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Need a legacy bank where you can transfer things across characters


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It is called mailbox, seriously, charges aren't that high. But in all seriousness, not to be just a troll, I know what you are getting at, it would be nice to be able to keep all your crafting materials from all toons in one place, but it would end up with everyone just having one of each crafter toon and rest of alts being gatherers, in the end it would have a bad influence on economics (not that they are in a peachy condition right now), I know that some will say that going to mailbox and mailing mats is not such a big thing and it would change nothing, sure, but if so, why do so many ppl cry about legacy bank?


TLDR: nope

Edited by Elmerpl
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I can agree that we already have the mail box. I might argue though that because things can be done with the mail box, mailing 8 items at a time, that perhaps a _small_ legacy vault wouldn't be too disruptive. Something with maybe 20-30 inventory slots would be big enough to be somewhat useful but small enough not to be able to hold all the crafting materials one might need, and would serve the function of moving things between characters a bit more easily.


If its assigned an appropriately high credits cost as well to acquire, I don't see the real difference between this and how many people create guilds just so they can have a guild bank that serves the same purpose as a legacy vault.


That you can already send the mail with up to 8 items at a time though pretty much serves the same function So my support of it would have to be based on knowledge I don't have. What is the 'cost' to BioWare/EA of mail vs a bank? If it more costly in game/server resources to have things flying about in the mail in large numbers and sometimes being used as 'storage' anyway (and also available in a significantly larger number of locations than vaults/banks) than it is to have a small vault, then go with the vault. If the mail system is easier on server resources, stick with the mail.


I would keep it small though as I am wary as the first responder that it just be turned into a crafting materials shared vault but even then I am not sure what the harm is in that. Its not like Crafting is significant in this game outside of end game Augs, Mods, etc.

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