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Well Done BW


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Just a quick note from an average player, I love this new expansion. I am not great at it, I get 1-2 kills a match and some assists, but I can hold my own and I am having a great time.


I love saving up comms to upgrade my ships, customize them a little, really cool. Graphics are nice and I like that I can divert power to shields/engine/guns, kind of a little throw back to X-Wing, simplistic but better than nothing.


I keep hearing negatives about the controls, I have played many flight sims from the Wing Commander series, Elite, Freelance etc. so I do appreciate using a joystick, but the mouse and keyboard work very well for this game. If I were to never see joystick support, it would not bother me that much as the current set up works quite well.


This is not a fully realized free space game, but it is a lot of fun and gives me my Star Wars space fix. I for one will be playing this for a long time to come, especially as they add maps and new ships.


Things I would like to see.

-Better designed Imperial Strike Fighters. The Scout and Gunship look awesome, the Strike....not so much

-An actual hanger for our fighters, much like for our player ship so we can walk around our ships, check them out, perhaps even make them interactive in some ways while grounded. Maybe even have NPC's maintaining the ships, fueling them etc. so the hanger doesn't look static.

-More maps and ships, but we know those are coming

-Cockpit view, this I would love


Anyways, a lot of hate threads about this expansion that may deter some people from trying it out, just wanted to say that I love the new space game and I know many in my guild do as well.


My 2 cents, take it for what it's worth :D

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I keep hearing negatives about the controls, I have played many flight sims from the Wing Commander series, Elite, Freelance etc. so I do appreciate using a joystick, but the mouse and keyboard work very well for this game. If I were to never see joystick support, it would not bother me that much as the current set up works quite well.


This is not a fully realized free space game, but it is a lot of fun and gives me my Star Wars space fix. I for one will be playing this for a long time to come, especially as they add maps and new ships.


My 2 cents, take it for what it's worth :D



I know we will both will go down in flames for this but, i agree i think the mouse and keyboard work nice for this game. And agreed if i never see joystick support it would not bother me at all with how it currently works.


Its true, this is still in early development and depending on how much success it gets, and how many subs they get. They may expand on this rapidly. If of course people flood to swtor for it. In any case the game currently was designed for mouse and keyboard because that is what people use to play SWTOR. If joystick comes, which it may never, it will be lackluster at best. Do not expect good mechanics for it and especially do not expect it to work similar to the flight sims you currently play. This is swtor not those flight sims.




Lets pretend joysticks came. We have such a large player base that comes to this game for so many different reasons. Most won't have a joystick or won't want to use a joystick. Let alone buy one to play this game. The devs made a intelligent decision by not making joysticks available right away if ever because normally for any flight sim or games that use hardcore flight mechanics joysticks are always superior.


And if the general POP was getting pwned hard by the joystick users who are hard core Flight sim players. What kind of outrage would there be? How many people would just flame this forum because ""swtor is forcing us to buy a joystick because we can't compete with the top players who use them, bla bla"". A lot more people would then complain on these forums about joystick users. While there isn't near that amount that are currently asking for it.


And bioware could lose money on their potentially amazing content because then they would have developed it for the minority joystick users. And if they lose money they lose content. If they lose content we won't see much future progress with space content in PVE / PVP / Legacy Form / Character form, so on

Edited by Strixs
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I agree completely about the controls. No need for joystick support (if they implement it, it likely won't be what the people begging for it actually want anyway).


I also like the ship hanger idea...kinda a fluff-thing...may not be worth the resources it takes to create it, but it would be cool to have things like that to connect the space and ground games.

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Azhred:- THE ONLY THING I CAN HONESTLY SAY ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE WRITTEN IS...im jealous and wish I had gotten in and written it first. Totally totally agree.





Will be playing this for ages

Pats on back all round



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I agree OP. They may not have knocked it out of the park with GSF, but they are certainly loading the bases for the "big bat."

Things I would like to see.

-An actual hanger for our fighters, much like for our player ship so we can walk around our ships, check them out, perhaps even make them interactive in some ways while grounded. Maybe even have NPC's maintaining the ships, fueling them etc. so the hanger doesn't look static.

-Cockpit view, this I would love

+5 for both imho. The hangars could house component & cosmetics vendors as well a mission terminal. How cool would it be to have a starfighter showroom floor? Oh yeah, cockpit view would increase the immersion immensely and make it easier to fly in tight quarters. A cockpit perspective is more natural with regard to depth perception than 3rd person view is. The HUD can handle the peripheral monitoring. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I also agree. The controls take a bit to get used to, but once you get the hang of them they work fine. The ships are well balanced, any ship can get a kill on any other if you use the correct tactics. Personally I am enjoying it a great deal.
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Just a quick note from an average player, I love this new expansion. I am not great at it, I get 1-2 kills a match and some assists, but I can hold my own and I am having a great time.


I love saving up comms to upgrade my ships, customize them a little, really cool. Graphics are nice and I like that I can divert power to shields/engine/guns, kind of a little throw back to X-Wing, simplistic but better than nothing.


I keep hearing negatives about the controls, I have played many flight sims from the Wing Commander series, Elite, Freelance etc. so I do appreciate using a joystick, but the mouse and keyboard work very well for this game. If I were to never see joystick support, it would not bother me that much as the current set up works quite well.


This is not a fully realized free space game, but it is a lot of fun and gives me my Star Wars space fix. I for one will be playing this for a long time to come, especially as they add maps and new ships.


Things I would like to see.

-Better designed Imperial Strike Fighters. The Scout and Gunship look awesome, the Strike....not so much

-An actual hanger for our fighters, much like for our player ship so we can walk around our ships, check them out, perhaps even make them interactive in some ways while grounded. Maybe even have NPC's maintaining the ships, fueling them etc. so the hanger doesn't look static.

-More maps and ships, but we know those are coming

-Cockpit view, this I would love


Anyways, a lot of hate threads about this expansion that may deter some people from trying it out, just wanted to say that I love the new space game and I know many in my guild do as well.


My 2 cents, take it for what it's worth :D


I have to say I agree with this.

I would also like to see a story added that explains how your character ends up as a fighter pilot

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My only complaint is that there is no PvE or storyline to go with it. I believe there will be storyline added in February though, through a FP.


I hope so. This is great stuff. I can't really get enough of it. After you get used to things, its very tempting to just start a new match and have some fun. Very easy to get to, and very easy to continue playing as long as you want.

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It's no X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, but it is fun. I hear people complaining about not racking up kills but I think that is a good thing because that means the competition is stiff. The controls are a little challenging (especially for a flight sim dinosaur like myself) but I like that because piloting vehicles and spacecraft should require skills that need to be learned and polished. My only real complaint is the throttle. I don't like the preset speeds. It should simply be W to increase throttle and S to decrease, with any speed between full and stop attainable. All in all I think they did a good job and I'm excited to see if they come out with some different PvP scenarios as well as some PvE missions for solo and group.
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