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Levelled up gunships - nerf time!


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There are a quite a few players who have high levelled up gunships now and it is getting ridiculous how overpowered they are.


On my server we are seeing these gunships getting 20-30 kills a match as they are able to 1 shot both scouts and fighters. To make it worse they can 1 shot without causing an alert noise (lock on).


To press 1 button and I win is ruining what could be great dog fights, sort it out!

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take out the gunships first then dogfight to your little heart's content


Yep. Want Gunships to not drive a game... knock em out in the beginning.


Protip: tactics must be adjusted as players progress and explore the corners of what can be done in GS.


Please to stop with nerf demands on content less then a week old. :rolleyes:


And NO.. I do not roll in a Gunship.. so don't even go there.

Edited by Andryah
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You cant see the gunships as they buff sensor dampening. 15k range, press 1 button and dead ship before u see where it came from:)


1) develop counter-tactics then. Flush them out.... don't just sit around and wait to take it up the keester.


2) Nerfing a ship class =/= appropriate counter-tactic.


Clue: maneuver and evade tactics are both underutilized skills in GS by the masses IMO. Gunship jockeys think they are role playing hull-down tanks... so teach them otherwise.

Edited by Andryah
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It's not just enemy gunships that piss me off. Even the friendly ones steal kill's all the time. I don't know what great mind in the dev unit thought that a ship sitting on the side lines and sniping would be fun for anyone. I was really hoping this would bring some life back into this game but I am just pissed off when I play now.
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Yep. Want Gunships to not drive a game... knock em out in the beginning.


Protip: tactics must be adjusted as players progress and explore the corners of what can be done in GS.


Please to stop with nerf demands on content less then a week old. :rolleyes:


And NO.. I do not roll in a Gunship.. so don't even go there.


Maybe on your server not as many high level gunships.


After a week ppl are already well versed in tactics. Whatever way you look at it, 1 shotting without being detected from 15k range is OP.

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Whatever way you look at it, 1 shotting without being detected from 15k range is OP.


Sitting still, waiting to get one shotted.. is rookie tactics. But people do it. If you assume there are Gunships out there waiting to one shot the predictable target.. then you will learn to be unpredictable.


Gunships rely on people being turtles. Don't be a turtle. Be the rabbit.

Edited by Andryah
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It's not just enemy gunships that piss me off. Even the friendly ones steal kill's all the time. I don't know what great mind in the dev unit thought that a ship sitting on the side lines and sniping would be fun for anyone. I was really hoping this would bring some life back into this game but I am just pissed off when I play now.


:rolleyes: Seriously?


Look.. flush out the Gunships early. They are by definition mostly lazy snipers who can and will make mistakes. Surely you can develop some team tactics for dealing with lazy snipers can't you? A couple of good players in Scouts can unmask these for counter Gunship fire.


On the other hand.. if you are basically solo roguing in GS... you deserve to get some Gunship treatment IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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1) develop counter-tactics then. Flush them out.... don't just sit around and wait to take it up the keester.


2) Nerfing a ship class =/= appropriate counter-tactic.


Clue: maneuver and evade tactics are both underutilized skills in GS by the masses IMO. Gunship jockeys think they are role playing hull-down tanks... so teach them otherwise.


If you play a gunship (try it) at 15k range the distance is such that the targeted ship doesn't appear to move or evade. You cannot miss. I think you must still be playing against newbie low level gunships. Wait til more appear and you will be 1 shotted with no warning.


Any decent gunship player that has a high levelled ship will check his scanner constantly between shots to see if any enemy in range, if there is high tail It out of there.


There needs to be readjustment. Wether it reducing range, amended other ships dampening range etc. There isn't any reliable defence against 1 shots atm.

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Speed and agility. Works against snipers in all forms of combat. If they can shoot but are unable to hit.. then they are easy to counter-sniper.



You haven't played as a gunship obviously. Play gunship, fire at 15k range and you virtually never miss no matter wether the target is evading.


Give a high levelled ship to a decent player then its just like shooting fish in a barrel.

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I quite often go head on against a gunship that I know is targeting me with it's rail gun. The shot bounces off double front deflectors and it gives me time to lock a proton, then follow up with a concussion and finish it off with blasters.


Tab cycles through targets in range, scouts can get WAY more sensor range than dampening, and are quick. Know where they like to hide, listen for rail gun shots, and hunt them down. Strikes can just take the hit, then use R to target it and destroy it. Stop sitting around waiting for gunships to destroy you.

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Actually you never thought about high end skilled scouts who can buff their scanning range up to 35,000 and are eating those "lazy uskilled sniper GSs" for breakfast. Yeah, they have highest numbers (every 3,5s) but Id fear skilled scout much more.
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Even if your sensors can't pick up a gunship, you can see them. When they charge their shot (and a few seconds after they fire) they're surrounded by a cloud. The color depends on what gun they're using.


True but they only need 1 shot to kill you so u don't get to see any cloud :)


Im ok with high dps from range just not 1 shots.


Would people be happy if snipers/gunslingers could 1 shot in warzones every few seconds?

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Actually you never thought about high end skilled scouts who can buff their scanning range up to 35,000 and are eating those "lazy uskilled sniper GSs" for breakfast. Yeah, they have highest numbers (every 3,5s) but Id fear skilled scout much more.


35K? How do you achieve this?

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I've fought some good gunship pilots, but for the most part I find them to be pretty easy targets. I suppose it's possible (?) that every single gunship pilot I've fought is a noob but I've never been one-shot in my strike fighter. The only time I have trouble with gunships is when they're obviously coordinated with other gunships and fighters that support them. I really don't think they're in need of a nerf.
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Shed some light on some dmg non-gunships can do. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=703085


Scouts OP ? High sustained damage and hard to kill coz of maneuverability. Nerf cluster missiles and lower their turning rate. And reduce damage of Quad Cannons... ;)






Slitch - Flashfire - The Silver Order - The Harbinger - 93442 Damage

Jaxin - Flashfire - Alpha Company - Jung Ma - 92947 damage

Benaiah - NovaDive - T3M4 - 87919 damage

Suruse - FT-6 Rycer - Techno Union - The Red Eclipse - 79121 damage

Idm - Flashfire - EGC - JC - 73253 damage

Edited by paowee
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I don't understand how people can say just clean them out first. So you can't respawn as a gunship? If I kill your gunship once you cant be back in that same spot in less then a minute? I can actually enjoy a good dog fight with out having some unskilled bantha dropping snipping me or my prey? Some how I think not.


I don't want to have to put all my points in evasion or sensors. I don't want to have spend all my time hunting down these losers. I want to have good dog fights were my weapons are less important then my skill. But it don't look like that's going to happen here.

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Shed some light on some dmg non-gunships can do. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=703085


Scouts OP ? High sustained damage and hard to kill coz of maneuverability. Nerf cluster missiles and lower their turning rate. And reduce damage of Quad Cannons... ;)






Slitch - Flashfire - The Silver Order - The Harbinger - 93442 Damage

Jaxin - Flashfire - Alpha Company - Jung Ma - 92947 damage

Benaiah - NovaDive - T3M4 - 87919 damage

Suruse - FT-6 Rycer - Techno Union - The Red Eclipse - 79121 damage

Idm - Flashfire - EGC - JC - 73253 damage


sure whine some more... LOL not sure why im even responding. your a pub harbinger player you know what you said is ridiculous and why those numbers are so high


you know that they are good pilots and work for those kills or farm new players just starting out unlike gunships who get 4 - 6 kills with no experience


why don't you start comparing the top and bottom of the match and see what percent gunships fall under because you rarely ever see a gunship with zero kills but strikes and scouts are constantly at the bottom with 1 - 2 experienced scout pilots farming newbies for high kills, even the best scouts will only get 4 - 9 kills in a real match just ask all the pub scouts [vellyne, crooks, redsix, barda, dagge,t nevick, firehawk, the two with the same "s" names though only one is the killer the other gets the assists... cant remember the others off the top of my head but there are a few more [jaxim not included] about kills when they are actually challenged and not in a match against uncoordinated and unpracticed players, while gunships are consistently in the top, and never the bottom and its not just the 5 - 6 good pilots on the server its any gunship.


bioware has the numbers and I will bet when you look at the ships across the board gunships kill% average is way higher then both other ships


though I will admit that some scout upgrades are proving to be trouble other then gunships there are some components that are obviously better then their counter parts but that's just because bioware has always been bad at balance in this game, they like FOTM specs and the devs cater to them


also I will give slitch credit for that match with 29 kills or whatever, cant deny he did it in a scout since he had no deaths but I have never seen him in a match in anything other then a gunship he is actually one of the more hard to kill and deadly ones

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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