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Why is there only PvP battles ?


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I think Bioware should delete the old galactic feature from the game and create a whole new PvE galactic thing.


In my opinion, this pvp thing is very funny, but I'm not a big fan of PvP. I have some kind of disease that makes me rage even when my team win. A single death and I have this need to punch my wall and that's why I'm not playing it that much. I'm not a weak player, but I'm not overskilled either. That's why I prefer PvE in every game I play, and that includes almost every FPS I played.


So please just create a PvE galactic feature for the sake of my hands and my walls ! Thank you.

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Because it is probably the best way to test environments before expanding to other formats, and ya, you have to have competent AI design in a free form space combat simulation. Notice how there is ZERO AI in the current PvE space combat? I am guess we will never get a good PvE freeform space combat in this game because they probably don't have the resources to build a good AI for it.
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I'm not sure why they didn't sticky the statement, but it went along the lines of them having trouble with the AI acting weirdly in the 3D environment.


Give it time they'll likely get it working in a few months.


Even assuming they had an already made AI and had to do absolutely zero work on it it's still easier to do pvp. For pvp you need just an arena to fight in. For pve you need the arena and some sort of design to the encounter(how and when ships appear etc) which takes time. It's kind of like how it would be easier in game now to release a new pvp battlefield than a flashpoint.


I'm certain the thinking was along the line of "well the ships fly, let them have fun with that fighting each other while we develop the rest of it."

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Even assuming they had an already made AI and had to do absolutely zero work on it it's still easier to do pvp. For pvp you need just an arena to fight in. For pve you need the arena and some sort of design to the encounter(how and when ships appear etc) which takes time. It's kind of like how it would be easier in game now to release a new pvp battlefield than a flashpoint.


I'm certain the thinking was along the line of "well the ships fly, let them have fun with that fighting each other while we develop the rest of it."


I've heard they are working on flashpoints for the space content, so I think they did more work than we're aware of.

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Then they need to announce these upcoming features, not just hint at them. I've participated since beta. Recruited around 12 or 15 players for them, too - all of whom have now left, but that's on Bioware. Unlike a lot of people I've kept up a continuous sub the whole time. Galactic Starfighter is going to change that.


I don't *like* PvP. I don't PAY for PvP. I don't play PvP. I play on a RP server. So they introduce the feature we've begged them for since they unveiled space-on-rails as PvP only. I don't CARE that it is easier for them. They want my money, they have to do PvE.


Between the gawd-awful control scheme, making it PvP only, and not instituting ANY sort of a bracket system, I don't see any point in supporting them any longer. Why would I want to pay to be a target drone for the players who can cope with this, and help them keep getting better and better? While I can't survive long enough to learn a darn thing? All these nice things that are supposedly coming are not going to be helped at all if they lose a bunch of subs.

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Then they need to announce these upcoming features, not just hint at them. I've participated since beta. Recruited around 12 or 15 players for them, too - all of whom have now left, but that's on Bioware. Unlike a lot of people I've kept up a continuous sub the whole time. Galactic Starfighter is going to change that.


I don't *like* PvP. I don't PAY for PvP. I don't play PvP. I play on a RP server. So they introduce the feature we've begged them for since they unveiled space-on-rails as PvP only. I don't CARE that it is easier for them. They want my money, they have to do PvE.


Between the gawd-awful control scheme, making it PvP only, and not instituting ANY sort of a bracket system, I don't see any point in supporting them any longer. Why would I want to pay to be a target drone for the players who can cope with this, and help them keep getting better and better? While I can't survive long enough to learn a darn thing? All these nice things that are supposedly coming are not going to be helped at all if they lose a bunch of subs.


You have to think of it from a marketer's point of view. Having a deadline public means if you're not done people are going to get royally ticked off regardless how good the finished project will be. While if they hint at it, like their super secret space project, and for the most part stay silent and work hard, they can get it done with less risk.

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And BOOM, I was just waiting for the first pve only players to start with their collective tears and gnashing of teeth. Just because you happen to be bad at pvp isn't reason enough to throw rocks at people who aren't and enjoy it.



Enough already. Don't like pvp in space? PLAY THE OTHER ONE THEN.





Bio has done a hell of a job with GS. Spectacular job! Many of us appreciate the job you have done for us pvpers.




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Then they need to announce these upcoming features, not just hint at them. I've participated since beta. Recruited around 12 or 15 players for them, too - all of whom have now left, but that's on Bioware. Unlike a lot of people I've kept up a continuous sub the whole time. Galactic Starfighter is going to change that.


I don't *like* PvP. I don't PAY for PvP. I don't play PvP. I play on a RP server. So they introduce the feature we've begged them for since they unveiled space-on-rails as PvP only. I don't CARE that it is easier for them. They want my money, they have to do PvE.


Between the gawd-awful control scheme, making it PvP only, and not instituting ANY sort of a bracket system, I don't see any point in supporting them any longer. Why would I want to pay to be a target drone for the players who can cope with this, and help them keep getting better and better? While I can't survive long enough to learn a darn thing? All these nice things that are supposedly coming are not going to be helped at all if they lose a bunch of subs.




Lol at 'lose a lot of subs' because you happen to be bad at pvp. (self admitted)......



Bio has done a great job on GS and just because you happen to be bad at it isnt' enough of a reason to bash it.


Why do the pve crowd only insist on whining about a great addition to SWTOR? Its amazing......




Many of us pvpers are truly enjoying the new content. Well done Bio, keep up the good work.

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And BOOM, I was just waiting for the first pve only players to start with their collective tears and gnashing of teeth. Just because you happen to be bad at pvp isn't reason enough to throw rocks at people who aren't and enjoy it.


I think too many are writing it off without really giving it a chance. I'm normaly a pve only person, I would have preferred it had space flashpoints and ops and heroics and all that. But I'm still loving the hell out of this and even when pve comes to space it won't stop me from doing the pvp in space too.

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