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S-13 Sting build


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I feel like I'm missing something with burst fire. I haven't unlocked them because on paper they just seem to be subpar vs Quad at longer distances, and less DMG compared to light or rapid fire at close range.


I should unlock them just to try out, but on paper they seem the worst to me.


Personally I use quad and cluster. I like the added range. I'm rarely getting shots off at 500 meters and usually get my kills at the 3k - 5k range.

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I feel like I'm missing something with burst fire. I haven't unlocked them because on paper they just seem to be subpar vs Quad at longer distances, and less DMG compared to light or rapid fire at close range.


I should unlock them just to try out, but on paper they seem the worst to me.


Personally I use quad and cluster. I like the added range. I'm rarely getting shots off at 500 meters and usually get my kills at the 3k - 5k range.


I think I'm in the same situation as you. I keep hearing about how good the burst laser is, but I just dot get it.


Maybe it's because I'm too inaccurate, but the quad lasers seem much better to me.

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For me, i prefer using:


Light Laser Cannons- Fast rate of fire and still decent damage. Perfect my for play style (Mid-close range)


Cluster Missiles- Little damage, but easy to get off in dog fights


Blaster Overcharge- For the extra kick when i get some shots lined up. Combo's great with HK-51 ability.


Directional Shield- Allows me to take quite a beating even as a scout while still dishing it out. It also helps tremendously with shield regeneration if you fully upgrade it.


Retro Thrusters- Great for if you set somebody that is on your tail in a straight line to get them to even out, let them get within 2k-3k distance, then get right behind them to turn the tides.


Lightweight Armor- None of the armors really spoke to me, and since scouts are supposed to evade more than tank, i thought this fit best.


Damage Capacitor- A fast rate of fire, and making them do more damage? Yes please.


Turbo Reactor- Further reduces shield regeneration delay


Turning Thrusters- Combined with retro thrusters upgrades allows you to turn on a dime, almost literally.


What this gives you is fantastic agility and never ever being out turned combined with a rapid rate of fire that still hurts, with every now and then a little bit of excessive firepower when the situation calls for it, along with shield versatility.


This is by far one of my favorite set ups, and I hope you all enjoy it if you try it out. :)

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Quad Lasers - Let you engage further out and apply DPS at range when needed, without wasting engine power to get in close. The range is also conveniently similar to...


Cluster Missiles - Damage is ok, but give you a huge psychological advantage, making your target waste maneuvers on evasion rather than dogfighting.


Booster Recharge - Speed is life in a scout, and staying alive let's me apply more DPS to critical points in the battle much faster. A scout that runs out of booster fuel is a sitting duck, and at a disadvantage. Recharge helps you win the energy fight.


Distortion Shield - The passive evasion combined with your speed helps keep you alive longer, but where it really shines is in squashing gunships...especially station humpers, with the special ability.


Kooligan Turn - I really only use it for missile evasion or throwing off pursuers, using the sudden direction change with my speed to quickly egress.


Lightweight Armor - Maximizes the evasion I spoke of earlier.


Damage Capacitor - Helps your shots to hit a bit harder, especially as you sacrificed some dps in other places.


Speed Thrusters - Speed is life. Being alive let's you apply your weapons to critical points sooner than a respawn.


Regeneration Reactor - The shield regen is nice since you will be taking passes at enemies, then using speed to extend. While you extend for another pass, your shields come back up to full.


Crew - Desired passives of Evasion, Shield Regen, and Accuracy

Edited by Svarthrafn
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I think I'm in the same situation as you. I keep hearing about how good the burst laser is, but I just dot get it.


Maybe it's because I'm too inaccurate, but the quad lasers seem much better to me.


The burst lasers are for those that have a harder time keeping an opponent in your sights for longer periods of time. More useful for a gunship in my opinion, as dogfighters generally have the maneuverability to tail opponents for extended periods.

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I feel like I'm missing something with burst fire. I haven't unlocked them because on paper they just seem to be subpar vs Quad at longer distances, and less DMG compared to light or rapid fire at close range.


I should unlock them just to try out, but on paper they seem the worst to me.


Personally I use quad and cluster. I like the added range. I'm rarely getting shots off at 500 meters and usually get my kills at the 3k - 5k range.

They're narrow specialist weapons. Of course they suck at longer range. But they're built for short range exactly. They have better upgrade options than light/rapid, ant they deliver their damage in bursts, making it harder to avoid/mitigate/react to. They also have the best short-range accuracy, making it easier to destroy Evasion-stacking Scouts.

The burst lasers are for those that have a harder time keeping an opponent in your sights for longer periods of time. More useful for a gunship in my opinion, as dogfighters generally have the maneuverability to tail opponents for extended periods.

It's like saying burst damage in ground PvP is for those who have trouble staying on target. The value of burst damage is exactly this - burst. Big payload in limited time, designed to put the enemy off-balance, to deny them the time to react. And you can't tail a competent enemy "for extended periods of time", no matter the ship class.


My burst laser isn't fully upgraded yet, but I've seen 1100 crits with no overcharge\copilot. That's 1 Scout hull in a regular blaster cannon shot.

Edited by Helig
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My build is somewhat similar to Silenceo's above (I fly a Flashfire, which I'm PRETTY SURE is the counterpart to the Sting, correct me if I'm wrong), although I prefer to use the evasion shields instead, and use regeneration thrusters as a compromise between maneuverability and downtime on my boosters, as opposed to the turning thrusters, although I reconsider this almost every time I see the turning thrusters sitting there and I may give them a try at some point.
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I have been working on my Blackbolt, which I really like. What are peoples Sting builds? I'm curious. Some in my guild like Quad Laser Cannons and say it would be good to upgrade.


cluster missiles as spike / burst dps / harassing fire...


lightlaser cannon + blaster overcharge for BRRRRRRRTRTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT insta gibbery

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