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Jung Ma - population?


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i switched my toons on jung ma to b colony more population there jung ma seems to be dead hardly anybody on.


Good p-eople who only care about population numbers probably are not worth having around here anyway.

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Concerning the Original Post, i think the server population has gone up but the amount of good players has gone down. Many are trying out other games or have transferred servers.


I never remember it being well-balanced factionwise at any time since there are always more imp players than pub players, but i never minded that much until the last 6 months when trying to PUG stuff on the republic side became similar to strapping yourself to a wheel and letting people throw knives at you. Either no one wanted to do so, or it was immensely painful because they had no idea what they were doing.


PVP is lopsided faction wise. If i'm playing on one of my Imp toons, the only times i lose in regular warzones is to other imp groups, or premades/pvp guild groups. If i play on my pub toons, if I don't know at least most of the people i see when i load into the warzone, i know that it's a 95% chance to lose.


Ranked is pretty much nonexistent unless guilds coordinate with each other about times and personnel. I've spent all afternoon and a good portion of an evening in queue and gotten like one or two pops. With the scarcity of pops, getting ppl that are undergeared/don't know what they're doing on your team is all the more frustrating since it's a more frequent occurence on the pubside.


Always want good players to come back, but at the same time, wouldn't wish some of the things I had to go through on someone else.

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  • 9 months later...
I think it's completely imbalanced. I can name the good pub players that aren't in our guild on one hand, whereas the Imps have a variety of good players from multiple guilds. The options are play Warzones on pubs side and get wrecked 9 times out of 10, or play on Imp side and wipe the pub team in 2 minutes. Or you get imp vs imp, then the game might as well be reformed into Star Wars: The Empire Civil War.


Are you *********** crazy? 9 times out of 10? maybe lowbies WZs, What Jung Ma are you playing on or do all you pubs smoke drugs as well as constantly make really boring and stupid looking human toons... you guys (SF) and Guardians Dominate reg WZs constantly on a daily basis u must just not be very active..completely imbalanced? yah for sure it is but not the way you think in your demented mind

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Are you *********** crazy? 9 times out of 10? maybe lowbies WZs, What Jung Ma are you playing on or do all you pubs smoke drugs as well as constantly make really boring and stupid looking human toons... you guys (SF) and Guardians Dominate reg WZs constantly on a daily basis u must just not be very active..completely imbalanced? yah for sure it is but not the way you think in your demented mind


That post was made over a year ago, bro.

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Are you *********** crazy? 9 times out of 10? maybe lowbies WZs, What Jung Ma are you playing on or do all you pubs smoke drugs as well as constantly make really boring and stupid looking human toons... you guys (SF) and Guardians Dominate reg WZs constantly on a daily basis u must just not be very active..completely imbalanced? yah for sure it is but not the way you think in your demented mind


This is interesting. You've quoted a post that was literally made over 2 YEARS AGO! Then proceed to call him demented? I'm not sure if you're aware of this but things change with time. It's how the world works.


The next time you decide to make a post on the forums to basically call someone stupid, make sure you're not freaking out about a 2 year old post... or you just may look like a fool. Again.

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That post was made over a year ago, bro.


BRO, no ****, bro, pubs dominate then and they still do now bro, imps Q up with no healers or tanks for the vast majority of regs WZs its 6-7 dps on imp side with no teamwork or coordination whatsoever bro, so yah it's the same as it's been bro ty

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BRO, no ****, bro, pubs dominate then and they still do now bro, imps Q up with no healers or tanks for the vast majority of regs WZs its 6-7 dps on imp side with no teamwork or coordination whatsoever bro, so yah it's the same as it's been bro ty


I can't even



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