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Evasion vs missiles??


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Howdy folks,


Thought I would pop in a clarify a couple of things. There are a couple of ways to break a lock-on sequence when no missile has been fired yet:

  • Skilled piloting, such as maneuvering outside of the opponent's secondary firing arc, or trying to break line of sight by zooming around or inside of asteroids or other objects.
  • Activating a defensive maneuver type engine ability (such as Koiogran Turn, Power Dive, Barrel Roll, Retro Thrusters or Snap Turn).


Once a missile is in-flight, the only way to avoid being hit is to activate a defensive maneuver type engine ability (the same list as above). This will 'evade' the missile. Visually, the missile will still complete its journey towards your ship, but it will not explode and no damage will be done to you.


As an added bonus, when your ship is actively executing a defensive maneuver, enemies cannot lock-on to you. On their end they will hear an error buzz when they attempt to right click to lock-on.


Hopefully this clarifies a few things!


I dont think so.....


i had it many times with Protone torpedo launched at maybe 9k away and the enemy just flew away from it caus it is so slow....


Now i have +100% Speed of the Torpedo and its a little bit better, but i can still see enemys just flying away from the torpedo without using a Maneuver spell/skill

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Lost locks inside of a missile arc, with no action taken by the player on the receiving end of the lock, will typically be caused by lag. In order to ensure lock-ons are legit, they are securely verified on the server, which inevitably causes a bit of lag between communicating various bits of info back and forth. It's something you would typically observe at extremities - like near the edge of the firing arc or near the edge of the range for the weapon.


We've implemented some tricks to keep this perceived lag to a minimum, but it could help explain some of the behavior seen. One tip to possibly minimize the risk of losing a lock-on is to slightly lead your target, and keep them away from the edges of your firing arc.


But it's worth noting that far more often a lock will be broken due to what I explained earlier: your target executing a defensive maneuver or crossing in front of an asteroid for a split second while you have them in your sights.


All of that being said, we're going to investigate just to verify nothing else is going on with lock-ons. We don't want to assume anything!


As for evading missiles, no, there is nothing the player can do to outrun or evade a missile once it is in the air short of executing a defensive maneuver.


Small lag when locking on > cheaters auto-locking.


I'm with the devs on this one :p

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Lost locks inside of a missile arc, with no action taken by the player on the receiving end of the lock, will typically be caused by lag. In order to ensure lock-ons are legit, they are securely verified on the server, which inevitably causes a bit of lag between communicating various bits of info back and forth. It's something you would typically observe at extremities - like near the edge of the firing arc or near the edge of the range for the weapon.


We've implemented some tricks to keep this perceived lag to a minimum, but it could help explain some of the behavior seen. One tip to possibly minimize the risk of losing a lock-on is to slightly lead your target, and keep them away from the edges of your firing arc.


But it's worth noting that far more often a lock will be broken due to what I explained earlier: your target executing a defensive maneuver or crossing in front of an asteroid for a split second while you have them in your sights.


All of that being said, we're going to investigate just to verify nothing else is going on with lock-ons. We don't want to assume anything!


As for evading missiles, no, there is nothing the player can do to outrun or evade a missile once it is in the air short of executing a defensive maneuver.


Excellent, thank you for the information, and for looking deeper into those unexplained lock losses.

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Retro truster does not seem to evade a locked missile (but it actually stops the lock).


Also against scouts, the lock is often stopped by lag. I would enjoy a change that still avoids cheat but doesn't impede legit gameplay at short range (e.g. cluster missile vs scout)

Edited by Hyrune
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Retro truster does not seem to evade a locked missile (but it actually stops the lock).


You sure about that? I've sure seen it work many times before.


Keep in mind that sometimes, due to lag, you can still get hit after you use your ability. That means you were actually hit before the server received the command to use the engine ability.

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You sure about that? I've sure seen it work many times before.


Keep in mind that sometimes, due to lag, you can still get hit after you use your ability. That means you were actually hit before the server received the command to use the engine ability.


Maybe it's due to lag but since the yellow reply I failed all my missile evade with the retro truster :s

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I have this happen a lot to me; where the lock just disappears for no reason. Usually I'm quick enough to re-target them and fire.


Likewise. I have noticed that there seems to be a correlation between the lead indicator going outside of the missile firing arc and dropped locks. I can't be 100% sure though as I've only just started really paying attention trying to figure out if there's a pattern.

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Is it really that hard to just read the in-game tooltips and look at the upgrade trees for the various ship components? It states clearly on the distortion field upgrade tree that it can be upgraded to break missile locks when activated.
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As far as I know, the only ways to break missile lock are by using your engine ability (e.g barrel roll), line of sighting or outrunning the targetting reticule of the attacker, or by an upgraded distortion field. It's fine the way it is


Barrel Roll must be bugged at the moment then. Because I just kited a Scout for about 90 seconds - 2 minutes and everytime I would BR after he'd try to lock onto me. It would still hit me with missles. I was bobbing and weaving in and out of everything. He INSTANTLY locked on in less than a second, in a Scout no less, and was 1-2 shotting me.

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Lost locks inside of a missile arc, with no action taken by the player on the receiving end of the lock, will typically be caused by lag. In order to ensure lock-ons are legit, they are securely verified on the server, which inevitably causes a bit of lag between communicating various bits of info back and forth. It's something you would typically observe at extremities - like near the edge of the firing arc or near the edge of the range for the weapon.


We've implemented some tricks to keep this perceived lag to a minimum, but it could help explain some of the behavior seen. One tip to possibly minimize the risk of losing a lock-on is to slightly lead your target, and keep them away from the edges of your firing arc.


But it's worth noting that far more often a lock will be broken due to what I explained earlier: your target executing a defensive maneuver or crossing in front of an asteroid for a split second while you have them in your sights.


All of that being said, we're going to investigate just to verify nothing else is going on with lock-ons. We don't want to assume anything!


As for evading missiles, no, there is nothing the player can do to outrun or evade a missile once it is in the air short of executing a defensive maneuver.


Hey Chris, I don't suppose you could clarifiy how the evade stat works, now the first assumption is that it works like defense in normal PVP, giving you a % chance to deflect/parry/dodge attacks, but people say it doesn't work that way in GSF, giving a straight chance to miss, but rather it just affects your tracking penalty, so if you have 100% evasion, you just double their tracking penalty instead?

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Howdy folks,


Thought I would pop in a clarify a couple of things. There are a couple of ways to break a lock-on sequence when no missile has been fired yet:

  • Skilled piloting, such as maneuvering outside of the opponent's secondary firing arc, or trying to break line of sight by zooming around or inside of asteroids or other objects.
  • Activating a defensive maneuver type engine ability (such as Koiogran Turn, Power Dive, Barrel Roll, Retro Thrusters or Snap Turn).


Once a missile is in-flight, the only way to avoid being hit is to activate a defensive maneuver type engine ability (the same list as above). This will 'evade' the missile. Visually, the missile will still complete its journey towards your ship, but it will not explode and no damage will be done to you.


As an added bonus, when your ship is actively executing a defensive maneuver, enemies cannot lock-on to you. On their end they will hear an error buzz when they attempt to right click to lock-on.


Hopefully this clarifies a few things!


...What about the Distortion Field upgrade 'Disable Enemy Missile Lock' with the description "Distortion Field disables missile lock of enemies currently targeting you'?

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Hey Chris, I don't suppose you could clarifiy how the evade stat works, now the first assumption is that it works like defense in normal PVP, giving you a % chance to deflect/parry/dodge attacks, but people say it doesn't work that way in GSF, giving a straight chance to miss, but rather it just affects your tracking penalty, so if you have 100% evasion, you just double their tracking penalty instead?


It is puzzling to me as well because using distortion field seems to cause turrets to miss and I'm not sure if/how/why turrets have tracking penalties. that would seem to disagree with it being a tracking penalty multiplier and suggest it is just a straight penalty to an enemy's base accuracy stat before tracking penalties are applied. But we really need a dev clarification of how this works.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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This is part of the reason both the strike fighters are onderpowerd. Pike can equip two missiles?

Wel woepty thy. U need to get them to lock on first. Lots of time i get interrupted for no apparent reason.

It be nice if i can use my 11k range missiles, lets hope.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Howdy folks,


Thought I would pop in a clarify a couple of things. There are a couple of ways to break a lock-on sequence when no missile has been fired yet:

  • Skilled piloting, such as maneuvering outside of the opponent's secondary firing arc, or trying to break line of sight by zooming around or inside of asteroids or other objects.
  • Activating a defensive maneuver type engine ability (such as Koiogran Turn, Power Dive, Barrel Roll, Retro Thrusters or Snap Turn).


Once a missile is in-flight, the only way to avoid being hit is to activate a defensive maneuver type engine ability (the same list as above). This will 'evade' the missile. Visually, the missile will still complete its journey towards your ship, but it will not explode and no damage will be done to you.


As an added bonus, when your ship is actively executing a defensive maneuver, enemies cannot lock-on to you. On their end they will hear an error buzz when they attempt to right click to lock-on.


Hopefully this clarifies a few things!


I've continued to have unexplained lock-on breaks on my Sting with cluster missiles. I know what all the maneuvers look like. I know what distortion field looks like. I've had missile locks break when the enemy is still within my firing arc and they have not popped any defensive maneuvers, distortion field or used LOS to break the lock.


One thing I am wondering is if I am missing the cluster missile secondary weapon firing arc user interface element. I am using quads and cluster missiles but I only have ONE firing arc. There is no secondary firing arc for the missiles that is more narrow than the quad's firing arc. On my Blackbolt, the rocket pods have a separate firing arc that is more narrow that the laser cannon's firing arc. I've noted that the broken missile locks occur toward the edge but with the firing arc of my Sting's quads. They occur about where the shot would be out of the Blackbolt's rocket pod firing arc, approximately in the last third of the outer band of the firing arc of the quads. But, again, I have no separate UI element for the cluster missiles. Not sure if there is supposed to be one or if it is one and the same as the quad's arc.

Edited by DroidDreamer
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One thing I am wondering is if I am missing the cluster missile secondary weapon firing arc user interface element. I am using quads and cluster missiles but I only have ONE firing arc. There is no secondary firing arc for the missiles that is more narrow than the quad's firing arc.


I believe these two have identical firing arcs. Check the tooltips.

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I've continued to have unexplained lock-on breaks on my Sting with cluster missiles. I know what all the maneuvers look like. I know what distortion field looks like. I've had missile locks break when the enemy is still within my firing arc and they have not popped any defensive maneuvers, distortion field or used LOS to break the lock.


I generally have at least one of these described "unexplained breaks" a match, but the thing I notice is they occur when the target goes from moving towards or away from me to moving perpendicular to me at high speed, this seemly causes the lock to break before they exit the arc.

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