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Some indication for evaded shots?


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Ok, we have the hits with yellow color and crits with red color. I would really like to see some indication of evaded shots, because sometimes it gets really frustraring shooting at a stationary ship from 2k distance and not getting a single hit when you've fired for 2-5 seconds straight.


Sometimes it can be the netcode or connection lag, but I'm guessing a lot of the "I knew I hit the guy, but no damage" situations are caused by evaded shots. So a simple thing would be to add a blue color text saying evaded or something just to tell you, that you actually did "hit" the guy, but he evaded the shots. Less frustrating to know it was evasion instead of connection lag.

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Yes this would be nice. Just like on the ground, resisted, parried, blocked etc. I'd also like to see if/when I'm evading shots.


The only reason I can think of why it isn't is perhaps they didn't want too much flytext in GSF, even then that seems kinda weak if that is the reason.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Please no more flytext. There is plenty already.


You missed. Who cares. The only shot that matters is the next one.


Not true at all. Distortion Field is a major player in the game, and someone who doesn't realize it's up (or can't, if they're too far away to render the fuzzy blue stuff) is at a major disadvantage.


I would likewise like it if my screen told me when I evaded a shot. It's helpful to know when someone's shooting at me, or how many are shooting at me, without just relying on the "missed" shots that fly around my ship.

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Please no more flytext. There is plenty already.


You missed. Who cares. The only shot that matters is the next one.


Some people might care because they don't know if the original shot would have even hit. At point blank range or if you are leading a target, it is near impossible to tell if the shot even connects. Not to mention there are a number of annoying server issues in what you see on the screen and where the server believes the target is. It would be nice to get an indication that 'Yes you would have hit the ship if it weren't evading' or 'No you didn't hit it, adjust your aim'.


Doesn't have to be anything big. A blue '0' would probably be enough really. Small not to be distracting, but enough to give an indicator. This is equally valuable to a dogfighter or sniper. There are a lot of times I could swear there was no way my rail shot just connected, and a lot of times I wonder if I missed a shot because I was just a wee bit off center or if it buzzed past due to evasion.

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