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Bioware, the next CM update should bring UI skin customizations


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Don't know if the next CM update should bring UI skin customizations because there are probably quite a few other things that may take precedent based on their plans for content releases - which has been in hyperdrive since spring. But bringing UI skin customizations sometime soon would be way WAY cool.
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Why pay for UI skins when you can just google them and download them for free? I can not seem to find a thing to add a pic, but I will pull my UI skin up to show you guys what I mean.



Skins are color schemes, not layouts. Like a red & black based skin for Imps, a blue & white based skin for Reps, etc ...
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>paying cartel coins for UI skins

don't give them ideas, it should be player based free, like we had with that other mmo


If they don't sell cosmetics, which has been the entire basis of their f2p from the very start and which we were told at the time, what exactly do you expect them to sell? BiS Gear?


There are two ways for a f2p game to make money. By selling cosmetics, or by selling an advantage. I prefer that they sell cosmetics, especially cosmetics that didn't even exist previously, as that means the CM team is developing the new fluff cosmetics while the regular development team is free to work on actual content.

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Part of the allure of gui skinning. is I or someone else can make the gui look how WE want, not depending on a few choices made by some EAware intern.


The current gui made by EAware is craptastic, why would I pay them to recolor the craptastic when I would be perfectly fine remaking the gui myself?


Place like Curse and EQInterface exist for a reason: most game gui's suck. The difference is EAware doesn't let us fix the suck.



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Well, hey. The whole game can be played using hotkeys, so why give the gui away for free at all?


Add "access gui" right next to "additional quickbar" in the cash shop and get it over with. Not having to use hotkeys/commands is a convenience, after all, not a requirement.


Chat channels aren't required to play, they need to go in the CM as well.


Should we keep going with things which can be considered "cosmetic" and therefore can be relegated to the cash shop?


Chats are a function, not cosmetic, quickbars are not cosmetic either, sigh, know the difference please.

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Quickbars aren't cosmetic? But they're in the cash shop, so they must be.


Chat is not needed. Ask anyone who's used group finder.


Maps aren't necessary. We used graphing paper to make our own just fine back in the day.


you do realize, even if your statetents are right -though i disagree- that this would only get more money for bioware at a low cost, but would increase their capacity to make more content, i mean, don't you realize it has been the CM the biggest reason we actually have some teams now working on different things?


If you don't want skins, that's fine, but there's a lot of people that would pay for it, you want it for "free"? nothing is free m8, although you can get it later from the GTN anyway.

Edited by Osoygatitalove
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