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work around for making upgrades legacy wide


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From what I heard, GSF upgrades are not legacy wide due to technical limitations.


If that's the case, then I would like to suggest a Reputation faction for GSF related activities. A GSF related rep vendor can sell requisition points or equipment for credits with there being a cap on how many one can purchase based on faction reputation score (which happens to be legacy wide).


So, for example, Character 'A' of the alphabet legacy has done enough GSF to earn Champion status in the GSF faction. Character B of the same legacy can now log in and buy proton torpedoes and up to say... tier 4 upgrades for said weapon with credits.


Certainly this will need to be tweaked to prevent exploits, but that's the general gist.

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From what I heard, GSF upgrades are not legacy wide due to technical limitations.


If that's the case, then I would like to suggest a Reputation faction for GSF related activities. A GSF related rep vendor can sell requisition points or equipment for credits with there being a cap on how many one can purchase based on faction reputation score (which happens to be legacy wide).


So, for example, Character 'A' of the alphabet legacy has done enough GSF to earn Champion status in the GSF faction. Character B of the same legacy can now log in and buy proton torpedoes and up to say... tier 4 upgrades for said weapon with credits.


Certainly this will need to be tweaked to prevent exploits, but that's the general gist.





Yeah something needs to be done or I'm never playing another toon lol. I need to have a versitile ship selection and id rather upgrade and play thrm all on one character if there won't be legacy wide upgrades.....which is unfortunate....

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I think an easy work around for them would be have items on the fleet starship vendor that you can 'buy' with fleet req.


The item is legacy bound. Costs 1,000 fleet req/2000 ship req and when used gives 750 Fleet req. So it would work like this:


Character A buys the token for 2000 ship req

Mails to Character B on same legacy

Character B uses token and receives 750 fleet req


I dont believe it would be fair/balanced to allow a 1:1 trade ratio, but this would allow us to do 'something' with our legacy setup.

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