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Account wide friend list


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I play 5 toons in pvp regulary. I'm what you call an altoholic. I have many characters and play most of them fairly often.

I also have 20+ people on my friend list, either real Friends or people that I pvp with.


Can you come up with a system that i wont have to re-add all my friends to my friend list every time i log onto a new character, its really annoying if you have to logout, log in to an other character to check whats the name of your friend's alt name.


Sorry for my bad english and i hope i'm clear... It would be so much easier and would save so much time. Im sure many of you feel the same way.


Do not tell me it is a wow feature, go play wow if you want real ID... I play swtor. Please bioware, do it.

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when I /friend someone, I'd like to /friend their whole legacy, not just that one toon. It's that PLAYER i'm friends with, not that one 'toon.

likewise, if I /ignore some goon, I'd like my entire legacy to be /ignoring their entire legacy.

Edited by dancezwithnubz
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Especially would be helpful when friending someone who has a special character in their name due to name taken issues. That kind of place on a friends list is unduly difficult to manually replicate on alts, especially given the game's lack of support for copy/pasting a selection from the friends pane.

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If I want to add someone to my friend list that i pvp alot with , I have to log on my 6-7 characters and add the same person to each, plus his alts to see whe he is online, so my main has 20+ friends and my alts only have 5-6 because i cannot recall all their names with the stranges accents or silly name like that Guy on POT5 called nomomommomom or something like that... So i basically have to write the name down on a piece of paper to remember it or copy and paste it...


Please Bioware, we're almost in 2014, if you want to compete with the biggest MMOs out there, details like that actually matters alot.

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I'm all for the original suggestion, making it easier to add friends to all my alts, but not the other way round.


Adding a player's whole legacy to my friends list opens the doors to cyberstalking, especially with the current system where everyone is able to "befriend" you without you geting informed let alone having a say in it. I for one like to be left alone and do my thing from time to time without having to explain myself, in real life as well as ingame. If you are really a friend and accept this, I might even tell you the names of my alts.



Under "documents\username\Local Settings\Application Data\}SWTOR\swtor\settings" there is a file named "*_charname_LocalSocialSettings.ini" for each of your chars. There you can copy/paste this char's friends.


(You can also add your own chars from the other faction to that list to make it easier to send them mails)

Edited by Mubrak
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I'm all for the original suggestion, making it easier to add friends to all my alts, but not the other way round.


Adding a player's whole legacy to my friends list opens the doors to cyberstalking, especially with the current system where everyone is able to "befriend" you without you geting informed let alone having a say in it. I for one like to be left alone and do my thing from time to time without having to explain myself, in real life as well as ingame. If you are really a friend and accept this, I might even tell you the names of my alts.



Under "documents\username\Local Settings\Application Data\}SWTOR\swtor\settings" there is a file named "*_charname_LocalSocialSettings.ini" for each of your chars. There you can copy/paste this char's friends.


(You can also add your own chars from the other faction to that list to make it easier to send them mails)



They could add an offline mode, where you simply appears offline to your friends and can be left alone doing whatever you want or on which char you are..


Ty for the file name tho i will try it

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when I /friend someone, I'd like to /friend their whole legacy, not just that one toon. It's that PLAYER i'm friends with, not that one 'toon.

likewise, if I /ignore some goon, I'd like my entire legacy to be /ignoring their entire legacy.

No, that's not what the OP is about. It's about adding a friend to all of his characters without having to add the friend on each of his characters. That's a good idea and works that way in other games.


Without certain restrictions, what you suggest would become a tool for griefing and harassment.


They could add an offline mode, where you simply appears offline to your friends and can be left alone doing whatever you want or on which char you are.

Supposing I don't want you to know at all that in addition to Bran'mak'muffin, I have another character called Banana'mak'muffin. Your "offline don't bother me" thing won't solve that. What would solve it is if friending involved you sending me a friend request (to whatever character I am online with) and then I select which of my characters are allowed to be added to your friends list.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I concur. A legacy friendship option would be a big plus.


TOR is no longer a "new" game after nearly 2 years and many players have multiple characters to occupy their time with. Having to /friend half a dozen characters belonging to the same player is a pain which is amplified if you have multiple characters yourself.


Of course some people may not want to let everyone know who they are on at all times so the existing "one character at a time" option should be retained. In exchange, give us a new legacy friend tab with a whole new command line such as /lfriend or something. After all, what is the point of making legacy names unique if not for this purpose? It's not as if this is a new concept within the MMO world as an old game like CoH/CoV already had it many many years ago and that game was anything but a technological marvel.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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Supposing I don't want you to know at all that in addition to Bran'mak'muffin, I have another character called Banana'mak'muffin. Your "offline don't bother me" thing won't solve that. What would solve it is if friending involved you sending me a friend request (to whatever character I am online with) and then I select which of my characters are allowed to be added to your friends list.


but you could agree that most people (including me) wouldn't really use it. I mean, If I decide to add a friend to the account wide ''system'' it's because It's a friend, therefore, it doesn't really bother me if he see which character i'm playing.


I mean the RealID system from Blizzard works great, you have a offline/busy/away mode, you add people that you really care about on RealID and other people are just added the old fashioned way by adding the character name to the friend list so you only see when that player is online/offline.


I'm not asking for a replica of the RealID system, I think if we had an Account Wide friend list system in-game, it would already be a step foward..

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Without certain restrictions, what you suggest would become a tool for griefing and harassment.


Obviously there would be certain restrictions and additional tools. Some MMOs with this type of account wide friending setup also gave us the same form of global ignore option to deal with harrassers. Other games have a confirmation box pop-up when someone wants to add your legacy/global name which you can either approve or deny. There could also be an invisible or "show as offline" option that could be toggled when you don't want to be bothered. Heck, BW could even add a "enable legacy friend list" option to game preferences which the player would have to click the checkbox first if they wish to utlize the feature.


There are many ways to deal with griefers so it shouldn't become an obstacle for implementing an extremely useful QoL feature.


The existing /friend system is certainly not encouraging players to socialize or forming new circles outside of their respective guilds.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This suggestion has fallen by the wayside and needs to be bumped back up. This major QoL improvement is long overdue and in my opinion it should have been included from the very beginning as TOR is widely known to be a alt-friendly MMO.


When I (with 7 characters) want to add someone as a friend (who has 6 characters), it makes absolutely no sense for me to have to log in and out repeatedly and type out the various names 42 times.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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This would be a great subscriber only feature, or an unlock and the reason why I say so is because it wouldn't work any other way. A Legacy friends list that was server wide would be absolutely amazing esp for those of us who have characters on more than one side.


Guilds should be able to do some form of Legacy invite. It get's so tiring having to get an invite for all my toons when I think of switching a guild.


edit, oh and signed.

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Obviously there would be certain restrictions and additional tools. Some MMOs with this type of account wide friending setup also gave us the same form of global ignore option to deal with harrassers. Other games have a confirmation box pop-up when someone wants to add your legacy/global name which you can either approve or deny. There could also be an invisible or "show as offline" option that could be toggled when you don't want to be bothered. Heck, BW could even add a "enable legacy friend list" option to game preferences which the player would have to click the checkbox first if they wish to utlize the feature.

For friending, here's how it should work. You and I meet in game, we decide we want to be game buddies. We each send the other a friend request to the character we met in game. The recipient then decides which of their other characters they want to allow to be added to the sender's friend list (maybe it's just the character that got the invitation, maybe it's the entire legacy, maybe it's something in between). Ideally, we should have the choice whether or not a particular character of ours is on another player's friend list (although it doesn't work that way now, of course).


For ignore, the only thing I can think of is to not allow the ignorer to see the system-added entries (i.e., the rest of the ignoree's legacy) on their ignore list. Otherwise it would become a tool for harassing.


OTOH, making my friend and ignore lists global to my legacy is a good idea and it works this way in other games.


Legacy guild invites would be a problem. What if that Jedi-only guild invites your Sentinel? You shouldn't be able to "sneak" your Scoundrel in on a legacy invite. It would require a reiterative approval process, not worth the bother of implementing.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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No, MMOs are basically designed to be fun, since they are games. If "being social" fits into your definition of "fun," good for you.


Call it what you want, but one of the purposes of games like this are to be social and play with other people. You may choose not to, but the majority of players choose to be "social" in a setting like this. Now go play your devils advocate elsewhere.

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I honestly feel they should go the GW route and just make our legacy our actual tag in chat.

If you friend someone, you friend all of them (it is not that hard to simply tell someone that you're doing your own thing or want to be left alone...if saying that is SUCH a hardship...don't log in) also...if you ignore someone, that entire legacy should be ignored.


This would also free up guild slots as if you join a guild your entire legacy on that faction is now in the guild (no optional separation, this would cause people to be a tad more serious minded in how they guild).


So, what about those people who like to RP, PvP, and raid occasionally? Well, they better find a guild that enjoys doing at least 2 of those activities and another guild they have friends in that will keep doing the 3rd activity with.


As for cyber stalking...you can't stalk if you are ignored...just make it that if you ignore someone it de-rends them and makes it impossible for the person you ignored to see what YOU say as well as impossible for them to see YOU. Problem solved.

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I honestly feel they should go the GW route and just make our legacy our actual tag in chat.

If you friend someone, you friend all of them (it is not that hard to simply tell someone that you're doing your own thing or want to be left alone...if saying that is SUCH a hardship...don't log in) also...if you ignore someone, that entire legacy should be ignored.


I Loved this part of your post and fully agree to a certain extent… I don't think your legacy name should show up in chat… If you're talking about direct contact via "in game mail or whispers", Yes, I agree your legacy name should show up so if i want to friend/ignore someone i friend/ignore that whole legacy. This should only apply to whispers and mail to avoid harassment from gold farmers and just rude peeps.


This would also free up guild slots as if you join a guild your entire legacy on that faction is now in the guild (no optional separation, this would cause people to be a tad more serious minded in how they guild).


Now this part i disagree with…I do love my guild for raiding but they don't PvP as much as i like unless like two or three of them are online that will que so I have to out source and I normally run with Death-Sentence or Afghanistanimation when i want to PvP so a couple of my alts are in Afghananistanimation… I live in Japan and hardly anyone is online during my prime hours of gameplay so i have other guilds to play with so its much easier to split alts per guild for fun. I don't care if I'm on recruit the whole time and never have access to bank, Im playing with friends so I'm still getting a great experience :).


So, what about those people who like to RP, PvP, and raid occasionally? Well, they better find a guild that enjoys doing at least 2 of those activities and another guild they have friends in that will keep doing the 3rd activity with.


I have friends in other guilds and they're on my friends list but why not have different toons you want to play with them on in those guilds? wouldn't that make the process easier? Or maybe its just me but i have certain toons that are pure PvP and others that are pure PvE so maybe what you're saying won't work for me because of that…



As for cyber stalking...you can't stalk if you are ignored...just make it that if you ignore someone it de-rends them and makes it impossible for the person you ignored to see what YOU say as well as impossible for them to see YOU. Problem solved.


I agree with this part, because the peeps that go on my ignore list are normally racist people or people that harass my non-stealth toons in PvP then proceed to whisper me how great they are and i (1) ignore them > (2) swap to my stealth alt > (3) Hit "O" on my keyboard > (4) type in the guys name that was harassing me > (5) friend him so i can track him > (6) get in a WZ with him on the opposite team (if its Imp v Imp) > (7) Mark the guy that was whispering me > (8) kill them in a WZ in a 1 v 1… and when i say kill them i mean turn them into a training dummy (stun lock up and kill) > (9) camp the respawn area and make sure they don't make it 10m past the respawn. Then they whisper me W.T.F.? and i just say, "the guy you were just harassing sends his love" and 9/10 they quit the WZ if they don't i repeat steps 8 and 9 and watch them get paranoid when i don't attack them giving them the fear of moving around w/o doing an AoE or placing a stealth probe down…or going anywhere without his healer or back up because I've already killed him 25 times and all he could do is watch me…mwahahahaha!


Stalkerish? i know but I got my point across…don't F*** with someone on the internet if you don't wanna be F***ed with. because yea we lost that huttball match due to me focus targeting but i got 25 solo kills and made some poor guy regret walking in that match lol


"In the end, the greatest snowball isn't a snowball at all. It's fear. Merry Christmas."

-Dwight Schrute

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