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Some of you are really really dumb


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First of all let me just say me and my 4 friends are back after an absence we've been subscribers since launch ya that's right we did not rage quit and threaten the almighty bio-ware with our subs we just left and supported the game while we were gone so that it could get better. Lol although they at the beginning tried so hard not to let me pay them.


One point I had to CALL bioware and say uh you are not charging me for subs herp derp. Anyway I digress heres some stuff for you select few who cant figure out how to understand anything this game has to offer.


Pay to win does not exist in GSF your not reading or doing math if you think it is period you can win with a basic gunship vs a elite scout if all you do is outsmart the guy simple as that



Push X on any ship and you stop voodoo magic I know right?


Thirdly I dont like the controls either but you know what none of GSF lived up to my expectations but, Ive chosen instead of being a bitter butthurt fool who cant read or determine if it is indeed worth my time I have made the decision to play and have fun for what it is not what I wanted. Among other things in this game it will get better and hopefully you all who are screaming and shouting with your false data will go hoarse and just










yup thats about it sorry for the rant

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I support the above noted statements. You cannot buy coms you have to play to get them, if someone has 10000 (I have around that, and 4k fleet reqs), it's because they play a lot, or haven't upgraded their ships.


I have had to stop multiple times to target those guys that think they are smart by stopping close to the objective so it's hard to target them while moving. I stop nearly 12k out and let them eat proton torpedoes.

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Thanks for supporting this people need to calm down and I cannot even fathom were people got the idea only gunships can stop some guy wrote a whole explanation on why gunship is his favorite based on that reason alone.


Talk about a bubble burster

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Oh yeah, I'm so stupid: I have trouble with those god forsaken commands. I must suffer for Down Syndrom !


But guess what ? I'm smart enough to not waste my time providing you with free kills while I try to figure out how to pilot the craft. Expansion written off after two hours : have fun killing newbies for the next year with your maxed craft.

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I hated the controls to man but they are not going to put in anything better if we dont support the game. I guess you could argue that if we dont it will make them implement it faster but I think thats 50/50.



Lol obviously the title was generalizing the hate mongers and the loudmouths complaining about facts that are wrong like gunships being op because they can stop lol.


Also just kinda targeted yourself man this was a public announcement for everyone to please act a little less R word lol and you shouldnt make light of people with down syndrome not cool bro

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<3 this thread.


Too many rage quitters and whiners, much like COD or BF or other shooter games. Some people can hang, some can't.


I'm not a great pilot...I get shot down a lot. A LOT. So I have taken to being a pest...assisting better pilots with kills, kiting ships into the path of turrets and better pilots, capping points, etc.


There's only ONE WAY TO LEARN in this game, and that's to play it...and you WILL have frustrating matches. And you will ALSO have awesome matches where your team crushes the other team. It's called "a game". I suggest that if you're not into potentially losing once and while in a game, then you either need to loosen your posterior hole, or go find another hobby.


Seriously...I suck...and I still manage to at least get awards and bronze medals most games sheerly from assists and point caps.

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Traduction : the only way to win is to lose valuable hours by feeding kills to the ones who have an headstart.


This is not true, before you launch back out after being killed you can roughly see how many enemies are where you were killed and where your squadmates are. I generally die once or twice per match, and it's almost always near the start because I went to one node with or two team mates and 6 of their guys showed up.


If you are not elite, hang out with the rest of your squad.

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First of all let me just say me and my 4 friends are back after an absence we've been subscribers since launch ya that's right we did not rage quit and threaten the almighty bio-ware with our subs we just left and supported the game while we were gone so that it could get better. Lol although they at the beginning tried so hard not to let me pay them.


One point I had to CALL bioware and say uh you are not charging me for subs herp derp. Anyway I digress heres some stuff for you select few who cant figure out how to understand anything this game has to offer.


Pay to win does not exist in GSF your not reading or doing math if you think it is period you can win with a basic gunship vs a elite scout if all you do is outsmart the guy simple as that



Push X on any ship and you stop voodoo magic I know right?


Thirdly I dont like the controls either but you know what none of GSF lived up to my expectations but, Ive chosen instead of being a bitter butthurt fool who cant read or determine if it is indeed worth my time I have made the decision to play and have fun for what it is not what I wanted. Among other things in this game it will get better and hopefully you all who are screaming and shouting with your false data will go hoarse and just










yup thats about it sorry for the rant


THANK YOU! I have been a sub since launch, I have watched a bunch of hypocrites rant incessantly about how this game is "awful" or "worst game I have ever played" yet, big shock! months later I still see they are here still posting in the forums, it irritates the crap out of me. Seeing a bunch of guys, all likely adults and twice my age (I am 16 by the way) going on ranting as if Bioware murdered someone just because they do something like delay season 1, its idiotic, its frustrating, and I don't know what rational human being puts that much effort and energy into a GAME just to yell about it. Thank you Pdeckard, you have expressed the thoughts of all the rational people ( which is a very low number) who post on these forums.:cool:

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Oh yeah, I'm so stupid: I have trouble with those god forsaken commands. I must suffer for Down Syndrom !


But guess what ? I'm smart enough to not waste my time providing you with free kills while I try to figure out how to pilot the craft. Expansion written off after two hours : have fun killing newbies for the next year with your maxed craft.


Woah dude. no one call you out for being stupid. you kinda volunteered that yourself. Looks like you're just feeding people kills no matter where you go, eh buddy?

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This is the kind of game where the ''Learning curve'' means ''start to play first to grind the gear and then pretends to be good''.


So have fun. I'm not going to participate.


You sure do post a lot for someone that is not going to participate.

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Traduction : the only way to win is to lose valuable hours by feeding kills to the ones who have an headstart.


This is wrong. Want to learn to fly without giving people kills use tutorial mode and just practice maneuvering in the asteroid fields get used to your controls that way. And yeah in the matches someone with more experience will probably have an advantage for a while. But them getting kills from you wont make them all that much better. This game is still about 80-90% skill rather than whether or not your ship is maxed out with mods. So once the learning curve levels out everyone is on a fairly level playing field. So till then whats it matter if you get beat on a lot. I get my a** kicked regularly playing this. But it happens less and less the more I play. Or are you one of these kids nowadays that got participation trophies playing sports without keeping score cause they didn't want to hurt your feelings. Then I can see why you feel you should be able to win without working hard to get good at something.

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Yep, I'm doing some kind of ''grind'' right now that involve doing a mind-numbing task for some credits (that's called work, and I find it more entertaining than TOR )


You don't like the game, we get it, but why are you posting so many responses putting the game down, you got a right to an opinion but for someone who says she does not find the game entertaining you seem to have a lot of time to post on forums saying you "will not participate" as if its some big deal we must all pay attention to.

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I started working (real work and university work) at 8AM this morning. It's currently 18 PM, I have to work till 11 PM at least, and my only leisure for the whole day had been to munch a sandwich for 10 minutes and go here to complain. That's how boring is my life. Edited by Angedechu
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This is the kind of game where the ''Learning curve'' means ''start to play first to grind the gear and then pretends to be good''.


So have fun. I'm not going to participate.


I dunno if you read the description for every MMO out there but it basically says in bold "GRIND AND EVEN MORE GRIND".


So please, do not complain about grinding in an MMO, it will only make you look bad.

Edited by micnevv
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I don't mind getting killed by tautauns (or skeletons). I hate the idea of providing someone free kills.


Sometimes you kill, sometimes you get killed, but its still doable, and you can practice without giving any "free kills" by opening the hangar and clicking on the question mark in the upper right hand corner, it will take you to the training area, free to do whatever you want and practice movement and killing drones.

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