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10 Good
  1. It can be like shooting fish until somebody discovers you. I personally don't like the gunship at all and I think it is stupid to have a space combat craft that is supposed to play like a sniper. It seems like 7 out of every 10 games that comes out these days is an FPS so I can see why BW created the sniper-style craft, but I hate it. That being said, a good Gunny should not be underestimated out there and I do enjoy finding them and punishing them for not moving.
  2. It's no X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, but it is fun. I hear people complaining about not racking up kills but I think that is a good thing because that means the competition is stiff. The controls are a little challenging (especially for a flight sim dinosaur like myself) but I like that because piloting vehicles and spacecraft should require skills that need to be learned and polished. My only real complaint is the throttle. I don't like the preset speeds. It should simply be W to increase throttle and S to decrease, with any speed between full and stop attainable. All in all I think they did a good job and I'm excited to see if they come out with some different PvP scenarios as well as some PvE missions for solo and group.
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