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So whats next?


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Next things are on my fun to have list:

- Be able to get guests (read companions of other classes), eg: you get an additional companion charachter slot to get companions of other classes, can't be that hard to get minor tweaks to the companions story line or even get them to fit in in the new installments

- Starfighter companions to be added to your companions team. Otherwise what's the use of getting them in starfighter

- KoTOR revisited, retrack some of the path of Revan on KoTOR planets and some SWTOR planets of which we know he had major plot sequences. (thsi would actually be real cool in my opinion that is)



If they already fit in these 3 points I would already be happy, lol


Oh yeah and keep improving starfighter, its great, i fear this is the end for the space combat pre-starfighter

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- KoTOR revisited, retrack some of the path of Revan on KoTOR planets and some SWTOR planets of which we know he had major plot sequences. (thsi would actually be real cool in my opinion that is)


Please no. There is already enough needless Kotor stuff in this game (such as that silly Nar Shaada quest for Imperials). We really don't need anymore. Revan's time is up, we really don't need more about either him or KOTOR.

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Please no. There is already enough needless Kotor stuff in this game (such as that silly Nar Shaada quest for Imperials). We really don't need anymore. Revan's time is up, we really don't need more about either him or KOTOR.


Actually i would really like more kotor stuff. If they add Mannan I will sub for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If there's more KOTOR stuff, only 3 characters of mine would really be interested at any level - my SI, my BH, and my JK. And even then it would depend on what it is.



I hope there's some story-related GSF stuff. Maybe a trip to Kuat?

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Actually i would really like more kotor stuff. If they add Mannan I will sub for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd prefer Kashyyyk simply because Bioware Austin seem to make better outdoor environments than indoor environments. A lot of the indoor architechture is really uninspired and recycled.


Wait, scratch that. Lehon would be best. Or it would be if not for all the Rakata alien speech lol.

Edited by Blackholeskipper
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I'd prefer Kashyyyk simply because Bioware Austin seem to make better outdoor environments than indoor environments. A lot of the indoor architechture is really uninspired and recycled.


Wait, scratch that. Lehon would be best. Or it would be if not for all the Rakata alien speech lol.


If we get Kashyyyk I'd want to see Zaalbar. Wookiees have long enough of a lifespan for him to be alive at this point in the timeline.

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More war. Considering there is a major war going on i'm surprised that none of the player characters really get to get involved. If any of you ever played LOTRO they had a great system called skirmishes which were repeateable group size scaling instances in which the player and a customized soldier npc (two of them if you played a captain like me) would have to either attack or defend objective points against wave after wave of enemy npcs. They had interesting mechanics, randomly generated bosses and wave compositions and were generally a blast. I think SWTOR should implement a similar system in which you got to use your entire crew if solo, 2 members in a group of two, or 1 in a group of 4. This would have a lot of replay value and encourage players to gear their entire crew, it would also allow for much more epic scale encounters.


For example, imagnie Havoc squad assaulting waves of 20-30 imperial soldiers at a time or taking over a fortified bunker hill? Or the agents team doing a covert infiltration of a guarded facility then having to hold ground for 10 minutes against waves of enemies while one member of the team solves a puzzle to obtain the needed data followed by a timed run like hell outta the bunker before it blows up sequence followed by a dropship based exfiltration?


This would be similar to flashpoints in a way but focused on epic large scale combat with your crew as opposed to smaller scale dungeon like boss oriented combat in our current flashpoints. It should also scale with group size and level to allow anyone and everyone to participate.

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More war indeed.


What irks me majorly about 55 content is that it is basically a fantasy game rehash; go to dark place of much lava, fight evil sorcerer in dark tower, who not only has a host of mutated tentacles and other abominations, but also looks like a proper WOW:esque wizard.


If we see a new expansion, I pray to God that it will be planet(s) where the enemy is the opposing faction, not idiotic dread masters. This game is kind of far from Star Wars, apart from the lightsabers.

BW was more inspired by WoW than SW:G when they created this game, which was a mistake. Focus on Star Wars, not stupid stereotype plotlines with stupid stereotype environments with stupid stereotype enemies.


I call for Galactic War.

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More war indeed.


What irks me majorly about 55 content is that it is basically a fantasy game rehash; go to dark place of much lava, fight evil sorcerer in dark tower, who not only has a host of mutated tentacles and other abominations, but also looks like a proper WOW:esque wizard.


If we see a new expansion, I pray to God that it will be planet(s) where the enemy is the opposing faction, not idiotic dread masters. This game is kind of far from Star Wars, apart from the lightsabers.

BW was more inspired by WoW than SW:G when they created this game, which was a mistake. Focus on Star Wars, not stupid stereotype plotlines with stupid stereotype environments with stupid stereotype enemies.


I call for Galactic War.


Basically, this. I mean FFS we've been dragged through this Dread Masters story since freakin Belsavis, and I'm personally tired of it. We haven't really gotten to see the actual 'war' since Correlia! All we've been doing since then is fighting alien species, the Hutt Cartel, or the Dread Masters! It's time Bioware actually starts focusing on the war again.


See battles between Empire and Republic, I want! :csw_yoda:

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- Starfighter companions to be added to your companions team. Otherwise what's the use of getting them in starfighter


Even if they arnt usable in ground combat I REALLY want them available for crafting and companion stories. From the lines Kendra says for example, I feel she'd have a really interesting story

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Basically, this. I mean FFS we've been dragged through this Dread Masters story since freakin Belsavis, and I'm personally tired of it. We haven't really gotten to see the actual 'war' since Correlia! All we've been doing since then is fighting alien species, the Hutt Cartel, or the Dread Masters! It's time Bioware actually starts focusing on the war again.


See battles between Empire and Republic, I want! :csw_yoda:

Well the Dread Masters story's done (finally!) but I wouldn't expect return actual war. Just look how the BASE game has been set up - the Emperor wanting to kill BOTH the Imperials and Reps, Revan wanting to commit genocide on Imperials (which obviously ain't acceptable for the Republic). They've been written up as future villains to both factions and it's been like that from the start, not any result of the game's decline and smaller dev team. They always planned these arcs that would fit both factions.

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Well the Dread Masters story's done (finally!) but I wouldn't expect return actual war. Just look how the BASE game has been set up - the Emperor wanting to kill BOTH the Imperials and Reps, Revan wanting to commit genocide on Imperials (which obviously ain't acceptable for the Republic). They've been written up as future villains to both factions and it's been like that from the start, not any result of the game's decline and smaller dev team. They always planned these arcs that would fit both factions.


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if you saw more cooperation between the Republic and the Empire. IMO it's too soon for any of that sort of thing.


That said, I hope there's more of an emphasis on the war, and less on these mystical sidestories that only fit for a couple of my characters.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd like to see more war, too.


-- A "level down" option like in City of Heroes (RIP) and in Guild Wars 2, where you level down to the max level appropriate for the content in the area OR level down to whomever is leading the group; that way you can always play with your friends and never worry about out leveling them. You'd even get rewards appropriate for your actual level despite being "de-leveled" to group with your friends.


--A Mac client. I have both Mac and Windows, but most people I know have Macs and would love to play the game...


-- More character story/plot lines. That was the best part of the game, and I'd like to see more what happens to my Agent and Smugger.


--Open space, a la' Star Trek Online. Smuggling missions. Blockade Running. Explore space. More ships that we can travel around in, and an ability to easily get on other player's ships.


--guild instancing and housing would be cool, too.

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