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Sorcerer's and melee.. Lets chat.


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Hey guys. Every so often I come back to this stupid game.. I just can't stay away from it. I have an Assassin, and a commando already, and I was thinking of starting up a Sorcerer, but I have one small issue..


I can't picture a Jedi, or Sith simply not using their lightsaber..


I understand that the Sage, and Sorcerer are both spellcaster classes. Their ranged cannons (are they even cannons? More of a DoT, and support class arn't they?) but I can't picture a lightsaber wielding fella not wielding a lightsaber. Is there any kind of damage output from the lightsaber's slash, and thrash, that could/would benefit a Sorcerer?


I'm not talking about running up to every mob and beating it with a stick, but if a melee player gets in close, am I stuck with my spells and getting out, or can I just bubble, and whack at him a bit and still deal some damage?


Ps. I don't give a **** if you feel the class is broken.. More often than not, it's the player, not the class. Learn how to deal with nerfs when you get them. Work around them. I don't need to hear the obligatory "Don't level this class, it's broken, and boring right now"

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Sorc's will rely more on force powers vs melee due to the primary stat being willpower...with that being said, your dps will be lightning or madness (dots) based primarily...only other alternative is healing...and again, no melee involved.
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I'm not talking about running up to every mob and beating it with a stick, but if a melee player gets in close, am I stuck with my spells and getting out, or can I just bubble, and whack at him a bit and still deal some damage?


You can deal some damage that way, but when the bubble goes down (and it will go down extremely fast) or your stun wears out, you're dead meat.

Stun + Bubble + Force Run.

Especially Force Run. Get used to running away and hiding behind pilars and walls.


So, in short, yes you can, but you shouldn't.


But, I have to say, your question is a bit off. It's like asking if someone with a gun who is fighting someone with a machete, should fight him up close. Maybe the guy with the machete has no idea how to use it and the first guy could win but... why would he take that chance?

Edited by TheNahash
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But, I have to say, your question is a bit off. It's like asking if someone with a gun who is fighting someone with a machete, should fight him up close. Maybe the guy with the machete has no idea how to use it and the first guy could win but... why would he take that chance?


Because he has a burning overwhelming urge to hit someone with the butt of his gun.. You can parry a machete with a gun, and smack him with it like a baseball bat.

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I can't picture a Jedi, or Sith simply not using their lightsaber..


I used to have the same outlook but then with the sorc I realized the lightsaber was a babies toy for those not powerful with the force.


Sith noobs run around swinging lightsabers like Dark helmet fighting Lonestar.

Novices may think they're cool throwing their lightsaber and using the force to move it around.

Decent force users don't need lightsabers because the raw force emanating from their fingertips is more dangerous.


Sith elite don't even have to gesture. With a simple glare they can force choke a lackey while talking to them on a communicator from across the solar system.

"You have failed me for the last time!"

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Because he has a burning overwhelming urge to hit someone with the butt of his gun.. You can parry a machete with a gun, and smack him with it like a baseball bat.


Not to digress from the topic, but you're liable to break your firearm if you go swinging it around like a baseball bat. A properly executed buttstroke/bayonet thrust turns you firearm into an equally efficient club/spear.

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Not to digress from the topic, but you're liable to break your firearm if you go swinging it around like a baseball bat. A properly executed buttstroke/bayonet thrust turns you firearm into an equally efficient club/spear.


That's alright. The point of the thread isn't to save the firearm, it's to beat a guy senseless with it, and have it still be just as effective.


Logic dictates a buttstroke over baseball bat swing. Logic also dictates running away from the Jedi Knight and using lightning instead of using my lightsaber.


The point is to see if we can look outside the box to alternate effective methods.

Edited by Saimeren
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I used to have the same outlook but then with the sorc I realized the lightsaber was a babies toy for those not powerful with the force.


Sith noobs run around swinging lightsabers like Dark helmet fighting Lonestar.

Novices may think they're cool throwing their lightsaber and using the force to move it around.

Decent force users don't need lightsabers because the raw force emanating from their fingertips is more dangerous.


Sith elite don't even have to gesture. With a simple glare they can force choke a lackey while talking to them on a communicator from across the solar system.

"You have failed me for the last time!"

Meh, I'd say Sidious, Yoda, Vitiate, Bane, Nihilus, Windu, Gethzerion, and a number of others discredit that completely.

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Sorc's aren't designed to be a melee class, same as Merc and Sniper. If you want a melee class then roll a marauder, Juggernaut, Operative, or Powertech. Don't try to make a non-melee class into a melee class, Sorcs are a glass cannon (yes they are the glass cannon of the game. Lightning Tree is very much glass cannon). Mercs are a durable machine gun, and Snipers are semi-durable well, Snipers!
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Sorc's aren't designed to be a melee class, same as Merc and Sniper. If you want a melee class then roll a marauder, Juggernaut, Operative, or Powertech. Don't try to make a non-melee class into a melee class, Sorcs are a glass cannon (yes they are the glass cannon of the game. Lightning Tree is very much glass cannon). Mercs are a durable machine gun, and Snipers are semi-durable well, Snipers!


So it is fine that Marauders, Juggernauts and Assasins have some nice ranged iconic force powers but we are not allowed to have one decent melee move?


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So it is fine that Marauders, Juggernauts and Assasins have some nice ranged iconic force powers but we are not allowed to have one decent melee move?



Yes, because we have all the iconic force moves to balance it out. So **** and stop trying to make sorcs into a melee class, they are a caster class. Someone please lock this thread? it's quite pointless.

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Yes, because we have all the iconic force moves to balance it out. So **** and stop trying to make sorcs into a melee class, they are a caster class. Someone please lock this thread? it's quite pointless.


Your reply is pointless and stop attacking strawmans you douchebag. No one asks for Sorc to become a melee class, just one or two viable/situational melee moves which actually do something, or why is it that either Force Choke or Force Push of Sith Warriors infinitely more useful than our 3 melee moves combined and I am not even talking about PvP.

Edited by Vales
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dood, palpatine was a sorc. He one shot TWO Jedi masters in the movies with a melee attack.


Sorcs = OP


nerf sorcs

buff jedi classes


that is all

Yes, but he and everyone else that I mentioned was pretty nasty with the saber. Well, Windu wasn't much offensively with sorcery, and Vitiate wasn't really all there with the saber, but I digress. Point is that the top Sith and Jedi sorcerers/mages/alchemists generally were pretty handy with the steel--sabers that is.

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Windu beat palpy with the saber because, the style windu use is very close to the dark side


(it's a taunt here, but a true fact)


palpy beat yoda wthout a saber (identity conceal for many years without being detected require a lot a skill in tha dark side

you should think that a 800+ years old sage(?) like yoda would be more powerfull against the dark side ^^


ok ok ok


back to the topic, in the game, sorc/sage are ranged, therofre no proficiency in melee whatsoever....


sorry for the author, you won't be please in melee with those 2.

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Windu beat palpy with the saber because, the style windu use is very close to the dark side


(it's a taunt here, but a true fact)


palpy beat yoda wthout a saber (identity conceal for many years without being detected require a lot a skill in tha dark side

you should think that a 800+ years old sage(?) like yoda would be more powerfull against the dark side ^^


ok ok ok


back to the topic, in the game, sorc/sage are ranged, therofre no proficiency in melee whatsoever....


sorry for the author, you won't be please in melee with those 2.


Paply let him win o.o I think he had all that wicked mess planned all along... He knew a weak minded anakin would be alot easier to control if it seriously looked like the Jedi were trying to take over the republic. Paply made up his lies and sad lil Anakin bit the cake of the Dark side lol.

Edited by Corolie
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It does not matter what happens in the movies. What does matter is that we are too vulnerable in PvP against melee classes and 1-2 decent/good instant melee moves would help us a lot against melee trains. I am so sick and tired of them Herpderpsmashermonkeys...
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Or they could let our saber moves scale with willpower. That would be a start at least.


That was removed in the beta. Sorc melee attacks actually scaled with willpower so sorcs were actually doing decent damage with thrash, go figure.


No one really knew what they were doing that early, but the devs for some reason thought sorcs doing decent damage with a lightsaber was OP and removed any melee attacks scaling with willpower. That is also the reason that sorcs are the only class in the game that have a basic attack which should never be used. :(


Not that it would make much difference nowadays anyway, I'd never want to stay in melee range of today's melee classes and try to duke it out that way, that's just suicide.

Edited by Monterone
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