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Why are some ships ONLY attainable with Cartel Coins?


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That's not quite true. While the Ocula//Flashfire are identical to the Sting/Skybolt, the Gladiator/Enforcer is slightly different from the Quell/Pike. The premium version has slightly more weapon power capacity, significantly less shield regeneration, and slightly less evasion, making it easily the worst of the three strikes. Fortunately, the Rycer and Star Guard (which are light years better than any of the other strikes) are unlocked by default.


I dropped the 1800 CCs on an Ocula because I wanted to main scout and I dislike the Blackbolt. I've already mastered it and am currently agonizing between saving up 35,500 requisition to get rapid fire lasers and spending the same requisition on my Rycer. It's a deal I'd recommend for anyone who plays GS as much as I do (that 10% requisition bonus is pretty nice, and there's no such thing as a sexy Imperial ship unless you're an enormous Firefly fan). If you're not playing GS all day every day, you probably don't need to burn the CCs.


Alternatively, if you have a million CCs sitting around from quitting with an authenticator attached, there aren't many better ways of spending them imo.

I'm sorry but that is not true.

Highlight the ship in the cartel market, you'll get a tooltip informing you that this ship is 100% the same as ____ ship.


If that is in fact not the case, then you have the system by the proverbials and I suggest you bring that to the attention of the devs.

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I'm sorry but that is not true.

Highlight the ship in the cartel market, you'll get a tooltip informing you that this ship is 100% the same as ____ ship.


If that is in fact not the case, then you have the system by the proverbials and I suggest you bring that to the attention of the devs.


I looked into it. Turns out that link is outdated information. Well, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

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Why are some mounts only attainable with Cartel Coins? Why are some color crystals only attainable with Cartel Coins? Why are some armor sets only attainable with Cartel Coins? Because the purpose of the CM is to give cosmetically different alternatives and that has been the repeatedly stated purpose of the CM since it was introduced over a year ago.
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Sup, I have all 7 ships on Republic side.


The Star Guard (Starting Strike Fighter) is the same as the Enforcer (Cartel Strike Fighter), except that the default loadout is a bit different. Neither one is similar to the FT-6 Pike (unlockable with fleet req strike fighter), which has only one type of gun but two types of missiles. The stats on the ship are, as best as I can figure, the same- buying it is a reskin. Both of these ships have Quad Laser as an option.


The Novadrive (starting Scout) is unique. If you buy the IL-5 Skybolt (Cartel Scout), you are buying a clone of the Flashfire (unlockable with fleet req strike fighter). I think the default loadout is a bit different, but it's the same ship with the same numbers and stuff.





So again: if you spend cartel coins on the strike fighter, it's a reskin of the starter. If you spend them on the scout, it's a reskin of the unlockable one.



Here's the real advantages:


1)- With 7 ships, your "gain requisition on every ship" thing just grants you more req. You can turn this into more ship gear, or you can pay to convert it to fleet req and spend it on a different ship.

2)- With copies of ships, you can have two in queue and fly the one you want. Did you get owned by a gunship, and you want revenge? Your second ship could have different stuff on it and be better for that.

3)- Yay more ships!



I plan to buy every ship that gets into a hangar or a cartel market, for requisition or dollars. I think they are fantastic, but I would like a bit more customization- I should be able to name them!

If they start putting good ships in operations I'll flip tables. They probably won't, but devs get acting funny when they have a good product on their hands.

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Because they look like cartel/black market ships.


At least they're ugly and I personally have no incentive to unlock any of them. I suppose like anything else, just a vanity option for those who really want them or to be different. It would really only bother me slightly if they were the coolest looking ships.


this the cartel coin ships are fugly.

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