes in skill animations where they are requested. Just for sake of update you should've done em.

- New interface features like saving talent builds and switching them.

etc etc


What I mean here is that u only add new stuff without working and improving old stuff. For me levelling a new toon is so boring, coz I\;; have to grind through empty planets until I get 55.


Maybe check out my post?


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In order to do what you want, they need to change the games engine. The current engine hamstrings the games potential so much it's sad.


Another MMO I will not mention realized their game was broken and decided to fix it for a bit, But only the crazy Japanese would try to fix their product after they got paid :rolleyes:

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