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First time I've thought someone was cheating.


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Before I go an accuse someone of anything I wanted to see what some others around here think. I was flying a scout just now and came across a gunship. So I approach to destroy it, as soon as I get 3 km from it he boosts forward and I immediately start to turn knowing he's going to pass me. By the time I complete my turn he's 10km in front of me. Ok that was sure fast. I approach again same thing, by the time I can complete my turn in a scout he's moved 10km in front of me.


Considering how much fuel full after burn for 10km+ would take it would seem it would have to run out. Since he was firing ion railguns I decided to keep this up, there was even another scout with me. This repeated for 7 or 8 passes before I finally died.


That to me seems impossible to keep up for that length of time but I'm wondering if there's some mechanic I'm missing. I know it should be rather difficult to hack position but I've never seen a gunship perform like that at all considering in full afterburn they should only have about a 2km/s velocity. It should take him around 5 seconds to cover that distance, not already be there turned and ready to fire by the time I can complete a 180 degree turn.


If I see it happening more I'm going to start running fraps if i can in order to get better analysis but for now what do you all think?

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I've seen something simular, when the game started I went for C but a gunship cought up and flew past me and I'm a scout with regeneration thrusters.


First I thought the gunship had interdiction drive but then he turned and proceeded to B without stopping or running out of juice.

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Between stacking engine power capacity/regeneration, using the engine power recovery active ability (boost or whatever its called), and cost reductions on manuvering abilities, along with power reallocated to engines, it doesnt seem that far fetched to me.


Because they sit still so often, gunships with power levels set to boost engine power will recover engine power much quicker than a moving ship. I often 'sit still' on my scout (or at least reduce speed) for a few seconds in between fights to quickly regenerate engine power so I can boost all I need to the next time I get into an engagement.


The engine manuvering abilities, particularly barrel roll, can propel you an easy 3-4k forward in around 1-1.5 seconds, faster than you'd be able to via boosting.

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One of my guildies runs the gunship and i don't so i can't tell you the exact build but he can reach a objective before i can when i run my flashfire.


You're probably doing something wrong in that flashfire then, I've never been beaten to an objective by anyone but another scout, and even then I usually best most scouts due to engine upgrades.

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A gunship cannot beat an upgraded scout ship to an objective unless the scout ship pauses to slam into an asteroid on the way there.


Before I go an accuse someone of anything I wanted to see what some others around here think.


Was the person you're talking about a Republic player on the Harbinger?

Edited by MCaliban
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Gunships with barrel roll can easily beat scouts without it.

Barrel roll when used at speed can easily propel you forward 8k for a fraction of the engine power cost, with the cooldown upgrade, you can easily use it twice to get to an objective.


As for the case described in the OP it could be the use of barrel roll allowing the gunship to create some distance. Or it might be something else.

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A gunship cannot beat an upgraded scout ship to an objective unless the scout ship pauses to slam into an asteroid on the way there.



The gunship is specced into barrel rolls and can get 2 of them before we get to the station, my flashfire is specced into the K-turn for dog fighting. that difference alone makes it so he gets there first.

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Yesterday I lagged with my boosters on. I went far further than my engine should have allowed (though apparently no faster). This is just hotel internet sucking, but I do think that the game is going to have some cheating issues as it seems to have looser client server restrictions than the ground game, likely for performance.
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I knew barrel role was a speed boost but didn't know it was that much of one. I might start using it more. Really barrel role should be just your afterburner speed and nothing more. The fact that he could perpetually keep me at 10km range is a bit disturbing when I'm supposed to be the fast one.
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Several people have accused me of cheating, I am a fully upgraded gunship. Barrel roll on a 10sec cooldown coupled with distortion's missle break and AoE engine shutdown Ion cannon allows me to fight and win against 3-4 scouts/strikes in a prolonged battle by jousting over and over. Am I a very good pilot? Of course I am. But there are still counters to me, ie other gunships or sabotage probe when I'm facing a wall. I'm built for speed and evasion to the max, and I go out of my way to punish anyone dumb enough to try and kill me.
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Several people have accused me of cheating, I am a fully upgraded gunship. Barrel roll on a 10sec cooldown coupled with distortion's missle break and AoE engine shutdown Ion cannon allows me to fight and win against 3-4 scouts/strikes in a prolonged battle by jousting over and over. Am I a very good pilot? Of course I am. But there are still counters to me, ie other gunships or sabotage probe when I'm facing a wall. I'm built for speed and evasion to the max, and I go out of my way to punish anyone dumb enough to try and kill me.


Yeah that must be it, you just don't expect that kind of performance out of a gunship. That's mainly why I asked, when it legitimate mechanics I know I just need to learn to play. Might be a good argument for carrying upgraded rockets, no lock on, no evade and easy to peg a gunship doing this for high damage.

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