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oh god yes, gsf is FINE as is. just because people suck, is no reason to bow to their "NERF NAO! X is OP" tears of idiocy

Unlike ground PvP, every ship can counter every other ship in different scenarios. When a person get beaten in a certain scenario, they often get unreasonably focused on this particular scenario.


So rather then avoid this scenario, they often insist on repeating it - like getting into knife fights with Scouts, or cruising towards a Gunship in predictable patterns, or ignoring missile warnings and getting a torpedo shoved up their thruster, hoping that Bioware just nerfs what they don't like.

Edited by Helig
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also can we look at Scouts? *** is their role supposed to be? I hear a different answer every time i ask.


Scouts are scouts, scout mk2s are short range interceptors :p


The thing is that GSF does not have clear cut roles. A Sting can defend a node just as much as it can assault one, same as a Quell. Yeah scouts (especially mk 1s) have an advantage in capturing due to their speed and strikers have an edge in defence due to their increased toughness, but every ship can more or less do anything to varying degrees of efficiency given a good enough pilot, appropriate upgrades and proper communication.

Edited by archifikoss
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Might be the OP said constructive discussion is welcome.

Well, it looks like the OP thinks he's the authority to decide what "constructive discussion" is.


Calling almost everyone else "5 year old", "whining" or stuff like that is not constructive discussion.


It might be that the OP realizes that NO personal opinion is right, its a personal opinion.

Well, the OP looks much like a "my opinon is right, everyone else is wrong, so shut the hell up"-post.


You know what the OP hates though? People who add nothing to discussions and try to derail threads..

If the OP would hate such things, he wouldn't have started a thread that does nothing but that what he hates...

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Scouts are scouts, scout mk2s are short range interceptors :p


There's a reason why I call my Flashfire the "A-wing". 1) It looks like the A-wing, especially if you use Barrel Roll on it. 2) Because that's what the A-wing's role was... an interceptor. It's basically the F-18 of SWTOR.

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There's a reason why I call my Flashfire the "A-wing". 1) It looks like the A-wing, especially if you use Barrel Roll on it. 2) Because that's what the A-wing's role was... an interceptor. It's basically the F-18 of SWTOR.


I guess you mean the Mig.29 right ^^


while russian aircrafts are just more sexy then the rest, the Star.Guard and Pike

do look like russian SU-35/37 fighter.jet.planes ...



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I do think that the Gunships are OP at the moment. I don't think it's as huge an advantage as some people are saying it is, there's a few cheese tactics that need to get dealt with, and extremely talented Gunship pilots are practically untouchable, but it's hardly the "I Win" button that some are talking about.


I think that other thread, talking about more careful, narrow fixes to address specific cheese techniques, instead of massive overhauls, is the right approach. This feels like a situation that's only gotten really bad because there are some completely unfair Gunship attacks that can be addressed (the Ion Railgun cherry-tapping, one-shotting unsuspecting Scouts thanks to Bypass) without affecting the overall balance of the ship class.

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There's a reason why I call my Flashfire the "A-wing". 1) It looks like the A-wing, especially if you use Barrel Roll on it. 2) Because that's what the A-wing's role was... an interceptor. It's basically the F-18 of SWTOR.


I think of the Mitsubishi Zero also... Well armed, extremely maneuverable but very little armor. Initially it gave U.S. pilots a lot of grief until they developed tactics to counter it and even the odds (and of course when newer designs like the P-51 Mustang came out it was completely outclassed).

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(and of course when newer designs like the P-51 Mustang came out it was completely outclassed).


I think you mean the F6 Hellcat...


I guess you mean the Mig.29 right ^^


while russian aircrafts are just more sexy then the rest, the Star.Guard and Pike

do look like russian SU-35/37 fighter.jet.planes ...


I prefer to use US aircraft for drawing comparisons. I'm more familiar with them, and... well, I'm on enough watchlists as it is, I don't need to be on any more as a "Ruskie sympathizer", heh.

Edited by RCSlyman
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