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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

lets see some big hits (pvp)


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that's like saying "smarter athletes use steroids" dat logic bro


That would imply that bolster is cheetsy doodles when its part of the system that we have to live with. Its more like saying smarter athletes use cleats instead of clogs when playing football.

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That would imply that bolster is cheetsy doodles when its part of the system that we have to live with. Its more like saying smarter athletes use cleats instead of clogs when playing football.


moral ambiguity, and shame and dishonor aside, I think a more correct way of putting it would be "like an athlete using a steroid that isn't currently outlawed by whatever regulatory body." ....doesn't make it right...even bioware has come to the conclusion that the system is broken, and I personally can't in good conscious take advantage of poor little bioware and their sloppiness. That would make me no better than the people that used that absorb relic.


not to mention the fact that I may have to do some sort of pve....that just wont slide


And in the context of your analogy "clogs" im assuming represent pvp gear....and "football" represents pvp...which would make clogs of course the default shoe for football....paints an interesting mental picture.

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That would imply that bolster is cheetsy doodles when its part of the system that we have to live with. Its more like saying smarter athletes use cleats instead of clogs when playing football.


Horrible analogy since BW has already stated PvP gear is supposed to be better in PvP than PvE gear. So Obroan supposed to be cleats, 46s are supposed to be clogs.

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Horrible analogy since BW has already stated PvP gear is supposed to be better in PvP than PvE gear. So Obroan supposed to be cleats, 46s are supposed to be clogs.


They also stated that Season 1 would have cross server pvp queues which they now say will never happen. It doesn't matter what they "want" to be the best its a simple fact that Obroan is not BIS for 5 pieces of your gear for every class and up to 9 pieces depending on your set bonuses.

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They also stated that Season 1 would have cross server pvp queues which they now say will never happen. It doesn't matter what they "want" to be the best its a simple fact that Obroan is not BIS for 5 pieces of your gear for every class and up to 9 pieces depending on your set bonuses.


comparing what someone says might one day be in the game, and what is currently in the game....now...today.....wat...

that's like saying "obama promised me icecream in the future.....but currently there are some sweet legal tax loop holes im going to totally exploit for personal gain"


the system in its current form, is broken....has been acknowledged as broken....and I'm almost certain the majority of people playing this game have come to the conclusion...that it's broken....it's not about what is BiS....it's about principles....


I'm one of those chivalrous do-gooders though, so I can't be taken seriously.

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I'm SURE that there's PLENTY of other **** on the SWTOR forums for you to laugh at :D I know every time I look on the forums there are about 5 new threads that just make me laugh/cry a little.


There's actually a thread on the PvP forums calling for a nerf to...Vanguard tanks...from an Operative:



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I bet when he attacks jugg tanks...He heals them. :o


Guy could've just been trolling, but the conversation after the initial post was priceless. Add to that the number of bad players picking up the class because of 2.6 and I wouldn't be surprised if he was serious.


Feeble attempt to put thread back on track: my biggest hit was an 11.3K demo...weak sauce...must stack more presence.

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