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Valour equivalent to be added?


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Is there going to be some kind of "valour" associated with GSF that will display on characters paperdoll?

It's kind of the first feature that has been added that hasn't also added a new "visible rank" system. Just wondered if there had been any talk of valour and/or rewards that would be associated with it?

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i dont want a VALOUR equivalent .... i want VALOUR...


PVP is PVP whether on ground or in space .......


i only want valour , i do not want warzone comms as they are for ground gear , but valour would be nice as there is items of clothing in game like the battlemaster sets of old that still require valour .... yet , higher tiers of gear ie war hero stuff you can get with no valour rating requirement ....


the ONLY reason i want VALOUR is for the sage battlemaster set ....... either remove the requirement like you did with the war hero set , or give us a way to get valour other than ground pvp , cos i dont want to do ground pvp or use ground pvp mods etc from wz comms , i just want to be able to equip that outfit , without having to waste hours and hours in warzones with idiots who dont know what OBJECTIVE means :(


pvp is pvp ... and VALOUR is your PVP rating ..... so only seems fair to give VALOUR for GSF .........



please .....

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I'd only like them to add that if there was a truely OPEN pvp area and we werent forced into small square arenas. That way people can work up at their own pace and not wait ages for a queue to pop.


agreed , i would like to see ilum open world pvp come back , and maybe even open up a couple of other areas on other planets ? but not so that it interferes with other stuff , and not where pve players will have to go as it ruins their fun and puts people off playing ....

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I'd only like them to add that if there was a truely OPEN pvp area and we werent forced into small square arenas. That way people can work up at their own pace and not wait ages for a queue to pop.


I have to ask: how is this related to a request for some sort of numerical stat for GSF experience? If we had a valour equivalent for GSF, how does open flight area make it somehow more desirable?


I mean, I certainly think it'd be nice to have an open flight area we could load in at will, but making GSF valour conditional on such a feature seems to come out of left field. The two aren't related.

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I have to ask: how is this related to a request for some sort of numerical stat for GSF experience? If we had a valour equivalent for GSF, how does open flight area make it somehow more desirable?


I mean, I certainly think it'd be nice to have an open flight area we could load in at will, but making GSF valour conditional on such a feature seems to come out of left field. The two aren't related.


If you have actually played JTL in swg, you'd know exactly how they are related.

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If you have actually played JTL in swg, you'd know exactly how they are related.


Leaving aside such a non-answer, the fact is that Valour is a ground PVP stat in TOR, which still works fine despite the lack of any real world PvP. As such, why some sort of open GSF area should be required before GSF valour gets implemented is beyond me.


Sounds to me that you are simply saying you'd like to have an open GSF flying area, which is certainly a reasonable request, but it has nothing to do with the OP's actual request.

Edited by Itkovian
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Leaving aside such a non-answer, the fact is that Valour is a ground PVP stat in TOR, which still works fine despite the lack of any real world PvP. As such, why some sort of open GSF area should be required before GSF valour gets implemented is beyond me.


Sounds to me that you are simply saying you'd like to have an open GSF flying area, which is certainly a reasonable request, but it has nothing to do with the OP's actual request.


@ITKOVIAN can you show me where its states valour is only for ground pvp please as you have stated its a fact .... if its written , its something i have not seen , i have however seen that valour is a pvp stat.... so could we please have valour for space pvp also ....


the references to ground pvp were joined by not wanting ground pvp commendations for space pvp , ONLY valour...

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Who cares about valor? It's like, "Hey guys, I wasted this much time playing this game!"


I'm really disappointed we don't have any way in game to keep track of our win rate beyond 500 wins, though.


I really hope this doesn't come off as me just being mean, but wouldn't a tracker for wins over 500 also just be "Hey guys, I wasted this much time playing this game!"?

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@ITKOVIAN can you show me where its states valour is only for ground pvp please as you have stated its a fact .... if its written , its something i have not seen , i have however seen that valour is a pvp stat.... so could we please have valour for space pvp also ....


the references to ground pvp were joined by not wanting ground pvp commendations for space pvp , ONLY valour...


Hum, I wasn't answering your comments, but rather responding to someone who said they'd only like GSF valour if there were an open GSF area... so my posts have no relation to yours. :)


As for allowing GSF to increase the same valour as ground PvP, I'd be fine with that, personally.

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I really hope this doesn't come off as me just being mean, but wouldn't a tracker for wins over 500 also just be "Hey guys, I wasted this much time playing this game!"?


To me, win rate is a lot more significant than total wins, total games played, or some 'valor' stat (which is basically the same thing). Yeah, if you have a high win rate, you're probably spending a lot of time on the game, but it also indicates how successful you've been. Personally, I don't see any reason to be proud of playing 1000 games if I only won a small percentage of them, but a high win percentage is something that I would be proud of (although it's not the be-all-end-all, obviously).

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To me, win rate is a lot more significant than total wins, total games played, or some 'valor' stat (which is basically the same thing). Yeah, if you have a high win rate, you're probably spending a lot of time on the game, but it also indicates how successful you've been. Personally, I don't see any reason to be proud of playing 1000 games if I only won a small percentage of them, but a high win percentage is something that I would be proud of (although it's not the be-all-end-all, obviously).


I see your point and tend to agree, though I've lost many a game due in no (or perhaps in only small) part to my own actions. I wouldn't consider myself a top pilot on my server, but I always play the objectives, and I'm almost always in the top half of the scoreboard for my team.


I tend to queue solo or with one buddy, and a lot of times (EDIT: It seems like) the only nodes capped are capped by me, him, or both of us, and are lost shortly after we leave to defend or cap elsewhere. I feel like win ratio would be much more valid (and instill more pride) in a free-for-all death-match style setting (which I am for, if we're tallying votes), where a win really does show how successful YOU'VE been.

Edited by Sirdannik
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To me, win rate is a lot more significant than total wins, total games played, or some 'valor' stat (which is basically the same thing). Yeah, if you have a high win rate, you're probably spending a lot of time on the game, but it also indicates how successful you've been. Personally, I don't see any reason to be proud of playing 1000 games if I only won a small percentage of them, but a high win percentage is something that I would be proud of (although it's not the be-all-end-all, obviously).


Yeah, but as it is, there's plenty of matches that fail to start and people who leave before the match ends, both of which skew that ratio fairly hard.

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MVP achievements are a better way if you want to show off how great your pilot skills are , i would be more interested in your MVP achievements than win ratio , i am sick of carrying sorry mofo's that self destruct every thirty seconds cos they cant fly , yet they still get a win on the list cos everyone else carried their sorry behind ....


you wanna show how good you are ..... show us your achievements that YOU earned , not something your group of freinds CARRIED you to .....


i only want valour to wear an old skool outfit , i dont know why it even still has a valour requirement when the gear from the next tier up doesnt require valour anymore ..... and its an empty shell , its doesn't come with high level valour mods or anything of the kind ..... just to be awkward then devs ?

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