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Ship Component Upgrade System and other GSF issues


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The GSF expansion is a good start. I was so excited about it, I actually sub’d again. But, personally, I feel there are some serious issues that need to be addressed. Some have been covered in multiple other threads, so I'll only mention them but not in depth.

I'm an old SWG player. For all of its faults, it got the space game right. What GSF really needs to address is;


1. Joystick - This is a must. Its not impossible to fly, but its not easy. A true space flight game has to have joystick support. If you want proof, look at hit % rates. I seldom see any above 50%. It's not because anyone is an exceptional pilot. It's because you can't track with a mouse while you're trying to mash buttons on the keyboard. Maybe if you had 3 hands or you're 7ft. tall with 8in. long fingers, then perhaps. I had a much higher hit % in SWG because I could control direction, pitch, roll, yaw and speed much easier with a stick allowing me to stay on someone’s six and keep them in the cross hairs much easier.


2. 1st person cockpit view - It would be nice to get a 3rd person look outside of your ship, but I prefer being in the cockpit. The reason is perspective. I don’t know how many times I’ve attempted to fly under or near something only to crash into it because the perspective is skewed in 3rd person. At least give me the option.


3. Kill stealing - I love sniping in my gunship getting down to the last hit and watching 4 "teammates" swoop in for the final blow. It's wonderful. Limit the kill whores ability to steal glory with a single hit on a target after you've done 98% of the work. Whoever gets the most damage gets the kill. Period. Everyone else gets an assist.


4. Component upgrades – We have an on rails space game that allows players to make ship components and we have a free flight game with a canned upgrade system, really? I know this has to do with fairness more than anything but geez. Does anyone remember SWG? There were component drops in the PvE game, ship vendor parts to buy as well as player made items. You could slice parts and combine them to create cool new stuff for your ship. At the very least I feel like this should be consistent with the “other” space game in SWTOR. Give us the option to mix and match what works best for the individual. And if you’re going to make us deal with it, at least give me the option to sell items back that are CRAP! (Thermite missiles anyone?)


5. Levelling – In SWG piloting and ground game exp were separate. Why should it be any different here? As it stands now, someone could level from 1-55 and have no idea how to play their class. Give everyone a 3rd exp bar under legacy with separate piloting abilities. SWG also had a levelling story line for the different factions, Rebel, Empire, Neutral, to achieve rank in the Reb. or Emp. navies. Neuts may have had a privateer levelling rank system, but I don’t recall. (Its been awhile.) Rank gave you the ability to own and pilot different ships. Do this and eliminate buying ships with cartel coins.


Right now, I’m frustrated. But I’m hopeful that they’ll listen to the community and improve the space game to keep getting my sub dollars. If not, I’ll protest with my dollar and go back to F2P where I have no voice and they can hope for a cartel coin purchase that will never come.

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The GSF expansion is a good start. I was so excited about it, I actually sub’d again. But, personally, I feel there are some serious issues that need to be addressed. Some have been covered in multiple other threads, so I'll only mention them but not in depth.

I'm an old SWG player. For all of its faults, it got the space game right. What GSF really needs to address is;


1. Joystick - This is a must. Its not impossible to fly, but its not easy. A true space flight game has to have joystick support. If you want proof, look at hit % rates. I seldom see any above 50%. It's not because anyone is an exceptional pilot. It's because you can't track with a mouse while you're trying to mash buttons on the keyboard. Maybe if you had 3 hands or you're 7ft. tall with 8in. long fingers, then perhaps. I had a much higher hit % in SWG because I could control direction, pitch, roll, yaw and speed much easier with a stick allowing me to stay on someone’s six and keep them in the cross hairs much easier.


2. 1st person cockpit view - It would be nice to get a 3rd person look outside of your ship, but I prefer being in the cockpit. The reason is perspective. I don’t know how many times I’ve attempted to fly under or near something only to crash into it because the perspective is skewed in 3rd person. At least give me the option.


3. Kill stealing - I love sniping in my gunship getting down to the last hit and watching 4 "teammates" swoop in for the final blow. It's wonderful. Limit the kill whores ability to steal glory with a single hit on a target after you've done 98% of the work. Whoever gets the most damage gets the kill. Period. Everyone else gets an assist.


4. Component upgrades – We have an on rails space game that allows players to make ship components and we have a free flight game with a canned upgrade system, really? I know this has to do with fairness more than anything but geez. Does anyone remember SWG? There were component drops in the PvE game, ship vendor parts to buy as well as player made items. You could slice parts and combine them to create cool new stuff for your ship. At the very least I feel like this should be consistent with the “other” space game in SWTOR. Give us the option to mix and match what works best for the individual. And if you’re going to make us deal with it, at least give me the option to sell items back that are CRAP! (Thermite missiles anyone?)


5. Levelling – In SWG piloting and ground game exp were separate. Why should it be any different here? As it stands now, someone could level from 1-55 and have no idea how to play their class. Give everyone a 3rd exp bar under legacy with separate piloting abilities. SWG also had a levelling story line for the different factions, Rebel, Empire, Neutral, to achieve rank in the Reb. or Emp. navies. Neuts may have had a privateer levelling rank system, but I don’t recall. (Its been awhile.) Rank gave you the ability to own and pilot different ships. Do this and eliminate buying ships with cartel coins.


Right now, I’m frustrated. But I’m hopeful that they’ll listen to the community and improve the space game to keep getting my sub dollars. If not, I’ll protest with my dollar and go back to F2P where I have no voice and they can hope for a cartel coin purchase that will never come.


Ill certainly /sign this... couldn't have said it better myself

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1. Joystick
Yes Please.

2. 1st person cockpit view
Yes Please.

3. Kill stealing
I'm a team player. Combine that with there being no rewards for stats (it's all posterity by my observation) it's not an issue as long as the kill happens.

4. Component upgrades
Would love to see component crafting make its way into the ground game as well. It very well may. The fact that it isn't is an afterthought once I strap in though.

5. Levelling
Probably for consistency reasons since ground PvP similarly awards PvE experience for PvP WZ match completions. To my knowledge no one complained about that. One can level all the way through 55 doing ground WZ in the same fashion one can in GSF. Just a guess, but the player who levels a character all the way to 55 doing PvP probably won't care about gearing it for PvE raids anyway. They aren't a liability if they don't participate. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I'm a team player. Combine that with there being no rewards for stats (it's all posterity by my observation) it's not an issue as long as the kill happens.


Probably for consistency reasons since ground PvP similarly awards PvE experience for PvP WZ match completions. To my knowledge no one complained about that. One can level all the way through 55 doing ground WZ in the same fashion one can in GSF. Just a guess, but the player who levels a character all the way to 55 doing PvP probably won't care about gearing it for PvE raids anyway. They aren't a liability if they don't participate.


In relation to 3, I agree with the team player menatlity 100%. However, you get medals for # of kills. I hate getting 5-6 medals when I could have had more especially when I've done the work. Its like that guy at work that swoops in at the last minute to take credit AFTER I've done all of the heavy lifting and everything goes right. I'm OK with it if the job is done and everything works fine, but the minute it messes with my $bonus$, someone is getting verbally pimp slapped in the next meeting. Just sayin'.


In relation to 5, I agree that gaining xp for WZ and pvp makes sense. It is directly relevant to the ground game. You can't use any of your abilities in the air so give us character abilities we can use. Another thread has mentioned pilot skill trees with added abilities for leveling, such as; Piloting, Weapons and Shields. That's more in line with what I was thinking. Its not so much the leveling overall. In my opinion, ground game and space game, are completely different and separate. If you want to get down to the nuts and bolts, take engine abilities for example. Agreeably your air frame and engine may limit your ability to perform a barrel roll. But, its not your engine that does the barrel roll, its the pilot who has gained that ability through experience and training. A good pilot in inferior equipment can take a lesser pilot in superior equipment. Prime example, Battle of Britain.


Just my thoughts. Respectfully, I want to thank you for your reply. I appreciate your insight.

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The GSF expansion is a good start. I was so excited about it, I actually sub’d again. But, personally, I feel there are some serious issues that need to be addressed. Some have been covered in multiple other threads, so I'll only mention them but not in depth.

I'm an old SWG player. For all of its faults, it got the space game right. What GSF really needs to address is;


1. Joystick - This is a must. Its not impossible to fly, but its not easy. A true space flight game has to have joystick support. If you want proof, look at hit % rates. I seldom see any above 50%. It's not because anyone is an exceptional pilot. It's because you can't track with a mouse while you're trying to mash buttons on the keyboard. Maybe if you had 3 hands or you're 7ft. tall with 8in. long fingers, then perhaps. I had a much higher hit % in SWG because I could control direction, pitch, roll, yaw and speed much easier with a stick allowing me to stay on someone’s six and keep them in the cross hairs much easier.


2. 1st person cockpit view - It would be nice to get a 3rd person look outside of your ship, but I prefer being in the cockpit. The reason is perspective. I don’t know how many times I’ve attempted to fly under or near something only to crash into it because the perspective is skewed in 3rd person. At least give me the option.


3. Kill stealing - I love sniping in my gunship getting down to the last hit and watching 4 "teammates" swoop in for the final blow. It's wonderful. Limit the kill whores ability to steal glory with a single hit on a target after you've done 98% of the work. Whoever gets the most damage gets the kill. Period. Everyone else gets an assist.


4. Component upgrades – We have an on rails space game that allows players to make ship components and we have a free flight game with a canned upgrade system, really? I know this has to do with fairness more than anything but geez. Does anyone remember SWG? There were component drops in the PvE game, ship vendor parts to buy as well as player made items. You could slice parts and combine them to create cool new stuff for your ship. At the very least I feel like this should be consistent with the “other” space game in SWTOR. Give us the option to mix and match what works best for the individual. And if you’re going to make us deal with it, at least give me the option to sell items back that are CRAP! (Thermite missiles anyone?)


5. Levelling – In SWG piloting and ground game exp were separate. Why should it be any different here? As it stands now, someone could level from 1-55 and have no idea how to play their class. Give everyone a 3rd exp bar under legacy with separate piloting abilities. SWG also had a levelling story line for the different factions, Rebel, Empire, Neutral, to achieve rank in the Reb. or Emp. navies. Neuts may have had a privateer levelling rank system, but I don’t recall. (Its been awhile.) Rank gave you the ability to own and pilot different ships. Do this and eliminate buying ships with cartel coins.


Right now, I’m frustrated. But I’m hopeful that they’ll listen to the community and improve the space game to keep getting my sub dollars. If not, I’ll protest with my dollar and go back to F2P where I have no voice and they can hope for a cartel coin purchase that will never come.


I read your post with a very open mind and a disagree with every single point.


This is not SWG. Time to get over it.

Edited by Arkerus
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1. Regarding a joystick, go out and buy one and key bind it. I use a Belkin control pad with my mouse and it works just fine.


2. Regarding kill stealing... This doesn't just happen to gunships. It takes me forever to get damage on my pea shooter Scout and I watch also as others get the kill most times... I also don't do 98% of my damage in one shot like a gunship does.

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1. Regarding a joystick, go out and buy one and key bind it. I use a Belkin control pad with my mouse and it works just fine.


2. Regarding kill stealing... This doesn't just happen to gunships. It takes me forever to get damage on my pea shooter Scout and I watch also as others get the kill most times... I also don't do 98% of my damage in one shot like a gunship does.

1. Wish it was as easy as simply key binding a joystick. The joystick has to support the mouselook function for it to work with GSF. Newer Saitek models reportedly have that capability, so they could be an option. Logitech ... not so much.


According to Logitech support, their joysticks do not support the mouselook function regardless of software. Flight sims that support Logitech joysticks do so natively. However mouselook CAN be mapped to their gamepads' ministicks (couldn't get GSF to recognize the Logitech profiler, but it did recognize Xpadder), though movement is overly sensitive and twitchy as hell.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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