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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bolster for 55 WZ needs to be removed!


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I knew I wasn't the only person seeing problems with the Warzones. I have lots of questions as to how they are doing it, but would like to see it fixed more than anything.


We all would like to see it fixed and a detailed explanation on how it works, but it is beyond that point as the BW devs themselves probably don't know how it works anymore.


There are a few topics that give good explanations on how to use the bolster (as far as we know anyway).





Whether you like it or you hate it, the bolster is here, it is properly doing its job of getting more new players to PvP and it is not going anywhere. Either learn to live with it or go play another game.

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gear is for PvE. If the problem of people PvPing in the wrong gear persists, then put a lock on the queue button until player meets a set minimum expertise requirement.


If they can't queue due to no expertise? How will they ever get pvp gear to raise their expertise? (Of course given that BW took away the recruit gear)

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So, some want to remove bolster, some want to remove stealth from arenas, some want to remove premades from arenas.


Seems like lot of PvE carebears trying to change PvP to... nothin. :rak_03:


How is people wanting bolster removed equate to PvE "carebears" (stupid word btw)? it makes more sense that the people who would want bolster removed from 55's would be people with PvP gear.

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OP, here's how bolster works (in general).


Conq gear is tier 65. Obroan is tier 67. Any gear that is weaker than tier 66 purple gear gets a full 2018 expertise. Just like Conq. But Conqueror has better stats than all of that gear. Since Expertise is simply a multiplier, Conq gets higher stats.


Anything equal to or above tier 66 purples has better stats than Conq. So they get a lot less expertise than conq. As a result, they lose out on a lot of bonus damage and healing, and lack the same damage reduction from full exp. as a result full Conq is still second BiS and full Obroan is BiS (except in the mainhand and offhand, but that's an entirely different problem.


And wearing a single PvP piece in a PvE set is not a downgrade. Bolster works slot by slit not as a whole character. So if I have 13 tier 63 purpkes and one conqueror piece, I get a full 2018 expertise. Mix and matching mods within a single slot though gimps your stats.

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Tired of seeing the same pve republic groups smash everyone. And for pvp gear even not even give them a challenge. It is horrid, not fun, and leaves a bad taste for the game in general. Remove Bolstering for level 55 Warzones!!!


i read this as "im tired of seeing pve gear people smash bads in warzones."


if you have full pvp gear you will have the advantage on the pve player in pvp. i see some people in full 78s on my server going up against me.... i maul them for 12k and move on to the next scrub thinking pvping in pve gear is a good idea.


one last thing, anything above the lvl 50 pve gets little boslter, making (as someone already said) the better pve stats useless.

Edited by thatPERSON
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OP is obviously just bad and therefor should be disregarded but he has one valid point. no pve gear should ever be even remotely on par with pvp gear, let alone beeing better. the best pve gear should be slightly worse than the entry level pvp gear. to put it simple: full conq has to be better than ANY pve gear in the game. not just cos of expertise but also cos of the other stats so there is no point in making tradeoffs to lose a little expertise for abit of dmg. the expertise gear also HAS to give the best stats. now before all u pve gimps jump in and claim then there would be no point in doing the pve. yes exactly, thats the point of it. there never was and never should be a reason to do pve in an mmo. pve has always been just a sidekick for the *******s that are too bad to handle pvp. pve should never be a factor to anything. just switch the item levels around. give the 79 mods to obroan and the 67 mods to the best pve gear (whatever that trash is called) then make conq be item lvl 75 or so. then make bolster apply only to expertise. voila i just de-retarded ur gear system bioware. get on the coding. thank me later.
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