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Leveling PvP specs


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Just curious when pvping while leveling what specs people had success with. Currently in my 20s I find Iike some of the first 15 MM talents in particular insta snipe when going into cover, the lowering Ambush cast time and the knockback on Ambush. However the first 15 plus Sab talents as well are ok.


Just curious on some opinions thanks

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I find that with Engineering I'm more bursty and mobile which throws people off guard in low level pvp. Cluster bombs imperial methodology wreck people.


I'm only 32, but I had a lot of success going MM until 30, when I switched to lethality and could finally get cull. Now I pretty much top DPS on every pvp match. Burst ain’t so bad, I think MM is slightly better for burst (at 32 anyway) vs lethality.


^^ Q for the above post, do cluster bombs activate on snipe/ambush? Or is it just basic attack blaster fire? I haven’t tried engineering yet, might be fun to give it a go

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do cluster bombs activate on snipe/ambush? Or is it just basic attack blaster fire? I haven’t tried engineering yet, might be fun to give it a go

They activate on damage. Cluster bombs + series of shots can make for a nice combo. Series of shots should detonate all cluster bombs but maybe 1 and with electrified railgun you get to put a dot on them too, on top of IP


For the OP,all trees are good for leveling in pvp, I leveled a gunslinger and sniper in the past and working on my second sniper now and can say they all preform well. Sniper is one the lucky classes to have all of their trees working well. But a rule of thumb is(for me anyways) MM for high single target spike(My favorite of the three and would say I use this most of the time)., Engineering for some good spike, utility once you get the top of the tree ability, and nice aoe damage(also the low cooldown on Frag. grenade is nice for fending off people trying to cap, get em all at once frequently), and Lethality (I personally hardly ever use this, but it is a great spec and a lot of people love it and perform great with it it all comes down to taste) for if you like dots mixed in with burst damage, not as high burst as MM but it makes up for it with the dots ticking, just watch for good healers cleansing your dots.

Edited by BardaTheHobo
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I rolled a Slinger during DBL XP and forget what fun it can be in Lowbie. I got to 37 fairly quick and was running this spec along with Biochem so I was always with the relevant Stim.




I decided to shy away from Leth or bits of the Hybrid. Stayed at the top of the charts for many matches. Forgot what fun it was to throw out Diversion and the KB from Ambush was something I miss having in the Hybrid. Plus no one cleansing my DOT's with Shroud/Evasion/Cleanse. yea!


Fairly simple rotation. Keep 1-2 stacks of Zeroing Shots up, a few rifle shots here and there. EP with SoS or AMBUSH. Or Laze Target with Snipe + EP. Good times.


Also yes going all the way to Imperial Methodology will give you 3 CB's but they need to be hit by 3 separate DMGing attacks like mentioned, SoS, Cull or a few rifle shots here and there.




Edited by Mythurin
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I'm only 32, but I had a lot of success going MM until 30, when I switched to lethality and could finally get cull. Now I pretty much top DPS on every pvp match. Burst ain’t so bad, I think MM is slightly better for burst (at 32 anyway) vs lethality.


^^ Q for the above post, do cluster bombs activate on snipe/ambush? Or is it just basic attack blaster fire? I haven’t tried engineering yet, might be fun to give it a go


Cluster bombs activate on every SHOT your sniper rifle fires.

So this includes snipe, ambush, series of shots


And since there's 4 cluster bombs (if you spec right) most people use series of shots after explosive probe

Edited by Aerilas
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