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Are there plans to make the starfighter experience account bound?


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I have generally enjoyed the starfigher experience since the time I was in testing but I've found that the fact that the requisition and components are tied to individual characters and not to the overall account has been a detriment to the game experience in general.


Throughout the life of the game players have been encouraged to create alts and explore each individual storyline. This makes sense as each story adds depth to the overall plot of the game and encourages us as players to try new ways of playing through different classes. The requisition and unlocks being applied to only the character to perform in the starfighter mission feels as if it is restricting that encouragement.


If I play starfighter on a character that I am leveling (In my case the Sage) the ships grow in strength and ability on that character but the other characters see no development. This leaves them at a disadvantage in later matches as they will lack the upgrades that other players have gained even though I have spent as much time playing the content as anyone else.


I understand the argument that this applies to ground pvp in the same respect as you don't gain equipment for all your characters by playing one match. I would argue that the difference is that individual characters will play differently while the starfighters will play the same regardless of what class you are playing in the ground game.


This issue will become more pronounced as time continues as subscribers create more characters. I'm afraid that I may not be able to gain much experience in space pvp when I create my 22nd character and players are in fully equipped ships when I am just starting out again.

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I think a good middle ground would be something requiring low level legacy (lv8-10 or such) that would enable 20% Ship OR Fleet (not both) req be shared on all characters on that server. That way no one with a high level legacy can make a ton of alts and 'power level' his ships up in no time. You get to share some, but nothing game breaking.
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I think a good middle ground would be something requiring low level legacy (lv8-10 or such) that would enable 20% Ship OR Fleet (not both) req be shared on all characters on that server. That way no one with a high level legacy can make a ton of alts and 'power level' his ships up in no time. You get to share some, but nothing game breaking.


I'm confused as to why you believe legacy level is tied into starfighter. As far as I'm aware the legacy level has no effect on the amount of req gained through the system. The point I'm referring to in the original post is the fact that if a person is subscribed to the game and would like a their characters to all have the full starfighter setup they would be have to put in a considerably larger amount of time compared to those that are playing with lesser accounts. This is even after taking into account the boost to req given for being subscribed to the game.


My suggestion would be to lower the amount boosted for being a subscriber and to link the starfighter points and unlocks to the legacy.

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I'm not sure of the idea of making components legacy wide unlocks. But perhaps give a perk that once you master a component for a ship it costs 50% less req on all other alts. It doesn't mean that you get auto-unlocks on everything but the grind will be considerably less for your favorite components.


Assuming matchmaking works as they intend you should have minimal undergeared problems as I understand they intend to have matches set up among people with comparably geared starfighters. Currently I don't think it's working well because the GSF population is limited to only subs so matchmaking is drawing on a tiny fraction of an entire server's population.


I do think fleet req ships should unlock legacy/faction wide though.

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I saw a few replies in similar threads last week where people used the argument that each ship is like a separate character, as a reason against this. I disagree however. I see each of the (at this point) 7 ships as individual characters but not my jedi's pike vs my trooper's pike vs my smuggler's pike. I am probably on the low end and I have 8 characters, 1 of each class and with just the freebie ships that 3 per 8 or 24 ships. So I now have 24 unique ships to upgrade and since I like the dual missile strikers best that is more like 32. That's a ton of ships to level separate from any ground game I want to play.


I can see having each faction be separate although I would prefer if they were joined.


The only thing I can think of that would be the implementation issue that the devs said was the reason we don't have this is the daily and weekly quest. And I for one would gladly give up the daily and weekly quest in order to have all of my characters on 1 faction use the exact same hanger/fleet.

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