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3 problems I see with solo ranked q


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1. Sync Qing by guilds

2. Getting the same people q after q and u can't leave cause you will lose PTS anyways, u lose PTS harder to get better groups.

3. Class imbalance


It's not a real competitive environment cause it is not a even playing field.



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ok... I'll bite.


1 and 2 are largely problems with low numbers. The lack of a daily, the unranked / ranked divide, and now space reduces numbers.


Class imbalance - there is some class imbalance issues, but I really don't think they are too bad IF you include all the different wz types (not just the Arenas). The arenas certainly seem to limit good options.


I'd like to see all the 55s in one big pile for solo q's, at least for the Ebon Hawk where players are limited. People would get over the idea of ranked pretty quickly and not be so intimidated. The other thing I think you could do would be to rotate through all the other wz in ranked and offer a 6v6 for variety in the other zones. Those all work 6v6 and it would be variety to play those in little different scenarios that are set.


More variety, more scenarios, more ways to contribute and I think the class balance issues become less and player skill / ability would become more important that rolling the dice on team make-up or attempting to pre-set the dice via simultaneous queues.

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1. Sync Qing by guilds

2. Getting the same people q after q and u can't leave cause you will lose PTS anyways, u lose PTS harder to get better groups.

3. Class imbalance


It's not a real competitive environment cause it is not a even playing field.




Really they need to get some sort of cross server q's if they want ranked arena to stand a chance for the casual PvPers. Right now people are just Q syncing and playing together in Solo much like they did in Regs previously instead of stepping up to the challenge to learn and play against better competition they take an easy route then brag about their rating.


Now this has a negative effect as people that are solo queuing stop because they are essentially going against 2-4 people on vent with experience playing together. It is frustrating for them, why would they continue to queue? These people are helping to speed up the demise of solo arena. Again cross server would help the 4 mans as well, but to be honest those that Q sync solo will just go back to Regs and premade there.


They arent in it for competition, they are like the old Twinks of WoW that bailed when XP was added to BGs instead of grouping up on a BG and fighting Twink vs Twink. Also they were likely the vocal twinks that claimed they twinked for competition vs other twinks, until that got forced on them and they bounced. Then they figured they could get Heirloom gear, make a hunter and destroy the 10-19 bracket, delete when they hit 20 and reroll.


Apologies for the WoW reference but if the shoe fits.

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Cross Server ftw.


I play on POT5 now and even on the biggest US pvp server you often get the same recycled groups of the same players playing each other in different( but not really different) variations of the same group. \Winning/losing becomes almost entirely dependent on avoiding the 3 or 4 really weak bottom of the barrel players who happen to be queuing along with the rest of the players at any given time.


By opening up cross server not only do you allow players to choose their server based on preference instead of necessity (I was forced to leave Jung-ma because of the awful state of pvp there, even through its still my favorite community. UMBRA ftw), you eliminate many of the problems that plague solo ranked, i.e. timed queuing, noob farming, and lack of variety.

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I went back to JM for a couple weeks, leveled some of my old 50s to 55 and when I was ready, i q'd and got 0 solo q pops. That was the end of my JM migration plan.


And yea, POT5 is the same ppl over and over. It 's very abusable by a few organized/motivated players (as would JM be). It's disheartening even when the people i get on my side are good.

Edited by Savej
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