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apology to devs


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I'm pretty sure the devs will know how long someone has subscribed. Account information would track that sort of thing.


Stop digging yourself a deeper hole.


And lol? Why are you calling me 89, a bit random and off topic.


What he's saying is that if you had a friend, who was once a subscriber in SWTOR, but can't remember how long ago he was a sub, and you give him your refer to a friend -link, and later find out he was subscriber i.e. 50 or 89 days earlier, it's not your fault that this happened.

Edited by Seireeni
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What he's saying is that if you had a friend, who was once a subscriber in SWTOR, but can't remember how long ago he was a sub, and you give him your refer to a friend -link, and later found out he was subscriber i.e. 50 or 89 days earlier, it's not your fault that this happened.

Yes thanks for the explains ^^

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How can you know that referral you have dpne out of here are correct? Hmmm? Maybe you have posted it in ten forums and the guys thst clicked ot where subs. There are people that spam it on Fb without knowing anything.

Let's say i go to mmorpg and i put my refer in a signature. One guy click it and he is a subscriber. Who is in fault here?


Because it's "refer a friend" and not "spam the **** out of it on the forums to get free stuff."

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"Sorry officer, sorry I accidentally stabbed him 50 times in the chest, I didn't know it was illegal. I know what i did was wrong, don't send me to jail. Just ban me from going into coffee shops"


Ok, a little OTT, but the fact is, I don't buy the whole story of innocence. It's more likely he found out he could get banned, panicked and started a thread looking for sympathy, and that is what you are giving him. It's pretty unlikely that people who have clicked referral links will get banned, but the fact is, they could, and it would be the fault of this guy, and other like him, and that my friend, is harsh.


Fair enough. And I did state that if needed he should be sanctioned accordingly. I just don't think he meant it with malicious intent. However, I do not excuse what he did in the slightest, I just feel that a perma ban is a bit much. But yes it was serious lapse of judgment.

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Don't know why some people are being so harsh on him. People make mistakes, do you not remember being a teenager? I sure as hell wasn't near as smart as I thought I was when I was young, most people aren't. Not exactly abnormal to make some mistakes along the way and not always think things out, that's part of growing up is learning from those mistakes and not making them again.


You'll likely be fine, I wouldn't sweat it too much especially with being willing to have them take everything back and even take a forum ban.


To be perfectly honest you'd probably be better off with a forum ban take it from me, don't know why I ever bother reading these forums with half the people wanting nothing more than to pick fights, troll etc.


I pretty much agree with all of this.

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What he's saying is that if you had a friend, who was once a subscriber in SWTOR, but can't remember how long ago he was a sub, and you give him your refer to a friend -link, and later find out he was subscriber i.e. 50 or 89 days earlier, it's not your fault that this happened.


Please don't defend them. They are making up hypothetical situations that didn't happen. I suspect that the "referred friend, they didn't know it was less than 90 days ago" will have happened to a very small amount of people that may have improperly used the referral system, and most of the people claiming this are liars. The fact is Elminster put their link out into the wide open internet, hoping to gain free stuff they aren't entitled to. He/she then covered up by spouting this BS that it isn't their fault for people clicking, but still put the link out there knowing that someone who shouldn't be able to be referred may accidentally click it. They are still accountable for their actions.


From a thread the started:



There is no more the restriction that you haven't to be subscriber in the last 90 days.

Or I miss something?


Because actually if you are subscriber and without any refer, if you click I get CC and you get reward


Now It is clear to me that English isn't there first language (No offense intended) so ill clear it up.


"There is no longer the restriction that you haven't been a subscriber in the last 90 days, or did I miss something?

Because if you are a subscriber and havent been referred I will get CC and you get rewards"


They clearly either didn't read the page, or were telling people that restriction was gone, and encouraging them to click there link. I guess the latter.

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Because it's "refer a friend" and not "spam the **** out of it on the forums to get free stuff."


^ This


Fair enough. And I did state that if needed he should be sanctioned accordingly. I just don't think he meant it with malicious intent. However, I do not excuse what he did in the slightest, I just feel that a perma ban is a bit much. But yes it was serious lapse of judgment.


An in-game ban of some sort is warranted, be that a perma-ban or a three month ban. Really it would have to be done on a case by case basis, which I doubt will happen and why I suspect that NOTHING will be done to punish those who have exploited this, bar maybe having the items purchased revoked and referrals wiped.

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Please don't defend them. They are making up hypothetical situations that didn't happen. I suspect that the "referred friend, they didn't know it was less than 90 days ago" will have happened to a very small amount of people that may have improperly used the referral system, and most of the people claiming this are liars. The fact is Elminster put their link out into the wide open internet, hoping to gain free stuff they aren't entitled to. He/she then covered up by spouting this BS that it isn't their fault for people clicking, but still put the link out there knowing that someone who shouldn't be able to be referred may accidentally click it. They are still accountable for their actions.


From a thread the started:



Now It is clear to me that English isn't there first language (No offense intended) so ill clear it up.


"There is no longer the restriction that you haven't been a subscriber in the last 90 days, or did I miss something?

Because if you are a subscriber and havent been referred I will get CC and you get rewards"


They clearly either didn't read the page, or were telling people that restriction was gone, and encouraging them to click there link. I guess the latter.


I'm not defending him/her, I'm merely clarifying what he/she said, since you seemed to have troubles in understanding him/her. At no point did he/she state that he/she was the person in his/her example: he/she only said that in that case, it wouldn't be the fault of the person sharing the link.

Edited by Seireeni
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I'm not defending him/her, I'm merely clarifying what he/she said, since you seemed to have troubles in understanding him/her. At no point did he state that he/she was the person in his/her example: he/she only said that in that case, it wouldn't be the fault of the person sharing the link.


I can understand them perfectly well, I also understand they are full of total BS

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What actually is amazing is that people don't realize that Teenagers make these kind of mistakes. Their brains just aren't developed right. I work with kids, they are morons. Its not an excuse and they should be punished for it, but the fact that he is 16 explains why he wouldnt think it through. Rash actions are what they do.


Not to mention he immediately takes the blame and basically says what all developing kids say 'I didnt really think it through". Its a common theme that is due to brain function. That being said, you dont say OH WELL YOURE A KID ITS COOL! He should be banned for a short time. However, the fact that he admitted his mistake and it was a minor one, means he should be allowed to come back. He owned up to it and accepted responsibility. Thats progress.

Edited by Solzean
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What actually is amazing is that people don't realize that Teenagers make these kind of mistakes. Their brains just aren't developed right. I work with kids, they are morons. Its not an excuse and they should be punished for it, but the fact that he is 16 explains why he wouldnt think it through. Rash actions are what they do.


Not to mention he immediately takes the blame and basically says what all developing kids say 'I didnt really think it through". Its a common theme that is due to brain function. That being said, you dont say OH WELL YOURE A KID ITS COOL! He should be banned for a short time. However, the fact that he admitted his mistake and it was a minor one, means he should be allowed to come back. He owned up to it and accepted responsibility. Thats progress.


Nemo censetur ignorare legem Nobody is thought to be ignorant of the law


(not a law they broke, but the sentiment is the same)


Anyway, I like that you agree he's a moron.

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My guess is the people that spammed their link in the forums will recieve some sort of punishment. There's been some not so clever threads in the PvP forums and server forums of people putting this out there. It will be pretty clear to BW by the links clicked and by whom this should be. Now BW is more passive in punishment that other companies so I doubt they drop the perms ban hammer on purposeful exploiters. Despite the flood of "I didn't know" rants that are sure to come everyone should take a queue from this young man and accept responsibility as such hopefully BW will go easy.


Congrats to the OP for manning up as it is.

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From a thread called "How to even the PvP playing field in this game"


if you are a new player and are getting into the game, u need to utilize this http://www.swtor.com/r/cJFxNx


it adds 7 subscribed days to every acct, and gives u ingame items that increase your max inventory slots, if you are a free-to-play player it also increases your exp rate.. there is no reason not to do this. gl to everyone!


And people are saying that this isn't an exploit and whatnot.



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