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vespel join my guild murking is weighing you down

I love Murkin, he's a nice guy and fun to hang with, but man, he's .... not good. I think he knows it though so it's all good :)


Man, as loyal as Murkin is to all his friends and people in this game, anytime he gets called out or has a problem with someone, none of these "friends" are there to have his back. Is kind of ****ty.


I mean everyones gonna get trolled and its just a game and all in fun but still...you'd think that anytime someone had war to bring at murkin that there would be 20 people ready to tear them apart. I think Murkin is the kind of guy who would give the shirt off his back to a friend yet none of them can give so much as a "**** ***" to anyone coming at him. Needs and deserves better friends.


If i rolled with Murkin in this game you better be ready to unsub if ever planned on calling him out...but I dont...dont really know him...just a cool entertaining streamer to me...but the rest of murkins crew and his friends (besides vespel) have got that ***** blood.



#adidas sucks (;))




#the emilygrace spinoff show isnt as good as when she was a guest star on the murkin show

#mollyangs breasts have their own zip code


Edited by LegendaryQuan
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Maybe if MX did 4's, we would all know the greatness that is MX.


So I rolled up in this kids twitch channel and said a few encouraging words.


How about this kid bans me for no reason.


What a ******. I can tell by your countenance you suck dick, Maniac. *********** ******. And probably take it in the ***.


Just another Republic piece of **** like all the others.

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So I rolled up in this kids twitch channel and said a few encouraging words.


How about this kid bans me for no reason.


What a ******. I can tell by your countenance you suck dick, Maniac. *********** ******. And probably take it in the ***.


Just another Republic piece of **** like all the others.


I timed you out for posting your own twitch stream in my chat after warning you multiple times. Play some 4v4 ranked with MX. Maybe you'll get some viewers then...

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So I rolled up in this kids twitch channel and said a few encouraging words.


How about this kid bans me for no reason.


What a ******. I can tell by your countenance you suck dick, Maniac. *********** ******. And probably take it in the ***.


Just another Republic piece of **** like all the others.


vespel if I rape maniac in the first 10 seconds of an arena would you leave mX and join a real guild so I can teach you how to use that sorc??


what if I've already done it for you baby


republic scum


Aewu I'm starting to like you more and more, are you entering my tournament

Edited by PacifismActivist
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I guess the quote we we're all looking for is fighting fire with fire


But its not the fact that these people run around in premades in solo ranked, its the fact that they run stupid hybrids in order to win a game and for no other reason.....it wouldnt bother me if these guys just ran around with their mates playing the classes and specs the have fun with but its just that they go out of their way to re-roll a flavour of the month classe and play hybrid specs just to 'WIN'


This is why solo ranked has become so *********** stupid is when your placed with complete mentally challanged ******* on your team (imps) againt premade of that.


So tell whats the point of queueing ranked anymore? All the fun has been taken out of it, it's gotten to the point that it's rare to win a game on imps.

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I guess the quote we we're all looking for is fighting fire with fire


But its not the fact that these people run around in premades in solo ranked, its the fact that they run stupid hybrids in order to win a game and for no other reason.....it wouldnt bother me if these guys just ran around with their mates playing the classes and specs the have fun with but its just that they go out of their way to re-roll a flavour of the month classe and play hybrid specs just to 'WIN'


This is why solo ranked has become so *********** stupid is when your placed with complete mentally challanged ******* on your team (imps) againt premade of that.


So tell whats the point of queueing ranked anymore? All the fun has been taken out of it, it's gotten to the point that it's rare to win a game on imps.


scoundrel hybrid heals too stronk

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I hear all this talk of 'DP/synergy/BOSS que sync cuz theyre bads and just wanna farm rating' or 'you guys wouldn't be any good without your gay ***** hybrid spec', but what I never ever hear is someone admitting that 'hey, maybe I'm not that good, why don't I go punch on my training dummy and improve my own game instead of whine about others???'
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I hear all this talk of 'DP/synergy/BOSS que sync cuz theyre bads and just wanna farm rating' or 'you guys wouldn't be any good without your gay ***** hybrid spec', but what I never ever hear is someone admitting that 'hey, maybe I'm not that good, why don't I go punch on my training dummy and improve my own game instead of whine about others???'


u wot m8

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I hear all this talk of 'DP/synergy/BOSS que sync cuz theyre bads and just wanna farm rating' or 'you guys wouldn't be any good without your gay ***** hybrid spec', but what I never ever hear is someone admitting that 'hey, maybe I'm not that good, why don't I go punch on my training dummy and improve my own game instead of whine about others???'


Maybe I'm not that good.

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I hear all this talk of 'DP/synergy/BOSS que sync cuz theyre bads and just wanna farm rating' or 'you guys wouldn't be any good without your gay ***** hybrid spec', but what I never ever hear is someone admitting that 'hey, maybe I'm not that good, why don't I go punch on my training dummy and improve my own game instead of whine about others???'


I know i only solo queue with 4 of my m8's because i suck

Edited by Penguio
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Solo queue wasn't made for groups but if you are going out of your way to queue as a group in the solo ranked queue I don't care how good you play your class deep down you're afraid to lose. If you weren't afraid to lose you would queue solo and face the music as a challenge to win no matter who you were grouped with.


Now captain crunch may have had a point but it was lost in your flames. if your trying to be the top solo ranked guy on the server no one really cares except you because like you guys are doing the system can be manipulated so that one person is not really responsible for their solo rating.


So stop being bads queue solo alone without your butt buddies and face the music if you want to try and be known as a solo star otherwise your rating means nothing and your just working the system.


Solo queue should be for no coms and be for testing arena much like wow offered. Ranked and Warzones should be Cross Server it would fix a lot of these trolls for working the system and trying to make people believe they are great players when they're half *****.


Most of them re-roll FOTM's everytime a new update comes out because they always want that advantage (see premades) it's not about playing with friends because half of the people in guilds are not friends there in the guild for the mob mentality. So don't give us the BS line of "I want to play with friends" go outside and play then and take your Care Bear and Blankie with you in case it gets cold. Some of you have more excuses then you've had hot dinners.

Edited by Devinia-Hex
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