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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Changes Needed for Jugg Tanking In PVE.


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If ANYTHING, we're too OP. Hit me with a nerfbat because before 2.0 tanking was fun on a Guardian/Juggernaut due to it being more difficult than the other two tanks (yes, I have all 6 of them), and now it is so incredibly easy to tank that it's boring.


This, many times over. It was a pretty drastic change going from pre-2.0 Hybrid to current Immortal, and I've fallen asleep at the wheel many times since 2.0.

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We need more options in tanking. One tanking tree per tank class is very restrictive. As I wrote in a "new class" thread, I think we need to give the option to further specialize healers and tanks so we can have 3 tanking trees instead of one. Virtually every jug/guard tank is spec'ed exactly the same way, play exactly the same way. Same goes for assassins and power techs. If every DPS in the game has at least 2 or more trees to play with, why does tank/healer have only 1 tree? And with the anti hybrid approach BW has taken, that 1 tank tree becomes the only viable tree to work with if you are healing or tanking. It gets very boring now that tanking becomes so easy that the any noticeable difference between an decent tank and a good tank comes down to gear only. Skill only differs you from the newbie 55's that haven't fully learn their rotations or how the skills fully work yet. Beyond that it's all gear, cuz everyone of the same AV has the same skill set.


I find it very unfair that at level 10 you can op to be a DPS specialist like the marauder or sniper which has 3 dps specs to choose from. But you can't op to be a healing or tanking specialist forcing you to be a cookie cutter tank/healer based on your AV selection or a DPS what only has 2 dps trees to work with. At the same time they don't give you an option to run hybrid builds between tank/dps or heal/dps.

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I have to disagree with your assessment about yo cant run hybrid tank/dps or Heald/dps builds. You can run them as much as you like. But for End Game PVE, There is no demand for them bc they do NoT do the job well enough to clear bosses. If they did , then why would any one run a straight healer or straight dps for that matter? If i can dps and heal just as well as a full dps and a full healer it would be more advantageous to run the hybrid. Also u run into the problem with trying to balance the hybrid builds. with not only other hybrid builds, but full tree builds as well. It is almost imposable. BW has already come out and said they do not want hybrid builds to be viable. That is why they keep breaking them.


Also, Each tank class plays completely differently. If you have mastered more than 1 of them you will be able to notice the differences. So if you are getting board tanking, you might want to dive a bit deeper into your rotation and your play style to unravel the finer workings of each class, and how it effects each fight differently. If you say they are all the same , then you aren't a full time tank.


Maybe you need to try RIFT or ESO. I know it will allow you to play how ever your want.

Edited by AgustusCaesar
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I have to disagree with your assessment about yo cant run hybrid tank/dps or Heald/dps builds. You can run them as much as you like. But for End Game PVE, There is no demand for them bc they do NoT do the job well enough to clear bosses. If they did , then why would any one run a straight healer or straight dps for that matter? If i can dps and heal just as well as a full dps and a full healer it would be more advantageous to run the hybrid. Also u run into the problem with trying to balance the hybrid builds. with not only other hybrid builds, but full tree builds as well. It is almost imposable. BW has already come out and said they do not want hybrid builds to be viable. That is why they keep breaking them.


Also, Each tank class plays completely differently. If you have mastered more than 1 of them you will be able to notice the differences. So if you are getting board tanking, you might want to dive a bit deeper into your rotation and your play style to unravel the finer workings of each class, and how it effects each fight differently. If you say they are all the same , then you aren't a full time tank.


Maybe you need to try RIFT or ESO. I know it will allow you to play how ever your want.


Oh I know the 3 tank classes play differently, what I'm getting at is that if you play a Juggernaut tank, chances are your skillset is the same as mine. I may play my jug differently than you, and have a different efficiency at using our skills. But I only play my jug one way, as you will play your jug tank another way. I will believe, regardless of the truth, that the way I play is more or less optimum for me and my play style. That being said, with all the jug tanks given the same skill set, most players will play more or less the same way. That's what i'm getting at.


Why is it that a DPS can switch dps tree and given new skills and play mechanics that's viable in many enviroments, but tanks and healers are stuck with the same play style unless they go and change toons. Why is it fair that a sniper can go marksman, engineer, and lethality dps, while juggernaut tanks are immortal only? I luv playing my juggernaut tank, I got used to the mechanics of a juggernaut tank. I tried playing PT tank and I didn't like the core tanking mechanics of that tank. Is the PT tank inferior? HELL NO. In fact I found them to be much sturdier and consistent. But I got used to the jug's 100% mitigation cooldowns and using the PT their cooldowns don't' do that at all. The Core mechanics are way too different. I don't play AT but I would not be comfortable not being able to force leap or jet charge onto the enemy.


What I'm asking for are more tree options. As for hybrid trees, I can care less if they make that work or not. Make 3 trees like the sniper that you'll need to dig deep into any of them to work properly. You can have 3 full tank trees for a juggernaut and still discourage hybrid tree building. But it would be nice to have choices, and options without complete sacrifice and change. Maybe a tree that focus on single target tanking, and one on aoe, and then you'll have your regular immortal tree to be kinda the hybrid of single target and aoe.

Edited by Dreamsky
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It's simple:


1. Make Saber Throw a high threat move

2. Provide and offensive cooldown (like PTs and Sins), and

3. Actually allow Force Choke to work on bosses rather than boss immunity making it not work (FC does not damage bosses at all) and could also make it a high threat move (but that may be overkill)


leave out point 2 if that unbalances PVP.



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People are focusing too much on Saber Throw. Even if Bioware buffed it to get a ton of extra threat, I would still going to jump in as my first action on most boss fights. This is because using Saber Throw delays you from going into melee range, which is where most of your skills are used. If you use Saber Throw normally to open a fight, you are delaying the rest of your team so while it can be done, it's not good as an opener.
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