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An analysis of power: Darth Caedus


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Darth Caedus was incredibly powerful in a time when power had an entirely new measuring stick to match up to.


Though he was not proficient in the more ancient powers of the Dark Side, he was still extremely powerful in all other aspects, whether it be in the Force, Lightsaber combat or other theatres of power.


He was so skilled in Battle Meld he turned the minds of seventeen Jedi into one cohesive hive-mind that he was the focus of, he could project false Force Presences at will, his Healing Trance saved others from death, including himself and was so advanced at healing his own body that he could freely manipulate his own body in any way he needed.


He had gotten so powerful in the force during the Vong War that when he achieved Oneness, he was the most powerful being in the entirety of recorded history, becoming closer to the Force than anything ever had before.


His Tutaminis was incredibly powerful, to the point of absorbing force based attacks(Including Grand Master Luke Skywalker's) and redirecting them.


His knowledge of the force deepened as a Jedi during the Vong War to the point of being able to discharge green Force Lightning that instantly paralysed his Vong opponents.


His ability to cloak himself in the Force was unrivalled to the point of cutting himself off from the force to the bear minimum of connections, he could even change what other force sensetives could sense when searching for him through the Force, even including his Uncle.


His ability with Mind Control was extremely powerful, even being able to totally block off sections of his mind so as to be unreadable by any one, even his Uncle.


He even learnt the ability to Teleport things across considerable distances.


He could even see the Past and the Future and what either would be depending on the parameters he himself set on them, allowing him extremely accurate depictions of the future.


He also had the ability to cause discharges in the spinal cords of even some of the most powerful of opponents, paralysing them till he relented.


He also wielded the ability to summon illusions, so powerful that it was extremely convincing and often impossible to judge whether it was reality or illusion and could even allow the viewer's mind to decide whom the projection was, this ability eventually allowed him to breach into a victim's mind and force his own will upon it, effectively making them puppets.


He could use Force Sever on some of the most powerful Force Users of his time, as well as restore the connection he'd taken away, at will.


As a Sith Lord his Force Lightning could morph opponents until the point where species identification became nearly impossible, his use of Force Choke was also incredible, with the ability to use it on multiple powerful Jedi Knights at once, breaching all of their force barriers.


His Sith Battle Meditation was also very impressive, allowing his forces to fight against extremely overwhelming odds, turning extreme losses into victories with ease.


He eventually developed the ability to use the Force at such high degrees it was not safe for his body, allowing him unlimited power in short spurts and he was incredibly proficient in this ability, especially after his moment of oneness.


His mastery over Force Speed was particularly impressive allowing him to not only make Battlemaster Kyle Katarn look like a youngling, he even injured his Uncle severely in lightsaber combat and was so fast it caught Luke off guard and because of it, Luke nearly lost his right arm, he's effectively fought a far more powerful version of Luke than the one that faced Reborn Palpatine, using the measuring stick of Luke Skywalker, he was a faster duellist than Darth Sidious, the most powerful Sith Lord of all time.


Darth Caedus has faced the two most powerful Jedi of the entire post-ROTJ era, Luke Skywalker and Jaina Solo, against Skywalker he managed to put up a tremendous fight and almost took off Luke's arm in a burst of speed.


His first engagement against Jaina Solo showed he was far beyond her, even injured as he was, she got absolutely dismantled and she only managed to kill him because he wasn't paying her much attention and was severely injured, with one arm gone, one crippled leg and a hole through his stomach, he still took off one of her arms and managed to force wave her into a wall and still carried on, if he had chosen, he could have killed her, he chose otherwise.


I decided to create this thread so I could reach out to it whenever required, instead of having to trudge through others, if Aurbere could add this to my section of the sticky, I would be grateful.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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  • 3 weeks later...
This is why I'm glad the EU is being retconned out of existence. It had just gotten too out of hand. Things need to be "grounded" a bit and from the rumor mill it appears that will happen (no skywalker twins, no uber-Luke running the jedi academy, etc).
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This is why I'm glad the EU is being retconned out of existence. It had just gotten too out of hand. Things need to be "grounded" a bit and from the rumor mill it appears that will happen (no skywalker twins, no uber-Luke running the jedi academy, etc).


Yet there is a new book series called "Sword of the Jedi" in the works with the first book being released later this year that focuses on Jaina, Ben and others. So I don't know where you're getting your rumours from.

Edited by Jandi
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This is why I'm glad the EU is being retconned out of existence. It had just gotten too out of hand. Things need to be "grounded" a bit and from the rumor mill it appears that will happen (no skywalker twins, no uber-Luke running the jedi academy, etc).


We all have to wait till VII is released before anything gets retconned. Not to mention, if anything gets retconned it'll more than likely only be post-RTOJ stuff with PT, OT, Clone Wars, and OR stuff remaining relatively unscathed.


Personally I'd be sad to see any of it go, I grew up on the Post-ROTJ material and loved it (cept some of the Vong stuff). Cadeus and Mara (both post-ROTJ creations) are my favorite characters.


Also, the skywalker twins are G-cannon... as in they are prominently displayed in the movies... as in Luke-Leia Skywalker are twins... as in you aren't very good at this.


Also Luke was kinda always supposed to be the greatest Jedi ever, son of the chosen one and all that. Hell, his learning curve was so steep in the movies alone I don't think you can consider Uber-Luke an EU phenomenon.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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We all have to wait till VII is released before anything gets retconned. Not to mention, if anything gets retconned it'll more than likely only be post-RTOJ stuff with PT, OT, Clone Wars, and OR stuff remaining relatively unscathed.


Personally I'd be sad to see any of it go, I grew up on the Post-ROTJ material and loved it (cept some of the Vong stuff). Cadeus and Mara (both post-ROTJ creations) are my favorite characters.


Also, the skywalker twins are G-cannon... as in they are prominently displayed in the movies... as in Luke-Leia Skywalker are twins... as in you aren't very good at this.


Also Luke was kinda always supposed to be the greatest Jedi ever, son of the chosen one and all that. Hell, his learning curve was so steep in the movies alone I don't think you can consider Uber-Luke an EU phenomenon.


Correct, I meant the Solo twins, it appears no Jacen and Jaina in the new series. Also Leia is working in the government, she is keeping her past with Han Solo on the down-low, nobody knows where Luke is but there's a mysterious character running around called "the Shade" who wields a lightsaber and feeds the poor, there is a Jedi Monastery with a leader other than Luke, etc. Completely different approach, it appears.

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Correct, I meant the Solo twins, it appears no Jacen and Jaina in the new series. Also Leia is working in the government, she is keeping her past with Han Solo on the down-low, nobody knows where Luke is but there's a mysterious character running around called "the Shade" who wields a lightsaber and feeds the poor, there is a Jedi Monastery with a leader other than Luke, etc. Completely different approach, it appears.


While it personally doesn't matter to me what they do with the films, I just have to say that not making a film about an EU book or series is one thing but if they ignore the EU completely, they will have many, many angry people.

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Correct, I meant the Solo twins, it appears no Jacen and Jaina in the new series. Also Leia is working in the government, she is keeping her past with Han Solo on the down-low, nobody knows where Luke is but there's a mysterious character running around called "the Shade" who wields a lightsaber and feeds the poor, there is a Jedi Monastery with a leader other than Luke, etc. Completely different approach, it appears.


I was giving you a hard time, the post came across as being trollish to those of us with an undying love for the (albeit often random) post-ROTJ EU. :D


No I agree many storylines were very silly, but the main characters never suffered imo, and it made the whole universe come alive. It was, of course, not extremely well manage particularly early on (when a lot of Post-ROTJ stuff was written) because of Lucas's apathy towards it. But many writers like Zhan, Stackpole, and (begrudgingly) Allston (who I still hate for his overcompensating against mandos) made the universe better and told the stories of fantastic characters. Sure there was confusion and bad eggs but all in all the Star Wars post-ROTJ Eu has some thoroughly enjoyable literature.


Edit: besides, weird things DO happen in the real world. Imagine what weird stuff could happen in an entire galaxy of beings! I often find fact to be stranger than fiction, part of what endears some of the oddball stories to me.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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Great piece! I was never really a fan of Caedus, but he was pretty powerful and had an important impact on the galaxy as a whole. Whenever people underestimate Kyle, I always point out just how strong Caedus was and how even after winning he still somewhat complimented his skills. I just had a few questions about certain things;


1. Didn't Luke also achieve Oneness in the battle where he fought the Vong leader? Wouldn't he be more powerful in that form if this is the case? (Din't read the series itself, but I think wookieepedia says he did achieve oneness)


2. Is he considered a Sith after everything? If so, wouldn't Sidious immediately be more powerful canon-wise? If this is the case I guess it could be said that Luke was caught off guard since he had not fought an opponent in the same level of the emperor for a long while. It gives the old guy some wiggle room to still be top-dog :)


Once again, still a great piece!

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Luke couldn't fight Caedus seriously because he was afraid he would fall to the dark side if he did due to what he did to Mara and Ben. It was too personal and would have become revenge. He clearly said as much in Fate of the Jedi.
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Correct, I meant the Solo twins, it appears no Jacen and Jaina in the new series. Also Leia is working in the government, she is keeping her past with Han Solo on the down-low, nobody knows where Luke is but there's a mysterious character running around called "the Shade" who wields a lightsaber and feeds the poor, there is a Jedi Monastery with a leader other than Luke, etc. Completely different approach, it appears.


Where did you get this info? As far as I know nothing has been even hinted on, let alone released, in regards to trilogy plot line.

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Where did you get this info? As far as I know nothing has been even hinted on, let alone released, in regards to trilogy plot line.


Somewhere are legit as supershadow, or, his behind. The only plot point with any credibility is that Luke will apoear as an Obi-Wan type character, this was said by Mark Hamill who Lucas hired before the sale to Disney to fill the role of old Luke.

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His mastery over Force Speed was particularly impressive allowing him to not only make Battlemaster Kyle Katarn look like a youngling, he even injured his Uncle severely in lightsaber combat and was so fast it caught Luke off guard and because of it, Luke nearly lost his right arm, he's effectively fought a far more powerful version of Luke than the one that faced Reborn Palpatine, using the measuring stick of Luke Skywalker, he was a faster duellist than Darth Sidious, the most powerful Sith Lord of all time.


Darth Caedus has faced the two most powerful Jedi of the entire post-ROTJ era, Luke Skywalker and Jaina Solo, against Skywalker he managed to put up a tremendous fight and almost took off Luke's arm in a burst of speed.


His first engagement against Jaina Solo showed he was far beyond her, even injured as he was, she got absolutely dismantled and she only managed to kill him because he wasn't paying her much attention and was severely injured, with one arm gone, one crippled leg and a hole through his stomach, he still took off one of her arms and managed to force wave her into a wall and still carried on, if he had chosen, he could have killed her, he chose otherwise..


I want to thank you for this Great write up on a character I both greatly liked & despised at the same time. I completely agree that Jacen/Ceadus had the utmost contempt for Jania & was her better in every possible undertaking except Starfighter combat I'll give the edge to Jania on that one. It was that complete disregard of Jania that in the end allowed her to best him (and no I am not ignoring the fact that 95% of his attention during their final fight was spent trying to save Tenal-Ka & Amalia from the Imperial Nano virus). It is b/c he considered her so far beneath himself that he could afford to disregard her as a threat rather than end her quickly & continue on his main objective of saving baby momma & daughter.


I'm confused about your point of injuring Luke, Caedus was on no means equal to Luke in combat. Luke & Caedus fought on 2 occasions (if memory serves correctly, its been awhile since I read this story arc) & both times Luke owned him, in fact, the Second time aboard Caedus's own star destroyer Luke had Cadeus under the knife (lightsaber); however, it was Ben's Blood-thirsty desire to see Caedus struck down that held back Luke's blade causing him to flee w/ his son rather than end things there & risk Ben falling to the Dark side. Caedus himself stated that there is only One person in the entire Galaxy that he felt could stop him & that was Luke. Now however, if you are just making a point of how skilled he was w/ his force speed that it allowed him to severely injure Luke then, I completely agree with you. Caedus definitely had skills on top of skills, he just let himself get played by Luminarra (spelling?) on his affection for Vergere & by twisting what she taught him.

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Correct, I meant the Solo twins, it appears no Jacen and Jaina in the new series. Also Leia is working in the government, she is keeping her past with Han Solo on the down-low, nobody knows where Luke is but there's a mysterious character running around called "the Shade" who wields a lightsaber and feeds the poor, there is a Jedi Monastery with a leader other than Luke, etc. Completely different approach, it appears.
This is all false and fabricated rumor, all of it I'm afraid.


This is currently all we know about the upcoming movies.

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