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pot5 going thru NOTHER round of mass exodus...


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Sorry, but I do not understand any acronym in here. Care to explain what is:





SOE = Sony Online Entertainment, the game company behind Star Wars: Galaxies


NGE = New Game Enhancement, a game update in late 2005 to Galaxies that reduced and simplified the number of professions in the game, simplified the mechanics and allowed you to play as a Jedi (or Force Sensitive) right from the start. This was a pretty radical update to the overall gameplay, so a lot of people who enjoyed the old system felt like it dumbed-down the game and took out a lot of what made it unique/fun, while others found it made the game a lot more accessible and enjoyable.


JTL = Jump to Lightspeed, an expansion pack for Galaxies that added space flight to the game.


CU = Combat Update (Upgrade?), a game update in early/mid 2005 to Galaxies that significantly changed how combat functioned in the game. This is another update that some players loved and some hated, depending on how they liked the gameplay styles before and after the update.

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NGE = New Game Enhancement, a game update in late 2005 to Galaxies that reduced and simplified the number of professions in the game, simplified the mechanics and allowed you to play as a Jedi (or Force Sensitive) right from the start. This was a pretty radical update to the overall gameplay, so a lot of people who enjoyed the old system felt like it dumbed-down the game and took out a lot of what made it unique/fun, while others found it made the game a lot more accessible and enjoyable.



I only played after NGE and I think vet players got an elder robe and maybe something else. I can't compare the two but after NGE was an ok experience for me, much more to do than SWTOR currently.


Heard this mass exodus before with GW2. If they are leaving for Wildstar, big deal. That game doesn't look that interesting really. I could be wrong, but a Japanese animae in a MMO setting doesn't look too enticing. Plus, if these are the same people that used tricks like Illium for valor or high level grouping with lower levels to lvl up or space bots to get to end level for all their character slots and make uber geared PVP, or team trade kill in WZ, then complain about no open world PVP or lack of content - good riddance.


Frankly, I think BW should be more concerned about the mass of players like me that don't QQ, haven't reached end content on all characters yet, don't care about dailies or grinding gear, don't care for arenas, don't care about GSF, and that can get easily woo'd away with new games with content such as Star Citizen. BW has enough time to create more meaningful, immersvie solo/group content along with some more huttball like PVP maps before some of these new MMO games come out. .

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See, the best time for the game was between launch of JTL up until CU.


They started to have shorter shuttle times, more actual content besides just missions, better PvP stuff and so on. The game was a disaster at launch, I don't think anyone can argue that, however, even the devs themselves admitted that the change to CU and later NGE was the biggest mistake they made and it's been dubbed the dumbest move by an MMO, ever.


People are still angry at SOE for firstr giving a carrot to people to work towards for MONTHS and then just removing it. I know people who will not touch a SOE product ever again precicely because of the NGE.


Not to mention all of the legendary weapons and gear, the type of stuff people worked hard for months to obtain, that were server best one day and then vendor junk the next day following the CU update :(


If you could have the pre cu base game with some of the features added from the NGE once it had matured, that would be pure MMORPG gold IMO :)



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Well considering that the next WOW expansion lets you have a free level 90 character then good riddance to all who leave this game for that bunch of carp. Wildstar is a sci-fi mmo but doesn't seem all that sci-fi to me and lastly ESO yeah that's a themepark similar to this but a fantasy one , a good few people will probably try it then jump ship again.

I don't know much about the PotF server but on mine at least it is as busy as ever.





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I couldn't get into it at the beginning, and gave it until Nov before quitting. I despised the boring terminal mission system, and the lack of space combat. I went back in late 2007, and split play time with WOW until I quit WOW permanently. Combat/skill system being gone aside, I found it much more engaging with the additions they made after I left. I loved the addition of quest chains/hubs, and space.


I never saw the CU, or beginning of the NGE, and have no experience of how the game played at that time. My long time friends who stayed for the full duration said it was awful, and I have no reason to doubt them. Even though I left the game after a few months, I never left my friends, and still spent a lot of time in vent with them several days a week.


Hahahaha, I thanks for proving my point.


I knew it, you never did play Pre-NGE and here you trying talk about it. All you have shown is you've read a few articles on SWG pre-cu.


What a pathetic joke you are, and you just admit you never played early NGE so you have no clue how much of a fail it was.


Then again, you think the only difference it made was the combat system, yea not like it changed the profession system to a "iconic" class system, or so many other WoWifiy changes.

Edited by mecher
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get with the program plz


BW hasn't been able to get with the program since after launch.


Also, you can't say bad things against swtor, they will make 10 accounts and disagree with you and therefore your "opinion" (which is really facts at this point) will become invalid.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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Merry Xmas to all the MMO gypsies and MMO know it all wisemen.




D R A M A!


I do agree that bioware has failed, in many ways, the pvp community though. Omitting the team ranked scene (8vs8) was the beginning for me. The arena's, especially the solo queues, have not panned out. They are too unprecictable with group make ups, inconsistent match system, and too many entering who are not geared, don't care, or are only there to sabotage by dropping. Ranked 8vs8 was a serious pvp'ers raid! It allowed groups to gel, epitomized "team", and was a true test of skill! Of course only serious pvp'ers could participate...it was similar to pve and their raiding groups. The only difference is, they did not eliminate the hard modes for the serious pve er's.


With that being said, I fell for the warhammer, gw2, and other "new" bs games! Not going to do it with that kiddy looking crap known as wildstar! I think we are all just looking for something different and unique! Until that happens though, I will stick with stwor.


I played wow in vanilla and very few remember how basic that game was initially. Galaxies was the bomb till Sony went to "fixing" it. I always try to keep in mind that stwor is still a baby! I hope they get it at some point because the devs certainly have an opportunity with this one! We have been spoiled by wow because of its longevity. Just keep in mind that blizzard did not have cross server initially. Like I said, until something unique is developed, stwor it is.

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At every launch of every big named game, this type of thread comes up. Not just this game but in every game. Every new game is going to kill what ever game your playing. SWG was going to kill everquest. WAR, AION, RIFT and SWTOR was going to kill WoW, The same thing that has happened with every other game, is what will happen to this one.


A lot of people will leave. Wildstar will sell 1+ mil copies. Wildstar will have a huge launch. After the first month is over, people will start leaving to go back to the game thy were playing before, and they will complain about how bad Wildstar is.


Wildstar will get a lot of people to play. I don't think it will totally fail at all. but it will be players pulled from multiple games and will not really hurt any game out their that much.


I plan on playing wildstar myself to see what its like, but I'm a star wars fan, and I know Ill be back here after the first few months.

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I keep forgetting this "Wildstar" game even exists so forgive me if I find it hard to believe that it'll survive for very long.


The only reason swtor has existed this long is because its back by the Star Wars IP. At least wildstar seems to have a competent dev team (which is quite funny by the way), and unique game features, mechanics and most of all, PvP and supporting pvp mechanics.

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The only reason swtor has existed this long is because its back by the Star Wars IP. At least wildstar seems to have a competent dev team (which is quite funny by the way), and unique game features, mechanics and most of all, PvP and supporting pvp mechanics.


The Wildstar dev team also seems willing to actually listen to their player base and make changes based on player feedback. You know, instead of telling us we have a perception problem.


Wildstar also doesn't look like it's going to be a super fun CC **** fest. Mostly due to the fact it appears one can break a stun at anytime. Just as long as they hit a certain key binding as fast as possible.



I'd say most of us wanted desperately to see this game be a huge success. It's just obvious the dev team doesn't know what they are doing. Hell, they seem to be lacking the man power to truly improve this game. Of course, it could just be bad management or even a combination of both.

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The problem with SWTOR is simple:

1) EA. Only interested in money and most likely micro managing every single possible update that the dev team could do. And has them focusing soley on the cartel market


2) The engine. The game has no open world pvp because it can't handle more than 10 people on a screen at once. How do you have players engage in (the most epic type of) faction vs faction, be it pvp or pve, if you can't have more than a handful of them on a screen at a time?


3) Refusal to invest funds into fixing things. $300-500million MMO, lacks the 'funds' to fix things. They refuse to pay out cash up front to invest in more devs or dev time to fix the game, like cross server queues for pvp and pve, as well as more frequent balance updates.


4) Honestly no uniqueness that sets it apart from other MMOs. Be honest, if this didn't have the star wars IP, i bet this game would have been closed already FOR SURE. Sorry but full voice overs isn't content, and isn't even worth an honorable mention in the realm of unique mmo features. All this game did was copy WOW. Poorly I might add, as they seemed to have only copy vanailla wow, not present day wow. So they continue to go through all of the problems WoW USED to have, rather than skipping to the correct fix (see also: cross-server queues).


Actually, I apologize, let me correct that. SWTOR does have a more unique feature than any other MMO ever had (and probably ever will have), and that is stuns and CCs. No other MMO has nearly as many hard stuns and long CCs than this game.


5) Bad Player Community. Which is a result of all of the above.

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The Wildstar dev team also seems willing to actually listen to their player base and make changes based on player feedback.


Said about every dev team pre lauch of their game. One month after launch, dev's suddenly don't listen to the community anymore.


History of every MMO for the past 7 years.


Wildstar also doesn't look like it's going to be a super fun CC **** fest. Mostly due to the fact it appears one can break a stun at anytime. Just as long as they hit a certain key binding as fast as possible.


Hello autohotkey and keyboard macro abuse. Im not against macro's. But when a game feature is based on how fast you can spam a button, or combinations of buttons, its going to get automated (or nearly so) by all the "top" teams and players. Skill not required.


Grabbing the huttball anyone?


Not saying Wildstar is going to be bad. I hope every new game is fantastic and worth playing. And the features its supposed to be launching with look good if they are executed properly. We just need to temper those expectations with a little dose of reality. That reality being, Wildstar won't be everything your hoping for. And simply being better then SWTOR isn't saying much compared to how disappointed those leaving are with it.

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Actually, I apologize, let me correct that. SWTOR does have a more unique feature than any other MMO ever had (and probably ever will have), and that is stuns and CCs. No other MMO has nearly as many hard stuns and long CCs than this game.


Frost Mages laugh at the puny amount of CC in SWTOR.


5) Bad Player Community. Which is a result of all of the above.


The PvP community of every MMO ive ever played has been terrible. Competing with others + internet anonymity brings out the douche in all of us.

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The problem with SWTOR is simple:

1) EA. Only interested in money and most likely micro managing every single possible update that the dev team could do. And has them focusing soley on the cartel market


Yea, I wouldn't be surprised if EA is micromanaging. In fact, I've had my suspicions that they've instilled a puppet director to run this game.


EA is the worst thing to have ever happened to this game. Thanks to them, beta testing was rushed and the game was released well before it was ready. They also decided to screw around and shake things up in the BW studio during the initial mass unsubbing happened soon after release.


If they where so intent on bringing out the game early, then they should have kept the original development team on as long as they could to get the game where it needed to be. Then after that divert the devs to other projects.


2) The engine. The game has no open world pvp because it can't handle more than 10 people on a screen at once. How do you have players engage in (the most epic type of) faction vs faction, be it pvp or pve, if you can't have more than a handful of them on a screen at a time?


The engine can barely handle regular WZs...Hell, I swear the engine hates higher end gaming rigs and favours lower end computers.


The engine also insures that this game will never have the 40 man raiding other games have and which I'm sure is more appealing to the more hardcore players. We can't even have some epic dynamic and random spawning boss battles out in the open world like some other games have.


I'm sure the game engine could never handle dynamic events that actually leave us feeling like there really is a war going on between the republic and empire.



3) Refusal to invest funds into fixing things. $300-500million MMO, lacks the 'funds' to fix things. They refuse to pay out cash up front to invest in more devs or dev time to fix the game, like cross server queues for pvp and pve, as well as more frequent balance updates.


I know...They have to be making a ton of money off the cartel market and they still won't hire on more devs...That's just bloody stupid.





4) Honestly no uniqueness that sets it apart from other MMOs. Be honest, if this didn't have the star wars IP, i bet this game would have been closed already FOR SURE. Sorry but full voice overs isn't content, and isn't even worth an honorable mention in the realm of unique mmo features. All this game did was copy WOW. Poorly I might add, as they seemed to have only copy vanailla wow, not present day wow. So they continue to go through all of the problems WoW USED to have, rather than skipping to the correct fix (see also: cross-server queues).


Actually, I apologize, let me correct that. SWTOR does have a more unique feature than any other MMO ever had (and probably ever will have), and that is stuns and CCs. No other MMO has nearly as many hard stuns and long CCs than this game.


Well...I for one really feel spoiled by the voice acting and cut scenes. It keeps the game from feeling really bland.


The story in the game also happens to be one of the its more redeeming qualities. Personally, I think it'd be nice for other MMOs to strive for more of a story. More so for ones where a player's choice effects the outcome and even the quests that become available to them based on their choices.


You forgot about how the resolve system in this game is the best troll attempt ever. Especially considering how much burst certain specs have.



On an added note: The devs also think it's necessary for every class and spec to have strong AoE options. After all, it makes a lot of sense for a burst spec, which can burn down weak targets quickly, to have strong AoE attacks.:confused:

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Said about every dev team pre lauch of their game. One month after launch, dev's suddenly don't listen to the community anymore.


History of every MMO for the past 7 years.


Well, I did say that they seem to be willing. So, I'm not 100% convinced it will stay that way. But I've done some stress testing and the devs seemed very involved with the community. More so than what I've seen from other dev teams during beta testing.


Things are always subject to change...Time will tell.


Hello autohotkey and keyboard macro abuse. Im not against macro's. But when a game feature is based on how fast you can spam a button, or combinations of buttons, its going to get automated (or nearly so) by all the "top" teams and players. Skill not required.


Grabbing the huttball anyone?


Actually...This is one of my primary concerns regarding button spamming to break stuns. However, it might be possible to prevent it via some form of randomization.


IMO, it's still better than getting chain stunned with nothing one can do about it.


Not saying Wildstar is going to be bad. I hope every new game is fantastic and worth playing. And the features its supposed to be launching with look good if they are executed properly. We just need to temper those expectations with a little dose of reality. That reality being, Wildstar won't be everything your hoping for. And simply being better then SWTOR isn't saying much compared to how disappointed those leaving are with it.


Well, I'm not exactly 100% convinced Wildstar will do great. I do think there's always a chance it could flop.



The PvP community of every MMO ive ever played has been terrible. Competing with others + internet anonymity brings out the douche in all of us.


There are people who strictly do PvE content who are douchebags as well. In fact, douchebags can be found every where on the internet.

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Actually...This is one of my primary concerns regarding button spamming to break stuns. However, it might be possible to prevent it via some form of randomization.


If you randomize what you have to hit to break it, then you lose a majority of the player base who skill levels aren't high enough to handle it. A lot of mid range players can shine once they have gotten used to a rotation or formed the muscle memory from countless hours of playing. Take that away from them, and they will leave the game. No game can off the bat chose to alienate 75%+ of its player base. I know it was just an idea of yours, but its one that would be detrimental imo.


There are people who strictly do PvE content who are douchebags as well. In fact, douchebags can be found every where on the internet.


Well no **** Sherlock. My point was more that I can find places on the internet where discussions and communities can all be handled and respected like one would hope for. MMO forums, particularly PvP and server specific sections, have never been one of those locations. WOW, WAR, Aion, Rift and SWTOR forums are all very far from being a positive place.

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