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Ok, have I found a bug? I was really close to a satellite earlier and actually hit it, but when I hit, I stuck. Kept sort of bouncing on it and taking damage with each bounce. After a little bit I blew up. Anyone else had this happen?
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No, I didn't graze off. I stuck and bounced in place. It was REALLY strange.


I know about skipping off and taking damage. It happens regularly fighting close to a satellite.


This has happened to me like 10 times. It is a bug. You sometimes "Stick" to the hull of the satellite and repeatedly take damage (think a DoT) until you pop.


It's really stupid.

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This has happened to me like 10 times. It is a bug. You sometimes "Stick" to the hull of the satellite and repeatedly take damage (think a DoT) until you pop.


It's really stupid.


Happened to me once too. Fortunately it hasn't repeated, but it does make me extra careful to try and NOT hit the satellites. :)

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It's happened to me as well. While its a error in the game, its an error that would be hard to get rid of. Your ship gets caught in the collision of two points on a solid object and bounces between them til death.


It's like asking them to get rid of "Getting stuck" in the world. It happens from time to time

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