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DPS help?


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Anyone out there really good with their PT in terms of DPS with Hybird (2/22/22) spec?


If there is someone out there that is willing to help can you take a look at this parse;


And my gear at the time of the parse (The Focused retribution relic isn't updated in AMR yet, as it gives 625 Main Stat on proc now);



Parse was done on the Ship Dummy with 1million HP mod applied and nothing else, and for the life of me I can not figure out how to break through the 2.9k dps wall. And I feel like with my gear I should be able to break through that wall without needing an Armor-Reduction debuff. I am open to advice on how to improve and breach that damn wall.....


Thanks in advance for your time;


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There is a guide here:


Written in Republic Special Forces terminology, for how-to-DPS-Hybrid like C-Tor. C-tor, for reference, holds 4/10 of the #1 positions in Dread Fortress/Dread Palace HM


So first off swap from 2/22/22 to 8/22/16


If we ignore the aim boost (because I have no idea how to calculate that), your parse drops from 2864dps to 2790.5dps, however if aim is just a static boost then it jumps up to 2870dps (this is assuming 1% aim = 1%dps...)


Next up, I looked at your gear. You had a bunch of 34 Proficient enhancements when they could have been equally good as 31 Initiative Enhancements, and the initiative ones give out more power (by about 20 points each) as well. And the Underworld Serendipitous assault is actually slightly worse (by sustained 11 power) than the PvP version, so I'd pick up that one as well.

However, you said you should be able to do it with just your gear you have now (still questioning half of it though), so we'll ignore that.


Finally, follow that guide at the top. It will teach you all you need to know about using the hybrid, and should easily push you higher than 2864dps.

Also it looked like you didn't use adrenals or explosive fuel much at all throughout the fight, but it might just be me unable to properly analyse these things. If you didn't, they help. Alot.

Edited by TACeMossie
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The 3 points into the Steely Resolve or whatever its called would actually be 3% more aim then I have, plus the increase of fire base damage by 6% from Hyper Fuel... Over just a 30% surge for free to Rail Shot, Flame Burst, and CGC... Might be more worth it to go with the 8/22/16 since the 2 into Rail Loaders and 3 into Hyper Fuel....beat the hell out of 15% less periodic damage and less heat on flame sweep.


The issue with swapping the Enhancements... I can only swap one out...maybe two. I need to go look at what the minimal Accuracy Rating amount is to have 100% ranged Accuracy. Off hand I think it is 440 Accuracy Rating total, in which case I could drop 2 of the enhancements and gain 20 more power without any loss of accuracy %. If not 440, then I can only drop one. And good lord I so do not feel like doing a ton of PvP for the Orboan SA relic... -.- The amount of PvP I did for the Main Stat relic was rough enough, then again I had to also get 40 valor while working on getting enough comms.


I did use Explosive Fuel and an Adrenal during that parse. I normally pair my Explosive Fuel with Thermal Sensor Override which I team with 3 stack Flamethrower. I am thinking I may want to not do that now... Since the 15 second shorter CD on Explosive Fuel from setbonus might let me squeeze in one more pop of Fuel into the parse.


Thats another thing I wanted to note, and I'll edit the original post. Despite what AMR says, I do have my 4 piece setbonus.

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For the record, I didn't write or help with the vanguard guide. There are a couple things I disagree with, but all in all it is a good start. I still run 2/22/22 on a dummy and the majority of ops bosses. I run 4/6/36 on fights like tyrans, raptus, council, etc - more mobile fights.


I notice a couple fairly major things.


Looking at your parse, your apm is low. On a dummy you should be between 40-41. Your damage percentages are off. Your rail shot should be around 20-22% of your damage while your flamethrower should be somewhere around 18-20% (depending on procs). You are using rapid shots way too much, which suggests you are running out of energy. You aren't really using IM enough, which alone is like 200-300 dps. If you are going below 4 ticks constantly your dps is going to suck. My suggestion would be to focus more on proccing rail shot over flamethrower. Also, you aren't really maintaining your dots (IM mostly). You should at least have gut and IM up all the time, if CGC falls off just try to get it back up asap (they really need to swap the proc chances around). Gear is definitely part of it, but its not everything. My much worse geared powertech can hold 3200 on a dummy. If you have a specific question I'll answer it, but I'm not really a fan of guides. The more you practice the better you will be.

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For the record, I didn't write or help with the vanguard guide. There are a couple things I disagree with, but all in all it is a good start. I still run 2/22/22 on a dummy and the majority of ops bosses. I run 4/6/36 on fights like tyrans, raptus, council, etc - more mobile fights.


I notice a couple fairly major things.


Looking at your parse, your apm is low. On a dummy you should be between 40-41. Your damage percentages are off. Your rail shot should be around 20-22% of your damage while your flamethrower should be somewhere around 18-20% (depending on procs). You are using rapid shots way too much, which suggests you are running out of energy. You aren't really using IM enough, which alone is like 200-300 dps. If you are going below 4 ticks constantly your dps is going to suck. My suggestion would be to focus more on proccing rail shot over flamethrower. Also, you aren't really maintaining your dots (IM mostly). You should at least have gut and IM up all the time, if CGC falls off just try to get it back up asap (they really need to swap the proc chances around). Gear is definitely part of it, but its not everything. My much worse geared powertech can hold 3200 on a dummy. If you have a specific question I'll answer it, but I'm not really a fan of guides. The more you practice the better you will be.


Haha time for that guy to re-write the whole guide

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How exactly do you keep your energy low while applying IM that often? I start hitting issues with heat if I'm weaving in IM more into the rotation, I'll sneak right up to the 25 heat range really quick which'll lower my regen on it. How often should I breach that point though for the sake of keeping IM up? Like in that parse if you could give me an example or two of where I shoulda used an IM over what I did use it will help.


And I take it by "4 ticks" you mean IM, CGC, Gut, and my actual use ability (flamethrower, flame burst, rail shot, rocket punch)?




Also don't blame ya for disliking guides. With a spec like this one a guide cannot really help since the PPA proc can pretty much change around every parse and every fight.

Edited by ZentheSecond
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And I take it by "4 ticks" you mean IM, CGC, Gut, and my actual use ability (flamethrower, flame burst, rail shot, rocket punch)?


Pretty sure he's talking about energy management. When you look at the energy bar (or heat bar in this case), you can see that at 0-40 heat (100-60 energy) that the energy regen/heat disipation is represented by 4 ticks, and as the energy gets lower/heat gets higher the ticks go to 3, 2, then 1, and the energy regen starts sucking more and more and more as it gets lower.


So basically dont get above 40 heat, ever.


Well, unless your gonna use a vent heat at least.

and if you are doing that, let yourself hit 70 heat first.


Though remember that Rail Shot on a burning target is effectively free from 0-32 heat (natural heat disipation is 8 heat/GCD, as well as 8 heat regen from rail shot hitting a burning target) and when 2.4 came out Incendiary Missile now uses the same heat as Flame Burst and Retractable Blade.

Edited by TACeMossie
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I still run 2/22/22 on a dummy and the majority of ops bosses. I run 4/6/36 on fights like tyrans, raptus, council, etc - more mobile fights.


I know many who respec in the middle of an OP to be as effective as possible, but isn't this in itself evidence that PT trees are broken for PvE raiding if this is so necessary to pull low-end decent numbers?

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I know many who respec in the middle of an OP to be as effective as possible, but isn't this in itself evidence that PT trees are broken for PvE raiding if this is so necessary to pull low-end decent numbers?


Hybrid and full AP require a target that you can get a three second channel off on, as a three stack flamethrower is roughly 20% of their damage over a boss fight according to a lot of parses I see. So do you want a Dps that is missing 20% of their damage cause mechanics in the fight require the tank to kite the boss (Sunder and Calp for example) or a boss that will stealth and move (Styrak and Tyrans for example).


So in those fights where movement is a heavy requirement then using the Pyro spec which is ALL instant cast abilities, not a single part of the pyro build is channeled. That will benefit the PT as they can still put out good damage even if it is a little less then they can do in another spec. I personally would rather lose 5% Dps by using a spec that is not my norm then lose potentially 20% of my Dps because I cannot get off a three second channel.




On topic;

I swapped my spec to 8/22/18 and parsed without adrenals I think but with a stim. Broke the 2.9k wall and this was before swapping out two enhancements from the 78 version to the 72 version (more power, less accuracy). I am defiantly working on weaving in more IMs into my rotation to keep the DoT damage up.

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Congrats on breaking through that wall!


One final note: Typically when people are optimising in 72's its done with 5 accuracy enhancements + 1 accuracy augment. The increased power from the BiS enhancements will more than make up for the slight loss in aim from swapping an aim augment for an accuracy one.


Also with 5 enhancements you hit 99.51% accuracy with the 3 points from your accuracy skill, but with the augment as well it goes to 99.91% (so instead of a 1/205 attacks miss, its 1/1111.111111... attacks will miss

Edited by TACeMossie
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