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Spawn Points - Friendly ships fleeing to use them as safe areas should self destruct


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Spawn Points - Friendly ships fleeing to use them as safe areas should self destruct


On my server we have gunships that will camp satellite B and 1 shot anyone who approaches to cap. If a scout attempts to attack the gunship they just flee back to their spawn point. This is very easy with full engine power.


The chasing scout will be killed by the protection turrets at the safe zone. This is cowardly and means risk free pvp for these players.


Simple change please! Once a ship leaves the safe area of a spawn point they cannot return or be self destructed.

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I disagree it would go against lore to a degree, essentially all the gunship pilot is doing is heading back to the capital ships that it docks with for some cover fire. Just don't chase it that far and be aware when it comes back.




P.S I do not fly a gunship cant hit anything with it to save my life I fly Strike and Scout classes pretty exclusively but I just feel Lore wise its fine and its just them playing smart tactically they shouldn't be punished for playing smart.

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Interesting fact I discovered in a match on Lost Shipyard. You can actually target the gun turrets on the capital ships.


Now I didn't try attacking those gun turrets to see if I could actually damage them as going up against them with my scout seemed suicidal, but if they can be attacked, then I imagine a gunship or a strike with proton torps could hit the turrets at range and then just chase enemies back to their spawn point and gun them down without fear.


Again, I haven't tried this yet, just a theory. Would be interested in hearing if anyone else had though.


The other thing though is if the enemy is fleeing, they're not shooting you or teammates. Chase them for a bit, then turn and head back for the objectives. When trying to cap a satellite it's always important never to be lured to far away or the enemy could take the satellite back.

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Those gunships fleeing back to the capital ship makes it for their team even worse. Just let him and be aware, get him next time. Rinse and repeat, just make him useless for his team.


Wrong! YOU are useless for YOUR team, because you waste your time chasing after that gunship, while letting him snipe you easily away from his safe spot and farm kills and medals!

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Hmm... seems the lines of fire would be pretty limited from within boost range of the capital ship, I'd have to check to be sure though.


It seems pretty lame to be fair but I don't think making people explode by returning to the cap ship would be fair, sometimes it's the only way to get a persistent enemy off your back.


Some possible counters:

  1. Friendly gunships
  2. Torpedoes
  3. Sabotage probes
  4. Approaching from smart angles
  5. Using the cover around the point to block their shots

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The other thing though is if the enemy is fleeing, they're not shooting you or teammates. Chase them for a bit, then turn and head back for the objectives.


This doesn't work, because they are back to their old position within seconds.

And in the meantime, you are cannonfodder for his teammate gunship which camps a few miles away.

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This doesn't work, because they are back to their old position within seconds.

And in the meantime, you are cannonfodder for his teammate gunship which camps a few miles away.


It works on me.


That said, I'm not a very good gunship player, I only fly the dumb thing until I'm not getting any more double req from it, and then I switch to something else.


I'm not saying it's a perfect strategy. As you've clearly pointed out, it's not, especially when there is another gunship in the vicinity. However I would argue that even though there may be two gunships sniping, it's still better to chase at least one off as that reduced the pressure on the satellite even for a few seconds, and a few second when you're trying to cap a satellite, can make all the difference.

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Wrong! YOU are useless for YOUR team, because you waste your time chasing after that gunship, while letting him snipe you easily away from his safe spot and farm kills and medals!


Rofl, where did I wrote that I exactly chase the gunship to capital ship? Either I get him while he's in sniping mode (this most of the time) or try to lasthit in a short chase (which means around 3000-4000m) at least if he got away, otherwise never chase a gunship fleeing to capital ship.


And please.. not even a fleeing gunship can still catch me cause I turn & speed faster than him :rolleyes:

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It's pretty easy to get back from even past midfield with full boosters in a gunship with upgraded barrel roll. Once you figure it out, you pretty much don't die unless you're being careless. With that said, gunships can hit players near their capital ship, so if it really bothers you, then just roll a gunship and chase players to their capital ship then sit at ~12km and blast them, assuming you don't get pummeled by enemy fighters and scouts first.
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I think there should be a timer just like in regular pvp. If you exit the fight and hang out at your capital ship (because you're whole team is losing) you should get booted. I've seen entire teams that were losing, just all go back to their capital ships. That way they don't let the other side have any kills either. However, they forget that each of us can farm objectives with them gone.


Still, I think 15 secondds and you're booted. It's stupid.

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