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If spawn points weren't protected by turrets...


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Umm, what gives you the idea I don't know how to deal with gunships? My scout is fully upgraded with all the offensive oriented components and with Blaster Overcharge I can take down a gunship in just a couple of seconds.


When I get killed by a gunship, almost all of the time it is when I am already in a dogfight with someone else and they pick me off while I have someone else targeted. When I respawn, I just go after the gunship and kill him to make us even. If I mess up and don't kill him before he escapes to his capital ship turrets, I usually just hide behind an asteroid so he doesn't have line of sight and wait for him to return.


having a ship fully upgraded means nothing except that you play more than is required for the daily/weekly, when the next batch of players get in are you gonna troll these forums some more with you more superior than thou attitude? you already admitted to having little to no skill in a gunship, you run to your capital ship cause you cant kill your attacker. and i highly doubt your anything but useless in a striker/scout.


i see plenty of GOOD gunship pilots not needing to run to the capital ship. and then you admit to avoiding objectives just to kill someone who killed you to make you "even", kills are worth almost nothing where the objectives win the game. and sit behind an asteroid not doing anything but trying to get revenge when you could be taking out turrets and/or capping. this brings me back to my previous statement about you being without skill.


and if your scout was fully upgraded like you say than you should be able to get back to the node and cap before the gunship realizes your not chasing anymore. takes my novadive and flashfire all of 15 seconds to kill all 3 turrets, swoop around under the sat and park out of LoS forcing the other team to come to me or in the case of gunships make a very wide circle around the node further opening them up to attack with little chance of escape.


P.S. you can park under a sat on the other side so they dont have LoS and they will need to move farther from their base to get LoS on you.

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having a ship fully upgraded means nothing except that you play more than is required for the daily/weekly, when the next batch of players get in are you gonna troll these forums some more with you more superior than thou attitude? you already admitted to having little to no skill in a gunship, you run to your capital ship cause you cant kill your attacker. and i highly doubt your anything but useless in a striker/scout.


i see plenty of GOOD gunship pilots not needing to run to the capital ship. and then you admit to avoiding objectives just to kill someone who killed you to make you "even", kills are worth almost nothing where the objectives win the game. and sit behind an asteroid not doing anything but trying to get revenge when you could be taking out turrets and/or capping. this brings me back to my previous statement about you being without skill.


and if your scout was fully upgraded like you say than you should be able to get back to the node and cap before the gunship realizes your not chasing anymore. takes my novadive and flashfire all of 15 seconds to kill all 3 turrets, swoop around under the sat and park out of LoS forcing the other team to come to me or in the case of gunships make a very wide circle around the node further opening them up to attack with little chance of escape.


P.S. you can park under a sat on the other side so they dont have LoS and they will need to move farther from their base to get LoS on you.


Do you have reading comprehension problems? I don't even play a gunship so how can I even resort to the runaway to the protection of the turret escape?


After playing 350+ GSF games, I think I have a pretty good idea of how to play my scouts and strike fighters. Like I pointed out already, the only times gunships kill me is when I am involved in a dogfight with someone else. Apparently for you I needed to also point out that those dogfights were centered around taking or defending objectives. FYI when I die to a gunship in this situation, that is a pretty strong indication the gunship is also involved with attacking or defending that objective. In other words, when I decide to go take out that gunship, it also helps our team control the objective.


If your self esteem requires you to believe I have no skill and am useless to my team, then that is fine by me. I will freely admit that if you can do all you said you can do in 15 seconds, you are far away the best GSF player in the world and we all bow down to your superior skill.

Edited by Galtin
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Do you have reading comprehension problems? I don't even play a gunship so how can I even resort to the runaway to the protection of the turret escape?


After playing 350+ GSF games, I think I have a pretty good idea of how to play my scouts and strike fighters. Like I pointed out already, the only times gunships kill me is when I am involved in a dogfight with someone else. Apparently for you I needed to also point out that those dogfights were centered around taking or defending objectives. FYI when I die to a gunship in this situation, that is a pretty strong indication the gunship is also involved with attacking or defending that objective. In other words, when I decide to go take out that gunship, it also helps our team control the objective.


If your self esteem requires you to believe I have no skill and am useless to my team, then that is fine by me. I will freely admit that if you can do all you said you can do in 15 seconds, you are far away the best GSF player in the world and we all bow down to your superior skill.


maybe i came on harsh and rude for that i apologize, but once at a turret if you cant kill all 3 in 15ish seconds with rocket pods/missles and blasters then your doing something wrong, gunship will be within 15kish of the sat and any scout can do that run with less than half engine power and be able to get back after the gunships burns their engine power and barrel roll running away. fly a small tight circle around the sat killing the turrets and you just took the objective, now it doest always workout that way but id say about 20% of the time i take it before an enemy shows up to defend.


i didnt mean to come off as gods gift to GSF and for that too i apologize, im not the greatest i avg about 20k dps and the best ive done i think was 31k and the best on objectives ive done i think was around 300. ive seen loads of ppl do alot better than that.


sure if you do take the sat and are LoSing the gunship they can take out turrets as they spawn, big deal your team still has the sat, call for a striker to defend and go kill yourself a gunship.


thats just one of my tactic though and im sure you and others have your own which also work just as well maybe better.


edit: and i just realized that you were not the person my last comment was ment for and for that i greatly apologize haha, i guess i should wake up before responding thought you were someone else sorry again

Edited by GooseGrims
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Gunships used to piss me off and then I started using proton torpedoes. I spend most games hunting them now even if you don't get the kill you still disrupt them and take them "out of the game".


Yup, I chase them to their spawn and lob a torpedo at them from outside the range of the turrets. Barrel roll back to the sat, and wait for him to come back, now short on a bunch of hull if the torpedo didn't finish him off outright.

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