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Clumsy sim


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Hi there

As much as I like SWTOR, I have to admit to myself that I hate the GSF so far. It's... clumsy.

I play Warthunder and WoWp on a regular basis, and this one has something that doesnt feel right.

I think it has something to do with the view, or the speed of of the enemies at close range, it goes too fast, well.

Having the aim follow the ennemy like in WT or WoWp would be much better, when I play the GSF I have the feeling that my vision is put in a cone of paper and I cant look around.

Am I the only one thinking like that, or is everyone happy with the GSF so far?

I'd like to love it, but no :/

Edited by Draksen
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There is definitely 'too much' engine boost in the game. My guess is that this is to accelerate the pace of play so that there's less time spent farting around between objectives and more pew-pew. Couple this with the ability to stop quickly and hover then immediately accelerate to max speed with boosts, and the result is that people can do things that would typically be suicidal in a real dogfight, like bleeding all of their speed while surrounded by hostiles in enemy airspace.


At the end of the day, you have to realize this isn't a flight simulator. It's an arcade game that's designed to be playable with a mouse and keyboard.

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Thanks for replying.


WT and WoWp are also meant to be played with the mouse, and they work really well.

The GFS gives me the feeling that I cant "turn my head", I see only what I shoot, there's only a small window in front of me, on the right, left, top and bottom only walls. I feel "restricted" that's it.

Hard to put words on the feeling. I think I'll have to accept it's like that and go play something else.

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Compared to our former space experience in SWTOR.....it's a huge step up.....


Compared to Star Wars:Galaxies......the Entire game has a long way to go......


But I find GSF to be fun.......at least i can get a few kills and feel like I am helping out.....as opposed to endgame ground PvP.....where you are worthless until you are uber.....


Oh...and to look around, try pressing "F" for free camera.....

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Oh...and to look around, try pressing "F" for free camera.....


Yeah, was just going to suggest that.


On top of that, you can hit R to target who just hit you and hit C to visually see him to get an idea where they are.


I do know what the OP means though. I've gotten use to this system the way it is, but I do miss the "look left button, look right button and hold the two down to look behind you" feature. It just takes a little getting used to.

Edited by Ridickilis
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