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Which Lvl 55 PvP gear to buy first?


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I'm closing in on 55 and sadly I won't be able to max both my ranked and unranked WZ comms before I do so. I leveled too fast in straight up PvP and wasn't able to max them both, lol.


Anyways, I'm curious what the best gear choices are right off that bat upon hitting lvl 55? Since I'll be behind due to not having max ranked comms I want to get the biggest bang for my buck.


I was planning on buying the MH Lightsaber but heard that wasn't the best choice? Can anyone help out here?

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No, not the mainhand nor the offhand. Apparently with bolster, PVE mods provide better stats than the PVP ones in the weapons.


L-RANDLE did a great guide here explaining some of the issues around bolster:



I had the same question, and have gone this route:

Obroan Relics (Power proc and main stat proc) so that I could augment them right away

Conquerer armor set (for the 4 piece set bonus)

Upgraded my chest piece to Obroan

Next on my list is to upgrade my Conq. earpiece to Obroan, so that I can augment that


I'm certain there are many other ways to gear up, but for me, the priority was to be able to augment the pieces ASAP and to get the set bonus as quickly as possible.

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No, not the mainhand nor the offhand. Apparently with bolster, PVE mods provide better stats than the PVP ones in the weapons.


L-RANDLE did a great guide here explaining some of the issues around bolster:



I had the same question, and have gone this route:

Obroan Relics (Power proc and main stat proc) so that I could augment them right away

Conquerer armor set (for the 4 piece set bonus)

Upgraded my chest piece to Obroan

Next on my list is to upgrade my Conq. earpiece to Obroan, so that I can augment that


I'm certain there are many other ways to gear up, but for me, the priority was to be able to augment the pieces ASAP and to get the set bonus as quickly as possible.


Well, I think having more Expertiece vs Main Stat and Secondary Stat, is better in PvP. So I would just stick with all PvP gear. I would go with Relics, get Oboran Power/Crit and Main Stat for Marauder. Power if Carnage or Rage, Crit if Anni.

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Well, I think having more Expertiece vs Main Stat and Secondary Stat, is better in PvP. So I would just stick with all PvP gear. I would go with Relics, get Oboran Power/Crit and Main Stat for Marauder. Power if Carnage or Rage, Crit if Anni.


In some ways, you're right. But with Bolster, expertise is boosted for everyone, even in PVE gear with no expertise. The key is to find the sweet spot where the added stats don't negatively affect the bolstered expertise. And also to remember that if a piece has any expertise in it at all, bolster is affected. If you have PVE armoring and enhancement with a PVP mod, then you're losing out with how bolster works. So, for each piece of gear make sure the mods (armor, mod, enh) in it are all PVP mods or all PVE mods in order to get the most out of bolster.


A good place to test gear options is the Ilum ice shelf. It will show when expertise is lost based on a mod change.


As I said, though, there's a good discussion of all this going on in L-Randle's thread that I linked above.

Edited by AMulls
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