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Someone needs to organize the good pugs and solostars


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Hello all.


I know that the group rank scene on The Bastion is declining more and more everyday. However, I think there could be a solution that would bring more teams to compete.


Someone (you know who you are) should make a thread or something that could have anyone who is interested in doing ranked (good pugs and solostars) can sign up.


There could be a universal mumble/teamspeak/vent channel that everyone who signs up can join to put together teams easier. Also, for each faction, there could be a new guild just for this. Just an idea.


* I would be interested in this with my scoundrel healer. (Although i have little ranked experience, I am a quick learner)


*** This is just an idea that I believe could be practical if someone could step up and lead us. I know there are people who are interested in playing rank but aren't currently in a position to do so.



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Hello all.


I know that the group rank scene on The Bastion is declining more and more everyday. However, I think there could be a solution that would bring more teams to compete.


Someone (you know who you are) should make a thread or something that could have anyone who is interested in doing ranked (good pugs and solostars) can sign up.


There could be a universal mumble/teamspeak/vent channel that everyone who signs up can join to put together teams easier. Also, for each faction, there could be a new guild just for this. Just an idea.


* I would be interested in this with my scoundrel healer. (Although i have little ranked experience, I am a quick learner)


*** This is just an idea that I believe could be practical if someone could step up and lead us. I know there are people who are interested in playing rank but aren't currently in a position to do so.




who knows who they are? Synergy and I are queueing in like half an hour (this is pacifism)

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No one in particular.


Just big-name people. Feel me bro-beans?


I haven't been playing much recently, I'll be back in the grove in about 2 weeks though, hopefuly the game doesn't stay on the decline


dueling tournament tomorrow, you should duel on your mando man, I know other mercs/mandos that wanna duel full middle tree vs other good mandos

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I would but I got booed out of ranked. I am great at 8v8 (even got the screenshot of me, a commando healer, healing for 794202 in one match) but for arenas, well, I got booed out of that and I show up as one of the worst players on the bastion at the moment ( that assassin I soloed and that marauder I soloed in 8v8 ought to feel ashamed if I managed to beat them) Edited by Sangrar
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I would but I got booed out of ranked. I am great at 8v8 (even got the screenshot of me, a commando healer, healing for 794202 in one match) but for arenas, well, I got booed out of that and I show up as one of the worst players on the bastion at the moment ( that assassin I soloed and that marauder I soloed in 8v8 ought to feel ashamed if I managed to beat them)


I'm sorry, you keep throwing this number around but it means nothing without context. Heals per second is more of an indicator of how impressive that number is or isn't.


Also, in ranked arenas, the only healer that can compete at the top level is an operative. If you queue heals, you're most likely matched against an op/scoundrel. The op/scoundrel is better equipped to heal a ranked arena. This is why people are upset at you for queuing as heals. Trust me, I'd love to queue as merc/mando heals since it's my favorite spec. But there isn't a place for it in ranked right now.


On the topic of the thread: I love the idea. I'm slowly losing interest because of the lack of a tam to queue ranked with. I'd queue if I had any damn team.

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Maybe people are not doing them due to too many Imperials using hacks (Oh i know no one use's them,,,ever).


Fact of the matter is,is that rank means little to anyone anymore due to people using hacks and i am not even talking about ranked too because i have seen numerous Imp's using speed hacks and some others.


And before anyone call's me out on it i was having a conversation with a guildy that played PvP primarily over on the Imp side and he even stated most of these PvP guilds over there will not let you join their main team unless you do in fact use one.


People will deny,accuse of me not knowing the game (even though i have played every class) yadda yadda but it is out there,look at how the Imperials lose so much in GSF but turn the tables to standard PvP and well yah know.



Personally i am at the point i don't even care for PvP anymore due to it.

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On topic: We do need a leader. Someone man up and take some action to save the group rank scene.


Love the games against MVP and Don't panic we get to play. Shame other guilds who run regs and think they are hot stuff don't Q (@BOSS, Meet Killface, Akatsuki). Grow a set of balls you cowards and just play instead of cowering in fear at the thought of losing - oh no your epeen pfffttttttttttttt.


Edit: Love the whole: we only Q with our best and so and so has been away.. well im sorry if you have 15 people online and u can't Q maybe you should **** off?


/end rant

Edited by Kooziejr
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I'm sorry, you keep throwing this number around but it means nothing without context. Heals per second is more of an indicator of how impressive that number is or isn't.


Also, in ranked arenas, the only healer that can compete at the top level is an operative. If you queue heals, you're most likely matched against an op/scoundrel. The op/scoundrel is better equipped to heal a ranked arena. This is why people are upset at you for queuing as heals. Trust me, I'd love to queue as merc/mando heals since it's my favorite spec. But there isn't a place for it in ranked right now.


On the topic of the thread: I love the idea. I'm slowly losing interest because of the lack of a tam to queue ranked with. I'd queue if I had any damn team.


Whisper me in game (Koozie). We have room for you, I know you're a decent player.

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Maybe people are not doing them due to too many Imperials using hacks (Oh i know no one use's them,,,ever).


Fact of the matter is,is that rank means little to anyone anymore due to people using hacks and i am not even talking about ranked too because i have seen numerous Imp's using speed hacks and some others.


And before anyone call's me out on it i was having a conversation with a guildy that played PvP primarily over on the Imp side and he even stated most of these PvP guilds over there will not let you join their main team unless you do in fact use one.


People will deny,accuse of me not knowing the game (even though i have played every class) yadda yadda but it is out there,look at how the Imperials lose so much in GSF but turn the tables to standard PvP and well yah know.



Personally i am at the point i don't even care for PvP anymore due to it.


So many leet haxzors!

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Maybe people are not doing them due to too many Imperials using hacks (Oh i know no one use's them,,,ever).


Fact of the matter is,is that rank means little to anyone anymore due to people using hacks and i am not even talking about ranked too because i have seen numerous Imp's using speed hacks and some others.


And before anyone call's me out on it i was having a conversation with a guildy that played PvP primarily over on the Imp side and he even stated most of these PvP guilds over there will not let you join their main team unless you do in fact use one.


People will deny,accuse of me not knowing the game (even though i have played every class) yadda yadda but it is out there,look at how the Imperials lose so much in GSF but turn the tables to standard PvP and well yah know.



Personally i am at the point i don't even care for PvP anymore due to it.


That there GSF true test of all the leet skillz.

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love the games against mvp and don't panic we get to play. Shame other guilds who run regs and think they are hot stuff don't q (@boss, meet killface, akatsuki). Grow a set of balls you cowards and just play instead of cowering in fear at the thought of losing - oh no your epeen pfffttttttttttttt.


Edit: Love the whole: We only q with our best and so and so has been away.. Well im sorry if you have 15 people online and u can't q maybe you should **** off?


/end rant



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Usually if you want to do ranked groups instead of being a solostar you join a PvP guild right???


I'm all up for ranked groups. In fact my guild is looking for some more pvpers to set up a few ranked groups here in the next week or so so we can at least get some good time running grouped rateds. Anyone who is interested...PM me.

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oi m8s, u fink u can go arnd yappin ya crannies off and expct meh not to put ya in ya place? you fookin wot m8, ill hook ya in de gab m8, swear on me mum


p.s. it feels so good to no longer be banded


ya mum? ya mean the wun tha gav meh the ol' slap an' tickle the las free noits? dunno ow much tha swear means m8


P.S. This is what I think of every time I read these posts

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