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Strange "dilemma" with Galactic Starfighter


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Since GS went live for subs, I've been experiencing a strange "dilemma" of sorts: I dont really care about playing the ground game anymore. However, I dont want to get burned out on GS, and I know that with only 2 maps thats going to happen eventually. So I'm trying to develop some sort of mental strategy for how often to fit GS into my normal gameplay. For example, doing one GS mission every time I complete a ground mission.


So you may be wondering, why exactly did I post this thread? Honestly, I'm simply curious if anyone else is experiencing a similar situation, and how you have decided to fit GS into your normal gameplay routine?

Edited by The_Grand_Nagus
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I usually convert between levels. It offers a nice change of pace, so things don't get too boring.


For example at level 15 I'll do ground game until I get to 16. Then I do GS until I get to 17, then I do ground game until 18, etc


You could even take it a step further, having Ground Game, then GS, then Warzones, for each level. You can even add more things to the mix, to make it even more diverse! It works for me! ;)

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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Since GS went live for subs, I've been experiencing a strange "delima" of sorts: I dont really care about playing the ground game anymore. However, I dont want to get burned out on GS, and I know that with only 2 maps thats going to happen eventually. So I'm trying to develop some sort of mental strategy for how often to fit GS into my normal gameplay. For example, doing one GS mission every time I complete a ground mission.


So you may be wondering, why exactly did I post this thread? Honestly, I'm simply curious if anyone else is experiencing a similar situation, and how you have decided to fit GS into your normal gameplay routine?


Honestly, I don't understand what the issue is.

It's a game. Its sole purpose of existence in your life is to entertain you for as long as possible.


If you enjoy a certain part of it, why wouldn't you play it until you get burned out?

What's the worst that could happen? Moving on to another game?


I'm not bashing you or your way of thinking/playing, I just don't understand why people do stuff like this.

Nothing is certain and nothing lasts forever. Tomorrow you might get a job (or a more time-consuming one, if you already have one) or have a girlfriend or a child or just simply get bored of the game altogether. Why wouldn't you enjoy it while you can and want to?

Edited by TheNahash
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If you enjoy a certain part of it, why wouldn't you play it until you get burned out?


Pretty much everything in life is best enjoyed in moderation. And once I get "burned out" on something, I dont really enjoy it as much. So if I have a week off of work I'm not going to play a video game 24/7 because not only will I feel like crap from not doing any physical exercise all week, I probably wont look forward to playing the game as much after that week. As far as GS is concerned, I enjoy it a lot. But I know that if that is all I play, that probably wont last long. So I'd rather find a reasonable way to make it a part of my normal gameplay than play it so much I dont enjoy it anymore.

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Pretty much everything in life is best enjoyed in moderation. And once I get "burned out" on something, I dont really enjoy it as much. So if I have a week off of work I'm not going to play a video game 24/7 because not only will I feel like crap from not doing any physical exercise all week, I probably wont look forward to playing the game as much after that week. As far as GS is concerned, I enjoy it a lot. But I know that if that is all I play, that probably wont last long. So I'd rather find a reasonable way to make it a part of my normal gameplay than play it so much I dont enjoy it anymore.


Fair enough.

And just to be clear, I'm not saying that you should play any other way except the way you want to.

And I would normally agree with you that everything in life is best enjoyed in moderation if it was any other subject. But an MMO (at least for me) is kind of a "enjoy it while it lasts" kind of thing.

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Who offers this mythical weekly quest you speak of? :p


Heh. I didn't know about it either until recently. At the PvP terminal there is an intro to SG quest. You take it and run GS. Once completed, it opens up a daily and and weekly GS mission from the terminal which pays out great ship requisition and maybe fleet too. Can't remember.


Anyway, the weekly is 7 missions, but winning a match counts as 2 missions.

Edited by Rafaman
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Heh. I didn't know about it either until recently. At the PvP terminal there is an intro to SG quest. You take it and run GS. Once completed, it opens up a daily and and weekly GS mission from the terminal which pays out great ship requisition and maybe fleet too. Can't remember.


Anyway, the weekly is 7 missions, but winning a match counts as 2 missions.


Well I'm dashed. Thanks for the info :D

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Since GS went live for subs, I've been experiencing a strange "dilemma" of sorts: I dont really care about playing the ground game anymore. However, I dont want to get burned out on GS, and I know that with only 2 maps thats going to happen eventually. So I'm trying to develop some sort of mental strategy for how often to fit GS into my normal gameplay. For example, doing one GS mission every time I complete a ground mission.


So you may be wondering, why exactly did I post this thread? Honestly, I'm simply curious if anyone else is experiencing a similar situation, and how you have decided to fit GS into your normal gameplay routine?


good news is in February more stuff is coming, including new ships and, if rebalancing goes well, the bomber class comes! Also, the fact that the gamemode was specifically named Domination means that there are probably other gamemodes being considered and designed

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First world problems.


ANY issue that anybody posts on any video game forum is a first world problem isnt it? So the real question is, are you going to post that same observation in every single thread on this forum, or are you just a Nagus fanboy? :o

Edited by The_Grand_Nagus
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ANY issue that anybody posts on any video game forum is a first world problem isnt it? So the real question is, are you going to post that same observation in every single thread on this forum, or are you just a Nagus fanboy? :o


I prefer less pejorative terminology than 'fanboy' if you don't mind.

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No point in forcing yourself to do ground stuff if you don't like it, or don't find it fun.


Since the GS came, I haven't done a single ground daily/weekly, just couple of raids with guildies. Other than that, GS all the time. I'm also afraid that I might get bored of it, but hopefully there are 3 ship classes offering 3 somehow different playstyles, and as I am only playing one at the moment, that might be some fun reservoir, and if that doesn't work, I'd just probably move to the ground for a bit, or take a small-ish break (like a week, or two), usually there is a new update with some new and fun stuff added during that.


Dunno if you played ground PvP before GS, but thing with PvP is that it will not get repetitive so fast, because you don't play against scripted enemies like you do in flashpoints, operations and PvE generally. Every fight is different.

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Pretty much everything in life is best enjoyed in moderation. And once I get "burned out" on something, I dont really enjoy it as much. So if I have a week off of work I'm not going to play a video game 24/7 because not only will I feel like crap from not doing any physical exercise all week, I probably wont look forward to playing the game as much after that week. As far as GS is concerned, I enjoy it a lot. But I know that if that is all I play, that probably wont last long. So I'd rather find a reasonable way to make it a part of my normal gameplay than play it so much I dont enjoy it anymore.


Me and my friends alcohol, money, gambling, and women would strongly like to disagree with that statement.

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