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Bomber ?


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Are you kidding me?

The german version got the "Jagdbomber" but that is the "strike fighter" in english. The true bomber class starship is indeed not currently in the game (scheduled for February if I recall correctly)


If you mean strike fighters.... then ask someone else, I suck at playing them ;) I am only good in a scout :)

Edited by JPryde
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Don't know why they had used this translation.

Actually that is a pretty accurate translation in terms of air force. The strike fighter is pretty close to a JaBo pretty much the same as modern jets. The german "Tornado" is a JaBo for example and it would best represent the strike fighter role. It lacks the maneuverability of a scout and it lacks the long range of a gunship... it got close range unguided weapons and longer range missiles.

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Please explain something to me, because as my wife always tells me that I suck at communications. But what part of my original post suggested that I thought bombers were currently in game?


If they actually were in-game, why wouldn't I just try one out to answer my questions for myself?


To be clear, I fully understand that bombers are NOT in the game. My question is what are they designed to be like? Are they heavy on missiles? I assume that they are not very mobile similar to gunships, what else can anyone who piloted one in beta offer up?

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From what I read, there were two types:


Minelayers, who could drop many mines that exploded when ships got too close. Could effectively kill someone who was tailing them easily with 2-3 mines in rapid succession.

Turret makers, who could drop a few AI turrets that were OP when grouped together.


They could also heal others and replenish their missiles. They were not mobile and had a heavy hull.


Are you kidding me?


This post is why everyone thinks that you did not know that bombers are not in the game currently. You need to put a "/sarcasm" when you use sarcasm on the internet.

Edited by Bstr
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Minelayers; or

Missile / gun drones (weapons platform deployers); or

Repair drone droppers;


Hyperspace node droppers (created a new spawn point on the map; could combine IIRC);

maybe they could drop sensors simlar to the scout's, I forget.


Good fun, but a bit powerful as they were. Leaving the repair function out means only Hydrospanner crew active can fix hull damage.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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Actually that is a pretty accurate translation in terms of air force. The strike fighter is pretty close to a JaBo pretty much the same as modern jets. The german "Tornado" is a JaBo for example and it would best represent the strike fighter role. It lacks the maneuverability of a scout and it lacks the long range of a gunship... it got close range unguided weapons and longer range missiles.


Interesting, thanks. I'm not used to that form of terminology.


On the other hand, I could teach you a tiny bit about Geology terminology. :D

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Please explain something to me, because as my wife always tells me that I suck at communications. But what part of my original post suggested that I thought bombers were currently in game?


It didn't. But then someone responded to that assumption and your response to them validated it.

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The question of "what are they like" in present form suggested to me that the original poster believed them to be in the game right now - if the question "what are they like" had used the past, then I would have assumed that the original poster meant the Beta or PTS time. Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Slightly differnt question : anyone know what the republic bomber looks like ? Is it the big flat.. thing we get a glimpse of in the new fleet cinematic ?


Yes. that is one of the bomber variants ~ the other variant was identical except it's missing one "wing". It was asymmetric in shape.


The two bomber variants in the close beta were as follows.


One variant was essentially a minelayer if running in completely stock configuration. The other was more of a support ship that was capable of healing allies with a repair drone.


If memory serves me right both ships had the option to equip a hyperspace beacon that added a spawn point to the map. This allowed for more rapid reinforcement of contested areas.... it was the most underused and also game changing capability of the ships.


But the capabilities of the ships were just too much to balance. Some of the mines/drones could one shot a strike. And the shield strength of the bombers was off scale. It was nearly impossible to destroy a bomber without ion weapons or a coordinated effort between multiple pilots. That said ~ they were very weak to ion weapons.


They were very boring to fly, because they had a very slow rate of turn, and a slower boosted speed. This made them worthless in a turning fight. Essentially they just orbited the stations and mined up everthing. The game revolved around which team was better at clearing the mines, or who fielded the most bombers.


I personally didn't feel that they were OP ~ but I also didn't feel that they added much "fun factor" to GSF.

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I personally didn't feel that they were OP ~ but I also didn't feel that they added much "fun factor" to GSF.

It almost seems like the bomber was the attempt to add the "healer" role to GSF. The scout is like the melee DPS role (quick, not very tough, does damage in short range), the strike fighter is like the tank role (toughest shields and armor in the game) while the gunship is the ranged DPS role (due to the railgun). With a healer role added, you have the classic MMO setup. The bomber is literally healing other ships and laying down spawn points (so it's like it's resurrecting other players too).

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They certainly had a "healer" feel to them. But seriously.... they were the tankiest ship as well.


Players think it's difficult to handle an orbiting strike as it is....bombers were insanely hard to kill without ion weapons or help. Strikes & scouts just didn't have the weapon energy to 1v1 a bomber without using an ion weapon. Part of the problem was the shield boosting defensive CD that bombers had.


If they had a mechanic that limited how many each side could fly at any given time ~ I'd say bring them back just like they were. It was fun to have such a hard target to shoot at. Without a limit though, GSF becomes "the drone wars".

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They certainly had a "healer" feel to them. But seriously.... they were the tankiest ship as well.


Players think it's difficult to handle an orbiting strike as it is....bombers were insanely hard to kill without ion weapons or help. Strikes & scouts just didn't have the weapon energy to 1v1 a bomber without using an ion weapon. Part of the problem was the shield boosting defensive CD that bombers had.


If they had a mechanic that limited how many each side could fly at any given time ~ I'd say bring them back just like they were. It was fun to have such a hard target to shoot at. Without a limit though, GSF becomes "the drone wars".


They had a limit before to how many types of ships a team can use in a match?

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