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Annihilation Stack timer thoughts?


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Im having mixed feelings about the changes to the stacks. I mean dont get me wrong its nice and its much easier to keep stacks up and for fights like titan you wont have to worry about it. But at the same time. It makes it almost boring. There is no sense of urgency anymore i never feel like im going to lose stacks or dps. Everything just keeps moving and i dont even have to try. I think additional time was needed and they should keep it but just wanted to see if other felt the same.
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Its a decent change.. Some fights with longer pauses you can even still lose it though tbh unless you are really careful.

The main thing its useful for is in fights where there is a lot of movement involved sometimes before 2.5 you'd get the tank moving the boss and you wouldn't be expecting it and you'd lose stacks cause you hadn't renewed in time.. now you don't really run into this problem. Though for fights with long pauses in mechanics losing them is still quite possible (though easier to hold onto if you're careful while being almost impossible before..)

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I never really have had serious problems keeping them up. Plus pulling off the building to a 6 second Annihilate phase for me is trivially easy. The only part of playing the spec that has challenge for me is keeping maximum DPS up when Annihilate is on a 6 second CD, and the Execute phase. I would be happy if Bioware got rid of the stacks purely from the standpoint of that phase is incredibly easy to do, not out of concern of how much it affects DPS.
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I never really have had serious problems keeping them up. Plus pulling off the building to a 6 second Annihilate phase for me is trivially easy. The only part of playing the spec that has challenge for me is keeping maximum DPS up when Annihilate is on a 6 second CD, and the Execute phase. I would be happy if Bioware got rid of the stacks purely from the standpoint of that phase is incredibly easy to do, not out of concern of how much it affects DPS.


Before the patch it was extremely tricky to build them up. On the first stack you only had 1 GCD to apply it a second time. If for some reason beyond your control you were not able to hit the boss you were being severely affected.

The stacks of Annihilator do make sense, at 4 stacks the total dps you get from Annihilation is double when compared to no stacks. But what doesn't make sense is the 6 stacks of Juyo, they are very fast to get and doesn't conform to the philosophy of "You do more damage as the fight goes on".

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Im having mixed feelings about the changes to the stacks. I mean dont get me wrong its nice and its much easier to keep stacks up and for fights like titan you wont have to worry about it. But at the same time. It makes it almost boring. There is no sense of urgency anymore i never feel like im going to lose stacks or dps. Everything just keeps moving and i dont even have to try. I think additional time was needed and they should keep it but just wanted to see if other felt the same.


No, stop. You KNOW devs love to break specs, let's stay quiet :D

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It definitely made the spec much more enjoyable to play in PVP. Getting past 2 stacks was nearly impossible to do before.

Honestly, the main problem with anni in pvp is getting slowed, both other specs have other means to get out of slows (outside of cc break) playing anni is just a slowfest especially with all the fotm mid tree pt/vgs being EVERYWHERE... running around slowing you down to a snails pace with flamethrower/pulse cannon. Combat/carnage can camo out... focus/rage can use obilerate/zealous leap. Anni/watchman has nothing of the sort to break snares/slows/roots and considering it needs to stay on target longer then the others to get a kill.. its a problem. Its the main thing that kills the spec for me over the other 2 specs. (The amount of slows and kiting skills for other classes in the game increased alot since 2.0 came out which makes the spec more annoying to play in wzs)

Edited by AngusFTW
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