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MZ-12 Copilot no longer available


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When GSF first released, I was able to use MZ-12, the droid with the hydrospanner ability, as my copilot on both ship classes (strike fighter and scout, dont have access to gunships as I didnt resubscribe until mid november). However, after a few rounds, I went back to change copilots in my hangar and noticed that I can no longer select MZ-12 as my copilot, he's no longer in the list of available copilots. At first I thought this was due to the patch removing him (hydrospanner is pretty useful, after all), but other players still seem to have access to him.


So what is going on here, some kind of glitch?

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I dont currently have him selected for any other positions. using aric as copilot, aric as offensive, owo whatshisface as defensive, elara as tactical, and c2n2 as engineering.


Use Mz-12 as your offensive or defensive crew member, then you can select him as copilot.

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