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Automatic Lose Are you serious ??????


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I had a Win lose ratio from 141 to 0!!!


Today i had the first game which ended after 30 seconds... and it was a loose.......


Now its a 141 to 1.....


Why do we lose only cause we are 12 and the enemys are 8 ???


There wasnt any point at any site so it was a 0:0 (Draw)


Thats **** BW really ****.....

Edited by Rambovi
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Let me be the first to call BS on 141 to 0. If true, sorry, that sucks.


I can see that as easily being possible with a strong premade. As is I've won the vast majority of my games(win ratio 4.5:1) queuing solo because of my previous experience as a beta tester. Had I joined up with one, two, or even three pilots with the same prior experience I'm pretty sure we wouldn't lose except against another such team(which there probably aren't that many of).

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I can see that as easily being possible with a strong premade. As is I've won the vast majority of my games(win ratio 4.5:1) queuing solo because of my previous experience as a beta tester. Had I joined up with one, two, or even three pilots with the same prior experience I'm pretty sure we wouldn't lose except against another such team(which there probably aren't that many of).


Maybe, I just find it very hard to believe that he went 141 matches without getting on a bad team. Not questioning his skill level, just the 11 other random people, or 8 and 3 party. He must have pretty damn good pre-made to pull this off.

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Maybe, I just find it very hard to believe that he went 141 matches without getting on a bad team. Not questioning his skill level, just the 11 other random people, or 8 and 3 party. He must have pretty damn good pre-made to pull this off.


How many games have you seen where the kill total for one team exceeded 40? If you can normally get 10 kills in a match(which isn't all that impressive for a beta tester vs new players), and you've got 3 other people with you who have that skill level, it becomes apparent that those 4 people could probably take on 12 of the newer players simultaneously. Factor in the other 8 players contributing damage and taking damage or otherwise distracting them, and it seems extraordinarily improbable for the 4-man premade to lose.

Edited by Vandicus
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i played all PTS Weekends and started the first maybe 10 games at solo.


After this with one Guildmember all the time.


There was only 1 Game without my wingman and it was the hardest game to win... i only flew from one satelite to the other and wie won 1000 to 978.


So if the Enemy Team hasnt many good players you can carry it alone.

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I don't know if this is a real complaint or just an excuse to show off.


But even if it's just an excuse... Good grief that's awesome.


Are you serious.....


If you made a win streak of 141 and you get a lose cause of the system.... You would go enrage too......


Its not an Excuse i am really angry about this....

Edited by Rambovi
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Are you serious.....


If you made a win streak of 141 and you get a lose cause of the system.... You would go enrage too......


Its not an Excuse i am really angry about this....

I get that you're mad. But take comfort in the fact that you at least got that far without a loss.

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Are you serious.....


If you made a win streak of 141 and you get a lose cause of the system.... You would go enrage too......


Its not an Excuse i am really angry about this....


It wasn't a loss, it was a draw so really your ratio would be 141-0 and one draw

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To be fair, you didn't actually win the game either. Would you have preferred it not even count the game at all?


Yes Cause it wasnt a game 30 seconds waiting isnt a game... so to be fair such a game shouldnt count..


I Know it wasnt a Lose thats not the problem. The Problem is, there are only 2 Achievments you can see this,

- Matches played

- Machtes Won


so if you have more played matches than won matches, there has to be a Lose in the Counting

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I had computed via the Legacy system that out of I think it was 20 ? games, I had won only 6.


This can easily be computed by the total number of games played, plus adding all wins together (the Legacy system seems to cound ship-specific wins, at least that's the impression I got, because there was one ctegory saying "wins", which listed 4 times, but another category listed 2 ...)

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I had computed via the Legacy system that out of I think it was 20 ? games, I had won only 6.


This can easily be computed by the total number of games played, plus adding all wins together (the Legacy system seems to cound ship-specific wins, at least that's the impression I got, because there was one ctegory saying "wins", which listed 4 times, but another category listed 2 ...)


There is an Achievment Wins per Ship (Counts even if you use all 3 ships in one game so this would be 1 Win per ship) and an Achievment Matches won (only 1 Win per win)

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There is an Achievment Wins per Ship (Counts even if you use all 3 ships in one game so this would be 1 Win per ship) and an Achievment Matches won (only 1 Win per win)


First of all congrats on your streak I would be so mad if this happened to me so far it has not.


Secondly what server you on I must dogfight and or beat you to ensue more rage :)

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