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PLEASE...don't ask game-play questions on the ops chat instead of fighting!


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I have no ill-will at all toward new players, I was new and got killed all the time and hit stuff and died and died and died. I know how it feels at first.


But PLEASE...the ops chat is NOT the place to ask for advice.


That's what THIS is for, this forum right here.


A player this morning was typing questions about game mechanics instead of fighting, while our team was getting creamed. I won't name names, I'm not trying to dump on the guy, I just want to state that wow, buddy, now ain't the time.


In the spirit of fairness, I will now answer the questions...


"How come (insert opposing player's name here) can hit me when they aren't directly in line?"


Probably because they have improved their firing arc, which is exactly what is sounds like...they are now "on target" in a broader arc off the center line of their ship.


"They're greyed out to me but they're still hitting me?"

For the same reason...a really good player could get behind an object, and if their firing arc is better than yours, then yes, they could hit you while you could NOT hit them, if you were in the right spot relative to them and the object. That's a kind of crazy maneuver, in my opinion, but it obviously worked, so I ain't gonna judge.


To reiterate...I encourage everyone to ask any game-play questions they have...just not in the ops window while a match is in progress, please. The player asking the questions is kind of letting the team down, and anyone who took the time to answer would ALSO be distracted from the match. I know that if you don't ask questions you don't improve, I just ask that you ask them at the correct time and place. To whit, right here. Thanks. And Happy Holidays, everyone!

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Um, you do realize that only a tiny fraction of the playerbase uses the forums at all right? There's probably also a strong correlation to the people asking in chat with the people who don't look for: documentation, tutorials, guides, or other sources of information before jumping in to play. So they're maybe less likely than average to see this thread.


At least it's better than the ones too busy flying into obstacles to bother asking questions.


If you want to reach your intended audience, I'd suggest typing your message into general chat after particularly bad losses either on Fleet or on beginner worlds. Or best of all type it in during the match, and offer to give advice via whisper, AFTER the match. Be prepared to be spammed with whispers during the match though. ;)

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Um, you do realize that only a tiny fraction of the playerbase uses the forums at all right? There's probably also a strong correlation to the people asking in chat with the people who don't look for: documentation, tutorials, guides, or other sources of information before jumping in to play. So they're maybe less likely than average to see this thread.


At least it's better than the ones too busy flying into obstacles to bother asking questions.


If you want to reach your intended audience, I'd suggest typing your message into general chat after particularly bad losses either on Fleet or on beginner worlds. Or best of all type it in during the match, and offer to give advice via whisper, AFTER the match. Be prepared to be spammed with whispers during the match though. ;)


*sigh* Yeah, I know, everything you say is accurate...I just feel like a nudge saying something like this in General Chat, and offering up advice after the match on ops chat at the beginning makes me look like an arrogant jack*****. Also, I don't think F2P players get access to the forums (? do they?), so at general launch it will probably be worse, because they won't even have the OPTION of going here...oh well, I said my piece and did it civilly (I hope).

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But no matter, this **** is over, at this point new players are shut out, another failed feature. When the holidays end you will have to make an appointment to get a Q pop.


Are you saying this as a frustrated new player, or as a more experienced player who is suddenly getting some really easy kills?

And I hope you're wrong about the Q pop...it seems to be kinda slow now.

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Actually i would disagree. If the question relates to GSF, im more than happy to answer a question, albeit in a tell. I actually had a hate tell in a battle last night because i was destroying ships all over the place, because the enemy team just wasnt coordinated and left me alone.


I stayed calm and gave that player some advice and he seems to be doing much better in GSF now.

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Actually i would disagree. If the question relates to GSF, im more than happy to answer a question, albeit in a tell. I actually had a hate tell in a battle last night because i was destroying ships all over the place, because the enemy team just wasnt coordinated and left me alone.


I stayed calm and gave that player some advice and he seems to be doing much better in GSF now.


Hmmm. I think you have much more patience than I do...OR...you're a much better player and can take the time to answer questions without getting massacred. Both are quite possible. :)

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Hmmm. I think you have much more patience than I do...OR...you're a much better player and can take the time to answer questions without getting massacred. Both are quite possible. :)


Probably patience. I dont call myself a good player by any means as i know i make a good amount of mistakes. Remember, i play a gunship and dont go on the offensive. I'm always protecting nodes and being a ranged wingman for node defenders. Couple this with max range detection, alongside my friends gunship with communication boosts, and its easy to see pretty much every ship on the map. Even if theyre 45k+ away.


This gives me plenty of time to write a quick tip to the person asking.


Now, if im playing solo, i have to hope that theres a player on my team who actually read tooltips and strats and grabbed the comm range skill.

Edited by renegadeimp
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Now, if im playing solo, i have to hope that theres a player on my team who actually read tooltips and strats and grabbed the comm range skill.


I almost always solo unless there's a friend or two online, so I actually upgraded the range capacitor on my scout so I could see where the other players were. It would be great to be in a group where some scouts had the comms to sneak a peek. I thought about getting it myself, but solo, I can never tell if my teammates would take advantage of it. That might just be a jerky assumption on my part, but I've also gotten to like the damage capacitor and distortion radius copilot skills...

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But no matter, this **** is over, at this point new players are shut out, another failed feature. When the holidays end you will have to make an appointment to get a Q pop.


No, new players are not shut out. I started a brand new toon, level 1, loaded in and was towards the top of all of the stats.


However, unlike the OP I want them to ask questions. I might not answer until the battle is over, but I am more than willing to sacrifice 1 battle to help someone learn this new aspect of the game. Sooner they learn it, the sooner they enjoy it, the longer they stay and helping them get better means I win more in the future.

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