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Rogue Squadron: Challenge to Harbinger Pilots


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Dear Honored GSF pilots of Harbinger,


Amidst the heated discussions about balance or the lack of it, the most superior craft or crew abilities or faction imbalance, we tend to forget the true heart of aerial warfare and dogfighting. The exhilaration of being pitted man to man against another pilot in the same cramped hull of scrap metal is something that no upgrade or crew ability can ever replace.


Aerial warfare has always been about securing the unfair advantage: whatever it takes to win the battle. And if your opponent has the upper hand be it in ships or upgrades, you defeat him with your capabilities as a pilot, not your ship. The pure satisfaction earned from defying the odds is something that trumps any meaningless statistic or apparent disadvantage. Calculate and factor in the odds then proceed to trash said odds like a true Corellian.


Because we are Rogue Squadron and we do the impossible.


I am the squadron leader of Rogue Squadron based in Harbinger, and we would like to invite all Republic pilots for a 8 or 12 ship squadron duel challenge against Rouge Squadron in GSF Domination.


Squadron duels are a great way to hone your personal skill as a pilot as well as the ability of your squadron to function as a cohesive unit. It is also a great way for like-minded pilots to come together or better still, have the opportunity to form a brand new squadron of pilots from various guilds.


Should your team be interested in accepting this friendly challenge, reply with your GSF toon name as well as how many pilots you have to sign up.


If you do not belong to any existing squadron, start one yourself or link up with fellow pilots on the list below!


Imperial Squadrons are equally welcome too, we will work out the logistics along the way.


Date, format and results of matches will be updated here accordingly. Hopefully this initiative will generate enough interest to bring GSF to a new level of gameplay and reduce the brewing pessimism by focusing on the heart of GSF.


Flamers or rampant whiners will not be entertained accordingly; we want to grow this community not destroy it.


So May the Force be with you, and good hunting!



Rogue Leader

On Behalf of Rogue Squadron

Harbinger Republic






Sick of flying solo? Leave your GSF toon name, faction and squadron (if applicable) if you would like to link up with other Republic/Imperial Harby pilots


This list will be useful for pilots looking for squadrons to join, and for squadrons that are recruiting as well.





1. Crôw


2. Cheek


3. Lendul


4. Zyrtyr


5. Picken




1. Rezari


2. Rozor


3. Crow


4. Sleeth


5. Ñox


Squadron leaders are welcome to advertise here. Notices for recruitment will be bumped to the main post.

Edited by Rogueleadnine
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I saw you in one of my games! I was like... nice name.. Hydrospannerx lol


yeah we've had some matches together before :)


if you have about 8 pilots, Rogue Squadron is up for some friendly premade duels any time. Feel free to let me know, it would be a blast!

Edited by Rogueleadnine
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Lendul - Republic - Pike Strike Fighter


Looking for a squadron to fly with.


Greetings Lendul! We capped several satellites together earlier today. I'll add you to my friends list and will hit you up whenever our guild groups are jumping in!


- Cheek

Edited by Lyet
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Hey guys, Ñox here looking for a Squad and or GSF Devoted type guild to fly with, top scores in a match

13 k

1 d

8 A

193 Objectives

End of match was 1000 us to 537 them

Screenshot would not capture that round have many others with 14 kills more deaths or less kills 0 deaths etc



Hit me up please! Ive been solo fighting since day one and kicking *** but since premades are coming Im starting to die to much


Imperial Side FYI

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