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Sensor Focus ?


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it is a focused area in front of your ship


and you dont see ships outside of that area ? ... because I assume the sensor range is like a sphere

around your ship, so I dont understand what the focus.stat means or modifies ...


any hints ?

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Well so far Bioware had done a TERRIBLE, do you hear me Bioware, TERRIBLE, job of providing documentation for Galactic Starfigher. The tutorial is also very lackluster.


To be fair though, this is still really an early Beta release, and it is hard to write an accurate manual for a piece of software if you haven't finished writing the software yet. Not to mention that if they do a brilliant job on both documentation and tutorials probably something like 0.1% of GS players will read the documentation and maybe 10% will fly the tutorial/practice mission/s enough to actually learn anything.


That said, based on flying around in circles with a strike fighter while defending a sat, it seems like ships in front of your fighter are detected at greater ranges than those above, below, behind, and to the sides. Thus sensor focus, as opposed to sensor radius, which would be detection range in any direction (at least what I'd guess).


To test this sort of thing rigorously though you either need 23 other cooperative pilots willing to forego PvP to test out mechanics in a premade v premade test piloting operation, or a much richer PvE mission (or better yet a mission editor) where rigorous empirical tests could be done.

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Actually a starfighter dueling option would be the best bet if Bioware wanted to outsource competent documentation and tutorials to the player base. That way you would only need two people to test mechanics, and you could do it without a bunch of extra people coming in and killing your test subject volunteer halfway through the test.
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I have another idea about sensor focus, though I may be wrong...in my experience, I can "see" enemies at the extreme range of my sensor radius, but all I get is a little red box, I have to tab or e it to get info, but when I get closer I get the players name and a health bar...I think sensor focus gives you this info at a greater range. Maybe...thoughts, anyone?
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