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Voice Comms really needed for GSF...


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It is absolutely silly to think that folks will use the in-game typed chat during matches. I suppose those of us that use G13's, or other programmable devices could make macros to type in "Take Satellite C" or whatever, but I think having Vent or TS is an absolute must. I can't fathom why anyone wouldn't use them. Thoughts?
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The problems I see are A: There has been lag shown to occur in GS for some people already, I don't know what a voice system will do to that and B: If it were implemented, then, for instance, if my mike broke or I didn't have a mike, the guys in there, knowing how many jerks there are in some of these things, will go and yell at the guy who for whatever reason does not have a mike and are forced to get one so they aren't booed out of GS, it may seem farfetched but if there is one thing pvpers in this game and quit possibly every MMO in history, its that anyone who does not have the extra gear is called a noob. Lastly, which is tied to B, C: If I don't have a mike and don't have any intention of getting one will I be at a disadvantage compared to the guys on the other team with mikes?


Just thinking aloud here, but other than those reasons I see no reason for why voice comms would be bad.

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I understand what you're saying, but even if you didn't have a mike I still think it would be valuable, as you could hear the team leader yelling "lets take C," etc. As far as being called a noob, i get that, but I still think people should just suck it up, keep calm and fly on! Demonstrate to them that even though you don't have a mike, you can still play. That's just what I would do. Plus, a mike is pretty cheap, and most headsets have them integrated. I guess my point is that typing while flying (or driving for that matter) is not a good idea. Same thing with PVP.
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Buy a large voice chat server, which is open for all pvp players to use; and setup a method for people to donate to help keep the server active. My old server used to do one of these for pug based pvp to counter the OP premades that were running rampant.
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It doesn't have to be voice com. Ops leader can be given an option to have a quick command interface to issues commands with voices over or pop up orders that go to those squads.


similarly individual players can have quick key commands that'll call out inc and his position can be highlighted in the map in someway

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It doesn't have to be voice com. Ops leader can be given an option to have a quick command interface to issues commands with voices over or pop up orders that go to those squads.


similarly individual players can have quick key commands that'll call out inc and his position can be highlighted in the map in someway


A comm wheel would be a VERY nice addition.

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doesn't matter, the majority of imp players will still refuse to play as a team, to the objectives.


same as the (admittedly smaller) majority of rep side players.



too many idiots who think gsf = 1v1 epic duel of ultimate final destiny!


you see it match after match, players who refuse to fight at the points, guard them / ttake them, refuse to stick with at least a wingman... refuse to cover teammates...



let alone that most players cannot into basic CAM.


so it'd be no point telling player x to break high with voice comms, cos a) he's not gonna listen to oyu anyhoo, and b) he don't know what that means.


and so a teammate dies instead of performing a straight pass, to put the enemy under your guns, letting you kill their attacker. as you come at them from above.

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