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swtorPaladin Begerin channel


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Hello All,


I started a youtube channel back on I think Friday of last week. I have 21 vids going up right now, with about 6-8 more going up per night as long as I'm able to pvp that night. They're mostly pvp commentary vids with either my sniper or my marauder. I hope you will check it out and if you like it, or dislike it, please let me know. I'm really trying to make it work.




I'm also trying to work some Hyperspace's in as I can. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.


Also check it out because if you pvp you'll probably see yourself on there and you'll be a youtube celeb! ;) Hehe.

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I really like your voice. It's actually super-relaxing so I had a hard time concentrating on the footage...kept drifting off into la la land. :D


The first thing I noticed was that you were clicking. Although you've obviously put some thought into your UI and how best to set it up, you'll still always be at a disadvantage in PvP. Please don't think I'm an elitist assh*le; I used to use click some of my abilities as well, which is why I feel like I should let you know that keybinding everything really does improve performance! I made the change about a year ago, and it did wonders for my HPS/DPS. Myy awareness of the battle around me is so much better now. Without clicking, you can also use your mouse wheel to scroll right out and take a look around the whole battlefield. Anyway, just thought I'd let you know since I see a lot of clickers insisting that they are at no disadvantage and have made it "work for them". (It didn't take me long to adjust, by the way. After a couple of days of PvPing I could remember all my keybinds.)


I really like that you're just uploading random Warzones and not "cherry-picking", as you say. I can't stand PvPers who only upload Warzones where they performed well, or won easily because they were rolling around in their over-geared pre-made.


What time do you play? I don't think I've seen any of your characters around before, and I pretty much only PvP.


Please keep uploading videos! I love watching Begeren Colony PvP from another player's perspective.

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I really like your voice. It's actually super-relaxing so I had a hard time concentrating on the footage...kept drifting off into la la land. :D


The first thing I noticed was that you were clicking. Although you've obviously put some thought into your UI and how best to set it up, you'll still always be at a disadvantage in PvP. Please don't think I'm an elitist assh*le; I used to use click some of my abilities as well, which is why I feel like I should let you know that keybinding everything really does improve performance! I made the change about a year ago, and it did wonders for my HPS/DPS. Myy awareness of the battle around me is so much better now. Without clicking, you can also use your mouse wheel to scroll right out and take a look around the whole battlefield. Anyway, just thought I'd let you know since I see a lot of clickers insisting that they are at no disadvantage and have made it "work for them". (It didn't take me long to adjust, by the way. After a couple of days of PvPing I could remember all my keybinds.)


I really like that you're just uploading random Warzones and not "cherry-picking", as you say. I can't stand PvPers who only upload Warzones where they performed well, or won easily because they were rolling around in their over-geared pre-made.


What time do you play? I don't think I've seen any of your characters around before, and I pretty much only PvP.


Please keep uploading videos! I love watching Begeren Colony PvP from another player's perspective.


Hello BuzzingFridge, thank you for the kind words and thanks even more for the feedback!


You must be watching Armitage clicking away? I guess by the time you wrote this there wouldn't have been any Extremis videos up. I haven't been playing Armitage in pvp long enough to develop a key binding strategy that works for me yet (50-100 games or so I think). That's as close as it gets, what you see. I guess Extremis has to click a few keys but I really like it that way for the way I play him and his style, etc.. (1000+ pvp games) Armitage, it's just going to take time to develop something that works for me. So please be patient. :)


So, I understand very well about situational awareness. As you watch more of my videos though you basically learn I have serious motion sickness issues. I can't scroll around a lot unless I take a dramamine which knocks me out pretty bad. In hyperspace I can't chase or run away worth beans either for the same reason. So I'm very careful how I scroll. I also think this inadvertently translates better into more comfortable viewing.


As to when I play. 5pm-10pm pacific. Repub for hyperspace, Empire for warzones. If you play around during that time, based on pure statistics you should be in quite a few of my videos?? If you want to premade with me that's fine. I just don't want to get so big to where we pubstomp. I'm all about good manners and good behavior.


Thanks again for the feedback. It sounds like you liked it. I really need help spreading the word. I'm too afraid to post on the pvp board due to their leetisms so I ask that my channel not get posted there. Structured feedback is fine but I don't need to get bashed up the side of my head, when none of them will put up videos of their own, if that makes sense. I'm not in their territory and they stay out of mine. But I really need help spreading the word some how. Youtube's search system works in some mysterious way that I can't figure out and so I'm stuck with word of mouth until I climb up the search results I guess. If you know of anyone that might like the vids, please share with your friends, like, subscribe, etc..


I want to keep making these vids but I need to know that there's actually an audience out there because it really does take a lot of time (obviously) to make these and there are other video-types I want to try to make if these aren't going to reach folks. I like pvping, and it's fun knowing they'll be shared, so hopefully the word gets out and we can make this work.


I really appreciate any help and all the feedback you've given. Please keep watching vids and feedback and it's much appreciated.


Take care.

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I like the videos. I'd recommend higher res, if you can, though. :) I don't see myself, but since I usually only do my dailies that's no surprise.


Thanks! I appreciate the feedback. This's a good of time as any to respond to that. There are two issues with any higher res than what I'm doing.


Full HD video of a 15-20 minute videos is something like 200'ish gigs. People throw around that TB hard drives are "cheap now" (180$ per) but I would need several. I would also need to do a few additional modifications to my machine including a new CPU (130$), motherboard (60$), sata cables (around 10$ per) as I would need to render the videos down to even have a hope at uploading them in a reasonable time frame.


Even if I had all that, where I'm living there's a giant internet bottleneck where Comcast never installed a new pipe to the main switch. Our whole entire area is funneling through one pipeline. My upload is only like 9 megs per second. To put that in perspective, the videos I'm doing now are averaging 5 gigs and I'm literally uploading 24x7. It's almost 5pm and I started uploading this batch at I think midnight last night or something.


I want to spend money to do this right, I sincerely do but I've been burned too many times into thinking I needed to spend money and then the interest evaporating and being left with the bill.


If this works out, I always reinvest what I get and those'll be the first things on the list. In the mean time I'm probably going to use a 2nd machine just for uploads but like I said I'm doing enough vids where even 5 gig files are turning into a 24x7 event.


I hope you will stick around and enjoy the vids despite they not being in HD. If you like them enough please try to share with a few people. I'd really appreciate it. This isn't going to work except through word of mouth and whatever voodoo it is to appear on searches.


Also if you want to do small grp premades just let me know. Those have been somewhat successful and fun. I won't do pubstomps but if it's just for fun I'm good for it.


Take care!

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Just 2 things I think can make your game alot better on your marauder. please use undying rage. I see it nowhere on your screen and it kind of annoys me. another thing is you should try to use your auto attack sparingly only in those moments when you run out of rage, use more of your actual abilities especially your massacre when your in carnage spec only because I dont see you use it at all before you force scream. I wont really get into the keyturning because I know you have a medical condition so I guess you will just have to make due but those are 2 suggestions I think will help you on your journey to being a better marauder. I enjoyed the vids man. Hope to keep watching you improve :D
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Just 2 things I think can make your game alot better on your marauder. please use undying rage. I see it nowhere on your screen and it kind of annoys me. another thing is you should try to use your auto attack sparingly only in those moments when you run out of rage, use more of your actual abilities especially your massacre when your in carnage spec only because I dont see you use it at all before you force scream. I wont really get into the keyturning because I know you have a medical condition so I guess you will just have to make due but those are 2 suggestions I think will help you on your journey to being a better marauder. I enjoyed the vids man. Hope to keep watching you improve :D


What is the most important rule for Marauder/Sentinel DPS?!?! :eek:

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Glad you responded to my post. the main reason massacre is sooo important to your rotation is because not only does it proc your ataru form and give you a force scream crit but it does sooooooo much more damage then you would get with spamming your auto attack. I understand you trying to lock up a enemy with a ravage after you gore... but to say that that is part of your main rotation isnt gonna happen. ravage is on too long of a cd to use over and over again. Just try it and I promise that your damage will go up, also I see that you havent gotten your force camo either...you NEEED force camo. not only is it a amazing defensive ability but it helps you get away from roots when your in trouble in the carnage spec..(I like to camo after a smasher leaps to me trying to get the easy smash). Now I somewhat understand u not liking undying rage but trust me if its not used in your rotation then your not using your marauder to the fullest extent. You say that its too much of a liability since it takes away 50% of your health.. but if your about to die at 10% health or lower... then whats the point of holding on to that little bit of health? If your getting focused and you pop it at 5% then you basically can live for 4 seconds longer then u would without it. if you can time this correctly and are quick enough. time your medpack to when it ends and basically get 30% health right when it ends and live potentially longer. I also see people using medpacks earlier on just to live a little bit longer with their saber ward / cloak of pain. also another good idea when your using cooldowns is to use your wz adrenal at the same time as your cloak of pain because that basically gives you a 35% dmg reduction combined. (or at least i think it is... i honestly forgot if COP gives u 20% or 25% dmg reduction). Also dont use your rupture as part of your rotation unless you are going against a stealth class that is getting low on health and might try to escape from you. people may disagree but I dont think it does enough damage for the rage your putting out to use it. another tip for you is to use your crippling throw when your either attacking a healer... orrrr your trying to prevent someone from getting away.. the reason is obvious. Another thing.. timing your defensive CDs as a marauder is KEY to living longer. how I usually try to time it is to pop cloak of pain immidiately when u start getting hit and pop a adrenal if you know they are going to use burst. when u start getting lower in health... usually around 70% THEN pop your saber ward. its important that you effectively time these cd's out. and if your cds wear off you can always just stealth out (force camo) and go try to either heal up... or wait for a effective moment to strike. Another tip for you to try out is to use bezerk when your trying to line up a gore / ravage... its pretty damn amazing when your able to stack 30% alacrity with a ravage.. (ALWAYS USE GORE BEFORE RAVAGE) the 100% armor pen is the 1 thing that gives carnage advantages over other specs. I like to use gore before I force scream/ravage or vicious throw. all of those moves are pretty hard hitting so you want to make sure you use them to your full benefit.

Ok ill stop because I dont want to become like other people who write novels on the forums but those are the things I try to do when I play marauder. Hope it helps ya man! you seem like a chill dude.

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is that you zu zu?



you should use rupture on any target below 50 -40 percent (stealth or not). reason being is that your burst in carnage is insane and you should be able to kill them in those next six seconds... should but you usually end up getting cc'ed right when they are at like one percent and someone heals em up or they escape. that dot takes care of that annoyance (as well as possibly preventing stealth outs).


also, i do it a little differently than others and may be wrong but i think you should be using gore on cd. saving it is wasteful bc it can proc so many times while you massacre that saving it for one big burst rotation isn't really worth losing out on the potentially ongoing 100% armor pen... i gore and sometimes have my gore back up before my current gore expires. happens a lot actually... goreception


oh and berzerk all day everyday, especially with gore+ravage. better yet, gore+ravage+force screen crit = dead mallo



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also, i do it a little differently than others and may be wrong but i think you should be using gore on cd. saving it is wasteful bc it can proc so many times while you massacre that saving it for one big burst rotation isn't really worth losing out on the potentially ongoing 100% armor pen...


This is what I used to do as well. It's a waste to proc your gore reset when it's already off cooldown.

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is that you zu zu?



you should use rupture on any target below 50 -40 percent (stealth or not). reason being is that your burst in carnage is insane and you should be able to kill them in those next six seconds... should but you usually end up getting cc'ed right when they are at like one percent and someone heals em up or they escape. that dot takes care of that annoyance (as well as possibly preventing stealth outs).


also, i do it a little differently than others and may be wrong but i think you should be using gore on cd. saving it is wasteful bc it can proc so many times while you massacre that saving it for one big burst rotation isn't really worth losing out on the potentially ongoing 100% armor pen... i gore and sometimes have my gore back up before my current gore expires. happens a lot actually... goreception


oh and berzerk all day everyday, especially with gore+ravage. better yet, gore+ravage+force screen crit = dead mallo




Yea.. I guess I made it seem like I dont use gore alot... I pretty much use it off cd as well and the only times I dont use it is when im getting ready for a burst or im out of rage.

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Hahaha!!! Thanks everyone!!!!!!! Okay, next on the list is working Force Camouflage into my routine, then I'll start working on my spell rotation. I'm already *thinking* about it, I just need to think on how to apply the rotation so it works for me.


It never occurred to me that FC was my anti-CC.


Thanks as always and you guys are the best and so nice to me. Thanks so much.


Also!!!! HD recording started tonight. I'm about 12 hours behind so HD starts uploading tomorrow. Thanks a ton ton ton for the help. Bandicam was expensive but it was very worth it and I have it working and I think you guys are going to really like it!


Keep commenting I really appreciate it. The positive atmosphere is helping me a lot.


I'll do another 'ask swtorpaladin' video in a week or so after I've made more of these improvements. :)

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Thanks for the feedback!


I think cyber bullying is plenty relevant to swtor. It's a star wars / commentary channel. There's tons of cyber bullying in swtor, so that's what came up in my mind to talk about. Even as a fair warning I put "...and mature discussion" right on there.


Do you see there being an issue, or .. what was the issue exactly?

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Thanks for the feedback!


I think cyber bullying is plenty relevant to swtor. It's a star wars / commentary channel. There's tons of cyber bullying in swtor, so that's what came up in my mind to talk about. Even as a fair warning I put "...and mature discussion" right on there.


Do you see there being an issue, or .. what was the issue exactly?


I guess it did have the title... but it just didnt really want me to actually watch the rest of the video because thats all you talked about.

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Hello All,


I started a youtube channel back on I think Friday of last week. I have 21 vids going up right now, with about 6-8 more going up per night as long as I'm able to pvp that night. They're mostly pvp commentary vids with either my sniper or my marauder. I hope you will check it out and if you like it, or dislike it, please let me know. I'm really trying to make it work.




I'm also trying to work some Hyperspace's in as I can. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.


Also check it out because if you pvp you'll probably see yourself on there and you'll be a youtube celeb! ;) Hehe.


Hey hey Extremis. I saw a few of your videos and really like what I see! Keep it up man. There is definately an audiance. A few suggestions from a fellow



1. Some minor editing would go a long way. Make a brand for yourself. Perhaps a small intro and logo so we know who you are as soon as we see your videos.

2. Have some kind of goal or directive. The videos I saw were all "Let's Play SWTOR". With the way you are recording, I would consider starting up a twitch.tv account. Great for streaming live play.

3. Your commentary is what makes me keep watching. Don't be afraid to keep letting loose. Most of your commentary is comedy gold.


Keep it up man. I appreciate the vids so far!

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Thanks for all the kind words. :) Hopefully people are watching more for the commentary and less because they get a sense of accomplishment for punishing me for how I play on Extremis. This thread is only a fraction of the people hounding me to death for how I play him, so keep that in mind the next time you're trying to "correct" or "improve" how I'm playing my characters. Despite how I'm playing my characters for specific RP reasons I followed all of the suggestions so far to see what could be improved and most of them I'm not happy with (After about 7 hours of trying) so I'm taking several off, keeping others, finishing my gear and playing him for another day or two then going back to playing on Armitage for PvP. I was never intending on pvping with Extremis and was only doing it to play with my '55' friends.


Hopefully everyone stays with me when I go back to Armitage full time for pvp. I have no way of gaging how popular Extremis really is to watch since all my views are on average and the majority of the comments are people telling me I don't play Extremis right.


Bandicap has hosed up my uploads and despite the file sizes being significantly smaller and now in HD they're actually crashing my youtube uploads. I have about 20 videos to upload, over 5 hours of recording and they won't upload at all. It was only a minor annoyance yesterday now they won't upload at all unless I upload 1-3 at a time, 4th crashes my app and I have to start over. I feel like I just threw away 50$ which is exactly what I didn't want, but what I've fully come to expect. I said it would happen over and over and over, and big shock, it did. Waste of 50$.


I have an extremely hard time believing there are a TON of people using Bandicam with this glaring usability-breaking defect and I can find zero mentions of it on the internet.


So tldr version I'll be playing Extremis approx. another day or two until his gear is finished, he'll be specced how I want him to be specced, the spells I want to use, and some gear advice that a friend of a friend gave me that actually makes sense, and those'll be his last vids while I work on Armitage that actually has spells that are synergized, harmonized, and actually make sense with my playstyle and thought process. And Bandicam doesn't work with Youtube worth garbage and I wasted 50$, which I knew would happen.


Thanks and take care and look forward to more vids soon, but no more Extremis after a few more days.

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Wow what a night. So these videos are only uploading 1 at a time and I must have had around 25 videos from last night. I'm almost half way done. I contacted Bandicam and changed the audio codec and it seems to have worked at least on the recording side, I haven't tried the upload side yet. I want to get a good chunk of videos to try to upload them all at the same time before I really claim victory over this last issue.


It's had a weird side effect which is the videos aren't always immediately playable on youtube. If this happens to you, try watching an older video that worked, then going to watch the newer video, like magic for whatever reason that is working and it's acting like it never had a problem in the first place.


Also the audio of some of these is off by a few seconds at the beginning. It has a very specific point in time where it wants to start recording, any earlier and there's a hiccup on the loading screen where it literally stops recording for a second then starts back up again, that's why there are hiccups in about half of my videos, because I keep forgetting that.


So for recording, we should be fine now once I get these last 10 or so videos up. Now for the Extremis thing, his augs are just about done, his mk-9's are done. He only needs 2 more pieces and then his suit's done. I'm going to finish gearing him, play him for a few days, and that'll be that for him. Hopefully you enjoy watching me not to grill me on how I play him, but just enjoying watching me play whatever I'm doing. Because if I do continue playing Extremis I guarantee several of you aren't going to like it because some of his spells simply won't be used due to RP reasons. I honestly don't know what to tell you, it's an RP server. He has certain spells that he wouldn't have for RP reasons.


I guess that's it. Thanks for sticking with me. Look forward to my uploads actually working smoothly by tonight or tomorrow.

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