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I dont think this mmo will survive long due to poor long-term retention...


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we shouldn't have an attitude that they're AGAINST us. Honestly they have paid people in their company that try their best to figure out what we want while sorting out all the noise of silly complaints and balancing out between people who will actually pay for their content. It's harder than we make it up to seem


Voice of reason thank you!:)

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for me one of the things that i don't like is single missions becoming heroics. balmorra bonus missions republic side heroic iv'e never done that heroic mission that shows up. the macrobinos quest on republic side ends becoming a heroic and there's one on empire side. i wish bioware would stop doing that. and heroics in general should be cut back given how hard at times it is to get a group together for them. all game heroics should be added to the group finder. and at this stage of the game small sister planets for taris etc should be added to the game. i know im at a stage where i skip a lot of sidequests because im sick of doing them again and again. and skiping the sidequests means im missing getting extra planet comms and xp and credits. so it would be nice to see some new planets for those that are doing there fourth of fifth empire caracter or republic one. and they would be nice for new players as well. and then there's people being able to votekick players in a flashpoint for no spacebar which is childish to do i would like to see that become a votekick which will not work in the votekick system. i do like the class storys and they should bring them back. also this game is now at the two year old mark. and there are new mmo games coming out that are going to have random weather effects and day and night cycles. things that star wars the old republic is lacking. you don't get to see the twin suns of Tatooine in this game. think about how great that would be for feeling your living in the world your playing in.
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does it even matter anymore, Scounds are gimped devs aren't doing their jobs properly otherwise this game would surprass SWG

Actually it does. Even after all the mass exodusses(?) that you proclaim to have happened, SWTOR still got more subscribers than SWG had in its best times.


I did like SWG and played it for a long time.... but I did let it go.... you should too.

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Exactly that.




Here I disagree. F2P gives way to gold sellers, so I am not for F2P. It was only done because the game was about to fall on its face. The big mistake they made in the first year is living on a cloud believing all was well, while people were getting fed up with a too many bugs and not getting new content on time. Because of that attitude they lost a lot of people and F2P became a necessity. Having said that, I also am very happy they've turned things around since then.


What I meant to say is that they should have shipped with a CM. They also should have shipped the game a year later and had all the content from 2.0 and back in the box.

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does it even matter anymore, Scounds are gimped devs aren't doing their jobs properly otherwise this game would surprass SWG


lol it's never gonna surpass SWG?


At its *peak* SWG had 250k subs.


At its *lowest point* SWTOR had 400k subs.


Yeah.... SWTOR is clearly the worse game here...

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Can anyone explain to me, what a "scound" is?


Or do I need to attend hardward law school, to understand this gibberish? ;)


He's being sarcastic, that's like saying that Smash/Sweep is very underpowered. They're better PvP healers than Sorcs by a significant amount:(:(:(


P.S: Scounds is short for Scoundrels.

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SWG last 8 years because of the content it offered !


Housing, open world planets, open world pvp, themeparks, players city, real crafting, real ressources hunting, 36 professions, open world spacial, spaceship crafting "many spaceships", multiplace vehicules and spaceships, multiplace spaceship housing, Event promoteur giving hundreds items for RP, ah yes and you could sit on chairs !!

And many more !!!


Compare to SWG, SWTOR does not offers the same king of content and by far ! SWTOR has some good things but SWG was better. If they had take some mechanics of SWG, SWTOR wouldn't had this population problem that made it F2P !


SWTOR had to merge server after a year ! SWG after 5 or 6 years !!!


SWG was great cause It was all about players helping players without having to actually be side by side. I had ppl in the guild I was in that I barely saw more then a few minutes every week or two but we talked alot in tells and helped each other progress.. I'd get materials they make my weapons armor and heals. There was group content that required players to group up and fight together but what you got wasn't required to play the game. I think what alot of people like what was mentioned before did do afk playing and yeah there was problems that stimmed from it. I've yet to see a single MMo without problems that Devs cannot solve and players complain about.


Why can't people get over it. Same reason some ppl can't stop loving their first car. When you have something you can sink your time into and enjoy you don't want to lose it. No more then most people would want to go without their computer their using to see this thread.


Sadly there hasn't been a great replacement for SWG and well the not to be named follower of SWG isn't complete and has been a long time in the making. I play this game cause I do enjoy some parts of it and well its Star Wars and noone else has Lightsabers and Jedi. Rather be playing SWG even NGE version mostly for the crafting and the Sandbox feeling. Yea I'm one of those that still wanna play SWG and probably would be if it was open. Don't do the complaining that others might but I can say and be blamed for talking about and comparing SWG to other games.


Whether this game gonna die or live on I don't know and frankly don't think anyone can say. I hope it stays til there is a better version of a Star Wars MMO out there that fans of both SWTOR and SWG can be happy with.

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i graduated top 1% of my class, i'm not here to impress anyone except my pvp playerbase

Oh you surely are impressive, but to me it is not your imagined harvard diploma or your pvp skills.... I rather find your total ignorance of even trying to type readable english pretty impressive :)

Edited by JPryde
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Oh you surely are impressive, but to me it is not your imagined harvard diploma or your pvp skills.... I rather find your total ignorance of even trying to type readable english pretty impressive :)

look who's talkin apologists have no room watsoever to say anything


I'm just here as a valued customer giving my praises and criticisms as well. why? bc Im a professional mmo analyst

Edited by lStillWantMySWG
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You should actually do some research first instead of posting through the SWG rose tinted goggles.


First of all, SWG at its peak couldn't pass 300k subs and there wasn't even WoW out then. Didn't have tons of competition except mostly from UO, EQ and a couple others.

While that is true most MMO's at the time where not very much bigger then SWG and for the most part until wow MMO didn't have many playing them. There wasn't nearly the numbers there are now. So frankly saying SWTOR in this age is more successful cause it has more numbers then they had is kinda a weak point.. Cell phones sell alot more better today then they did back in 1998 so does that mean their more successful now then back then or is it more about accessibility and availability.


Secondly, SWG was a sandbox box. It has nothing to do with BioWare and their version of SW. Completely different games other then both had lightsabers. Why not compare WoW to CoD?


I do think alot of ppl saw this as a SWG2 instead of a seperate new game and had hopes it would bring back a precu gameplay style.


SOE did NOT make a mistake in pulling the plug on SWG. It did it for a reason. Maybe the 10-20k people left, if that and didn't feel the upkeep was worth it due to not making money. That was a smart business move. People seem to think that SWG was the almighty and had a strong player base when in fact it didn't.

From what I've heard and seen on other forums it was more of SOE shutting down due to not being effective to keep the game online with increasing cost due to Bioware/EA. Honestly after how many times it was changed and had the core mechanics switched and the lost of alot of the features it kept the playerbase it had was a true sign how determined the playerbase was to stay with that game. Tossing that is a lose in my opinion. Knowing that there is a steady base of fans trying to recreate that game in its orginal version should also speak well for the game in how successful it was.

The majority of the people prefer theme parks vs sandbox games. If you don't believe me then how many active ones are there along with the active accounts? ToR at it's lowest still was way above SWG at its highest. Let's see how The Repopulation does as it is a full sandbox game along with EQ Next which may do okay because of its fan base but I bet Eq1 and EQ2 would still do better then EQ Next. The majority of the people want to see rewards for their efforts and completely hard end game bosses for gear is one way vs getting excited over farming gas with your harvester cluttering up the area and crafting a gun.

While I think your right that most prefer themeparks I think its mostly about how easy it is to jump into a themepark as opposed to sandbox play. Lots more to learn and most like the being lead and knowing where to go and what to do instead of finding your own way.. Yea people want direct results instead of doing such as collecting to create it but there are thsoe of us that would rather spend a day collecting supplies from all over the galaxy instead of getting into a 1 hour raid to try for gear for or even get our character.

Don't get me wrong I loved SWG because it was SW but mostly because it was my first mmo (other then UO which I only played for like a couple weeks because I didn't like it). But what made me love it so much was the community. Without them I may not have stayed as long as I did. I look back now and all I did in SWG was defending our guilds or allies bases during vulnerability, sit in a cantina and socialize, or go out and level new skills since you could change your skills in a matter of a couple days.


I can say the last things you said was what I enjoyed most about game. 20 man groups to go out leveling and collecting cash was fun when it was guild run. I loved helping new players learn and leading grind groups whether it was for Exp or cash. Also I enjoyed the fact that if I didn't get like or just got tired of my profession it was only a couple days to change it and I didn't have to make an alt just to have alittle different or totally different playstyle.

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look who's talkin apologists have no room watsoever to say anything


I'm just here as a valued customer giving my praises and criticisms as well. why? bc Im a professional mmo analyst


A pro mmo analyst... So much for a serious discussion about the issues.


A psychologist bro. See one.



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bc Im a professional mmo analyst


Professional: "engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime."


All right, I believe you. Heck, I'd even say you're doing your job extremely well.



Whoever is paying you to post here should give you a raise.


Edited by AshlaBoga
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lol it's never gonna surpass SWG?


At its *peak* SWG had 250k subs.


At its *lowest point* SWTOR had 400k subs.


Yeah.... SWTOR is clearly the worse game here...


Veteran designer, Raph Koster, helmed the development and initial launch of the game. Many industry professionals expected that the subscription numbers would exceed the one million mark, a feat accomplished only thus far in Asia by MMORPGs such as Lineage and more recently by World of Warcraft. Based on NPD figures as of February 2004, SWG sold more than 300,000 boxed copies at retail for a total initial revenue of over $18 million dollars. Sony Online Entertainment confirmed in March 2004 that there were well over 200,000 monthly subscribers making it the 2nd largest MMORPG in North America. The company later reported in 2004 that they had 250,000 subscribers. In August 2005, Sony Online Entertainment reported that they had now sold 1,000,000 boxed copies of the game. Media sources reported that the subscriber numbers have fallen substantially since the release of the CU and the NGE. In early 2006 after the NGE, allegedly "hacked" numbers purported to show that only 10,363 subscribers were playing on a particular Friday night. The President of Sony Online Entertainment, John Smedley, denied that subscriptions had fallen this low: "Have the numbers in Star Wars Galaxies gone down? I will tell you that the concurrent numbers have gone down. Are they as low as what was shown there? Absolutely not."




Second largest MMo in North America at the time with 250k Subs. Says something about the number of MMO users then compared to now.

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Why do you people feed this guy? He clearly is trolling. He says things like "I have a Harvard degree" and then uses poor grammar. Its intentional, how can you not see this? He wants attention and you guys are shoveling it. He is also hoping that you click the link in his signature, which happens to be a link to the "refer a friend' exploit. Who knows why trolls do what they do, that is a question more suited for a psychologist, but I do know there is zero reason to feed them.
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Veteran designer, Raph Koster, helmed the development and initial launch of the game. Many industry professionals expected that the subscription numbers would exceed the one million mark, a feat accomplished only thus far in Asia by MMORPGs such as Lineage and more recently by World of Warcraft. Based on NPD figures as of February 2004, SWG sold more than 300,000 boxed copies at retail for a total initial revenue of over $18 million dollars. Sony Online Entertainment confirmed in March 2004 that there were well over 200,000 monthly subscribers making it the 2nd largest MMORPG in North America. The company later reported in 2004 that they had 250,000 subscribers. In August 2005, Sony Online Entertainment reported that they had now sold 1,000,000 boxed copies of the game. Media sources reported that the subscriber numbers have fallen substantially since the release of the CU and the NGE. In early 2006 after the NGE, allegedly "hacked" numbers purported to show that only 10,363 subscribers were playing on a particular Friday night. The President of Sony Online Entertainment, John Smedley, denied that subscriptions had fallen this low: "Have the numbers in Star Wars Galaxies gone down? I will tell you that the concurrent numbers have gone down. Are they as low as what was shown there? Absolutely not."




Second largest MMo in North America at the time with 250k Subs. Says something about the number of MMO users then compared to now.


Really. 250k was the second-biggest back then? Which one was the biggest? Just asking out of curiosity.


And yeah, I understand that in relative terms SWG may have been more successful. But in hard numbers, 400k > 250k, regardless of how much percentage of the MMO population they account for. I was simply arguing the poster's silly expectation of this game never "surpassing' SWG, when it already is a lot more successful.

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Why do you people feed this guy? He clearly is trolling. He says things like "I have a Harvard degree" and then uses poor grammar. Its intentional, how can you not see this? He wants attention and you guys are shoveling it. He is also hoping that you click the link in his signature, which happens to be a link to the "refer a friend' exploit. Who knows why trolls do what they do, that is a question more suited for a psychologist, but I do know there is zero reason to feed them.


But... I need my constant source of entertainment when waiting on queue pops...

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Really. 250k was the second-biggest back then? Which one was the biggest? Just asking out of curiosity.


And yeah, I understand that in relative terms SWG may have been more successful. But in hard numbers, 400k > 250k, regardless of how much percentage of the MMO population they account for. I was simply arguing the poster's silly expectation of this game never "surpassing' SWG, when it already is a lot more successful.


Eq until Wow hit was the largest MMO (in North America anyway)..


In terms of money made and population it has exceded SWG but to say which is more successful can be argued to a point. If you look up how much was spent making SWG compared to SWTOR you'll see a world of difference and how many people are playing MMO's now compared to just 10 years ago. Granted I think the Op is more out to troll then actually argue good solid points but comparing this game to SWG is beyond unfair if your counting money made and server population. You got alot more to work with now then you had back then and at the time of release the MMo market was small and SWG was one of the orginal breakout games for the genre. Both had/have successes, but rating this game against SWG is comparing Apples against Watermelons lol. You can do it but its gonna be alot more opinions then facts.

Edited by Wishiwas
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